Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The record stands as of Wednesday March 8, 2017. A quick word on the first half of this location's in winter; [Day 75 of winter 55 degrees] after the strong winds died down the weather has turned very cold fore cast is for temps. To below 15 temps Saturday and then warm up by Tuesday day. Crazy swing 15 - to 55 in next few days.Well it happened, weather will warm today near 60 degrees with light rain .Its funny how the mere fact of believing the weather will improve makes whatever the present weather seem so easy to handle. A big snow fall hit on Thursday February 9th day 49 of winter dropped 10-12 inches. As of Wednesday March 8, 2017 I have now done 3430 3/4 workouts in the last 3302 days, 3430 3/4 /3302 =1.0389 + 128 3/4 days! From Sunday 2/12 to Saturday 2/18 I have done 7 hours and 45 minutes of hard cardio Awesome ! A plus 45 ** Tuesday March 7, 2017 after working 7 hours and 30 minutes. (Sunday February 26,2017 I did a reading at church Perhaps,my final reading for awhile at the church.) I got on the purple arc trainer and burned 2781.25 calories, during 75 minutes 37.0833 calorie burn per minute. Highlight of the workout ? Burning )2225 calories in the first 60 minutes. That 75 minute workout gave me my 5 1/4 hour of doing a hard cardiovascular workout for the week of 3/5/17- 3/4/17. For week Sunday 2/19-Saturday 2/25 I have now done 480 minutes( Sun 90 Mon 60 Tue 90 Wed 60 Thur 60 Fri 60 Sat 60) interesting in the days I got rest I burned 2299+2334 + 2326 calories in 180 minutes. An average of 38.66 calories burned per minute. However, in my other days on less rest I burned 6304 in 180 minutes which is a 35.02 calories burned per minute ) plus on Thursday I was beat! But I still manage to burn 2220 in the hour) of hard cardiovascular exercise my goal is 420 minutes of hard cardiovascular exercise by end of the day Saturday. I have 0 minutes left to for Saturday .Another workout and I will plus for the week, again! I plussed this week @ 60! I beat last week's plus 45. Its now a new week and my goal each week is 60 minutes a day a total of 420 minutes seven days. On Sunday February 26 ( Day 1 of Week February 26 to March 4 ) I did 120 minutes over the next six days I need to do 300 more minutes to reach my goal.Today February 27 ( Day 3 of week 26 to March 5) I did a sixty minute workout. I have now done 240 of the goal 420 for the week I need to do 180 more minutes to reach the goal my for tomorrow is to do another 120 minutes. I did not hit that goal but on Day 4 of the week 2/26-3/4 As of now I have done 420 minutes for the week. I only need 0 more minutes to hit the goal of 420 minutes for week 2/26-3/4 On Saturday the 4th I did another 60 minutes which brought my week total to 8 hours. We gained another hour. My plan for today was to gain an hour which I did today. Tomorrow Monday, my goal is to gain one more hour which will get me to 4 hours by Tuesday am. As we start week 3/5-3/11 Sunday 3/5 did 120 minutes Monday 3/6 did 60 minutes Tuesday 3/7/17 did 60 minutes Wednesday 3/8/17 did 75 minutes WTD 5 1/4 My goal is 8 hours by the end of the day Saturday. I need 2 3/4 hours more. My goal over the next 52 weeks is to gain 1 hour a week so by years end I will be a plus 52 hours. As of end of third week I am at 2 hours and forty five minutes over. I am 49 hours and 25 minutes from my goal. A good challenge! Nine years fourteen days to the DAY! THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY PLUS DAYS!!! 9 YEARS! BREAK OUT THE ACAI BOWL!

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