Saturday, March 4, 2017

The record stands as of Saturday March 4,2017. A quick word on the first half of this location's in winter; [Day 71 of winter after the strong winds died down the weather has turned very cold fore cast is for temps. To below 15 temps Saturday and then warm up by Tuesday day. Crazy swing 15 - to 55 in next few days. A big snow fall hit on Thursday February 9th day 49 of winter dropped 10-12 inches. As of Saturday March 4 , 2017 I have now done 3425 1/2 workouts in the last 3298 days, 3425 1/2 /3298 =1.0387 + 127 1/2 days! From Sunday 2/12 to Saturday 2/18 I have done 7 hours and 45 minutes of hard cardio Awesome ! A plus 45 ** Saturday March 4 , 2017 after working a minuscule 3 hours and 45 minutes. (Sunday February 26,2017 I did a reading at church Perhaps,my final reading for awhile at the church.) I got on the yellow arc trainer and burned 2220 calories, during 60 minutes 37.33 calorie burn per minute. Highlight of the workout? Burning 740 calories in the last 20 minutes.37 calories burned per minute. That 60 minute workout gave me my 8 hour of doing a hard cardiovascular workout for the week of 2/26-3/4. Hurray for the second week in a row I gained an hour! For week Sunday 2/19-Saturday 2/25 I have now done 480 minutes( Sun 90 Mon 60 Tue 90 Wed 60 Thur 60 Fri 60 Sat 60) interesting in the days I got rest I burned 2299+2334 + 2326 calories in 180 minutes. An average of 38.66 calories burned per minute. However, in my other days on less rest I burned 6304 in 180 minutes which is a 35.02 calories burned per minute ) plus on Thursday I was beat! But I still manage to burn 2220 in the hour) of hard cardiovascular exercise my goal is 420 minutes of hard cardiovascular exercise by end of the day Saturday. I have 0 minutes left to for Saturday .Another workout and I will plus for the week, again! I plussed this week @ 60! I beat last week's plus 45. Its now a new week and my goal each week is 60 minutes a day a total of 420 minutes seven days. On Sunday February 26 ( Day 1 of Week February 26 to March 4 ) I did 120 minutes over the next six days I need to do 300 more minutes to reach my goal.Today February 27 ( Day 3 of week 26 to March 5) I did a sixty minute workout. I have now done 240 of the goal 420 for the week I need to do 180 more minutes to reach the goal my for tomorrow is to do another 120 minutes. I did not hit that goal but on Day 4 of the week 2/26-3/4 As of now I have done 420 minutes for the week. I only need 0 more minutes to hit the goal of 420 minutes for week 2/26-3/4 We gained another hour. My plan for tomorrow s gain an hour and follow Monday up with another hour gained which will get me to 4 hours by Tuesday am. My goal over the next 44 weeks is to gain 1 hour a week so by years end I will be a plus 171 hours. A good challenge! Nine years ten days to the DAY! THREE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY PLUS DAYS!!! 9 YEARS! BREAK OUT THE ACAI BOWL!

Went to church where I did the reading Sunday 1/15//17

ON December 16 today started taking Vitamin D 2000 IU

Very good challenge as I learned a good amount. 
Also,  parlaying the taking of  329 Nootrocell tablets as of Friday the 4th of March  2017 @7:01 PM on (Saturday 1/7 /17 I ordered 5 more bottles). Started a new bottle first of 5 that came in on the 1/19 The shipment arrived today 1/19/17 (To is the 7th business day product should have arrived by now.)
Now I am waiting on the USANA which according to tracking is in transit and should be here Friday( tomorrow). Usana did arrive today 2 bottles ( 56 x 2= 112 which last 112/4= 28 days til  2/19 next process will be 2/12 
Last shipment came within 5 days of order being processed 
I need to decide if 7 days is enough time. The 12 th is a Sunday that leaves 5 business days til the 19th. Its tricky. 
My son has recently joined me in the use of the vitamin Nootrocell Focus.
However as of today, he has decided not to take it any more at this time. He feels that the supplement is giving him negative thoughts.
 As today December 21 st the first day of winter I opened my third bottle.
Back to the work routine slept -  ( slept in a house with power. Started taking Limbex  have taken 360 tablets so far.( as of this Friday 11/25/16 2:41 pm) now have some remaining flexo Plex took 17 tablets for last seven days now done as of 5:42 pm. 
Stopped after 120+ 8 days of taking vitamins for shoulder pain.
***Have a bunch of bottles not opened. Looking to send them all back.Since I got the shot on 9/13/16 I feel like the tablets are not the reason for less pain.

