The body will do what it is used to do. Most people instinctively take the path of least resistance. It makes sense, when there is a push against normal most give it there best effort to return to normal.The desire to return to their comfort zone takes top priority.
It is only until their attitude changes and they establish a different level of normal do they begin to move to a more challenging level of determination.
Now, I move on to the next work out I am psyched to give it another go!
In sixty minutes I burned 1373 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest) did more
0 assisted chin ups did more
0 killer crunches did less
0 crunches did more
00 floor crunches did more
o minutes of plank same
Daz it! I broke through with a 1373 in sixty knowing full well I had no time for another exercises. I'll be back at it on Monday am. Give me 18 hours and I will be dressed, fed and ready to play.
DAY 1340!
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