Consistency breeds a few things. Familiarity like all actions you must become accustomed to the act otherwise you will have less desire to perform it. Confidence, when you continue to do something over and over you confidence in your ability to perform that act grows. Mind control, your mind and your overall being are very closely linked. The constant action repeated every day or hour alerts the mind to the pending action.
I am off to the gym to repeat the action.
In sixty minutes I burned 1356 calories( done without the seventeen pound weighted vest)
41 assisted chin ups
350 killer crunches
930 crunches
900 floor crunches with weights
6 minutes of plank
Now we embark on another day of toil. It has been 41 days since I have not reported to work. Yep, it was day 1290. You know when you are entrenched when you can hardly remember when you did something different.
In the movie Shaw Shank redemption the word institutionalized comes up. It has to do with doing and acting the same way over and over again until it is very hard to break the routine. In fact, breaking the routine is so painful that it can cause some desperate actions.
I guess I am halfway in, not all the way in. I love the workout but on I am not totally sold on the work. My emotions for workout are different than that of working.
This a classic example of loving what you, then you will love what you.
I suppose I could learn to love what I do. I am not going to close my mind to that effort.
Day 1332 as we set sail for day 1400. Remember, it is two days before Christmas. That means Christmas is seventy days away.
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