Reorder auto ship of USANA - learned yesterday that 
1) I stopped delivery of anymore Limbex
2) I stopped delivery of anymore Actlin
3 ) I can not return of the product that I never opened!

Friday 74 another 11 hour day ratcheting up my hours heading into Saturday to 39+
175,486/4739= 37.030 * using lower inducing number machine.
Saturday 75 NO WORKOUT
175,486/4739= 37.030
Sunday 76 back in the game Super bowl Sunday!
Monday 77 as we clean up at work
180,931/4889= 37.007
Tuesday 78 My lead at work has jumper for his vacation.
Wednesday 79 As advertised and planned now 1 hour for the week( however may not get to gym tomorrow due to snow storm)
Thursday 80 as I have said many times, I love the early am workout! Beat the storm!
Its amazing how eighty days have passed since I decided to increase my awareness of my workout number since my vacation which began on November 20, 2016.
Friday 81 sticking to the plan!
191,047/ 5159= 37.031
Saturday 82 the climate foe working a lot of hours this week just was not right.
193,280/5219= 37.033
Sunday 83 Sunday snowy Sunday
Monday 84 One for the books
198,755/5369= 37.019
Tuesday  85 a classic battle of perseverance I needed a lot of heart 
200,960/ 5429= 37.016
Wednesday 86 a great sleep!
203,173/ 5489= 37.014
Thursday 87 hectic stifling but a great challenge met!
Friday 88 fast time to forty work hours
Saturday 89 early dismissal!
Sunday 90 first of two consecutive days off.
213,748/5774= 37.019
Monday 91 another day off!
216,047/5834= 37.032
Tuesday 92 back to work almost a 100 💯 days
219,051/5924= 36.976
Wednesday 93 a truly awesome workout to celebrate the nine year anniversary!
221,385/5984= 36.996
Thursday 94 I was a warrior today as I blasted on fumes!

Friday 95 what awesome way to spend 60 minutes!
225,931/6104= 37.013 
Saturday 96 another short Saturday
228,172/6164= 37.016
Sunday 97 after a great long sleep I did a two hard cardio vascular workout!
Monday 98 record time!!
234,886/6,324= 37.01419
Tuesday  99 I beat the yellow monster!
Wednesday 100 days of monitoring!
Thursday 101 felt uplifted
241,633/ 6504=37.1514 
Friday 102 are u kidding me? 11 and  a half then 1 and a half!
243,875/6,564 =37.1534
Saturday short for the third straight week!

**Amazing and rewarding that I have been on this intense program for a solid month.
Today is the day alfter my most recent workout.Today is also Christmas Eve Day.
Inspiration was high every day! Sleep was high as sleeping schedule of 7- 8 hours followed by a good hard cardio vascular workout has yielded a great sense of well being. 
As the vacation winds down, I take away a great feeling satisfaction that I did burn more in an hour than I had been prior to the vacation.
I still insist that the first thing in the am workouts are phenomenal! 

It is very interesting to notice that after I take the afternoon tablets that I get a second wind  and have a large amount of energy. 
I was  psyched  enough!

Got a cortisone shot in my left shoulder around 3:30 on Tuesday 9/13/16 told by  Doc not to workout til Wednesday.

 Tuesday the 18 th of October  I opened the second bottle of Nootrocell Focus.

****Nootrocell Focus 4 bottles arrived  Saturday October 22, 2016 same day the Cubs won the pennant for the first time in 71 years.****😇
This matter has been resolved.
Received only one bottle despite the fact that I ordered and paid for 5 bottles. Waiting for them to confirm that they will send the right amount of bottles.still waiting!!
According to a voice message I received from Athena at Nootrocell the 4 bottles were shipped yesterday ( 10/17/16) and will be arriving within 5 to 7 business days.
Yesterday  10/5/16 ordered 5 month supply.
I felt amazingly sharp and clear in my thinking and movements. The feeling is difficult to explain but it's definitely making a difference. My desire and ability to focus and solve challenges has improved. 

About  5868 hours 3/4/17 of receiving the cortisone shot in my left shoulder. I took 1 Ibuprofen  @ 8 pm 2/21/17, seems to have calmed down the pain took another one on 2/23/17, 1:25 am took another 2/24/17 on 2/25/17 no Ibuprofen last night 1:20 am 2/27/17  I had 1 ibuprofen. Felt great all day 3/1/17 4:55 am took another Ibuprofen Took another Ibuprofen this time at 4:10 am 3/2/17
I have now taken  5 pills since   2/21/17 I have taken 4 pills since the HA joint formula.
241.5 days

On the shoulder pain front. I ordered  on 2/19 a trial bottle of HA joint formula from Purdy. It came in on Saturday 2/25/17 I need to call and cancel on March 8th  I took 3 tablets at 3:45 pm according to directions I am to take 6 a day for 15 days all 90 tablets.
As of March 3 not much improvement from the HA joint formula
Have taken 36 pills as of 7:13 pm on 3/2/17 
Have taken 42 pills as of 7:13 pm 3/3/17 
Have taken 48 pills as of 4:29 pm 3/4/17 
I have not felt the need to take any Ibuprofen since 4:10 am 3/3/17 am 

Took I ibuprofen last on 3/3/ 4am shoulder feels okay.
 I should see  some improvement by Friday March 3rd if not I need to call and cancel on Wednesday March 8th. I have til Saturday March 11th to call to cancel.
As of this moment Monday 2/27/17 @ 6:15 pm I have taken 18 tablets of HA joint formula. It will be a good test because my shoulder has been very painful and I have not taken any Ibuprofen since I started taking the HA joint formula(HAJF).
I will try it for a 2 week trial then I will contact the number on the bottle to cancel any further shipments if I do not feel a good amount of pain relief.
I will measure my pain on a scale of 1-10 every day to determine its effectiveness.

In a thoughtful moment consider this! You  take a wash cloth when it is dirty you rinse it out and clean it as good as you can. Then it is ready for use again.Right?  Today, I felt like that wash cloth as I challenge myself second by second. I emptied all that was in me in the spirit of renewal. Now my body, mind and soul are  refreshed. 

I  absolutely love the first thing in the am  two hour hard cardiovascular workouts!!!!!

On Tuesday,  9/20/2016 The first bottle of Entroocell Focus arrived. I am planning on taking the first two of 71 tablets - on Wednesday September 21, 2016
Took my first tablet of Nootrocell felt different,  a little sharper as I did a great workout and was very conversational , doing it! 

Today is 15th year since 911 - I was well aware of the danger many of us felt. As it all unfolded it became apparent that this was no accident we  were attacked on the contiguous states for the first time since the revolutionary war! You could sense the absolute hatred build against the people  who did these demonic activities.

 thyroid is now at the proper level. As I resumed taking the Levothyroxine.
I have taken 267 tablets of Limbex. 2 bottles  down! Working on third bottle. I am not truly getting a reading on the effective of the Limbex because I had the cortisone shot on September 13, 2016. 

Took 2 B 12 lozenges on 9/2/2016

Energy generates energy.  It's one thing to do some thing and feel great while doing it, it's another thing to think about what was done and feel awesome about it. However, doing it thinking back on it and writing about it as the best. It is for those reasons why I keep a blog. Three Hundred  and sixty three days (364 ) it was 53 Friday's ago) since the fall, upon further review, it was a trip! (3/4/2016) For the last 52 weeks(since there was no show on Christmas Eve) I have been parking in the upper parking lot prior to the show. However, on Saturday the 17th of December, I parked in the lower lot due the snow in the upper lot.

Please soak in some motivation! On this chat on motivation that talks about 

 Who are you?
Day 2353 Daily questions for a highly determined individuals 

I enjoy helping people.

Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief. 

Why did you rate that statement with that number?

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