Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 1224 We wrap up our 39Th consecutive complete month

Let us define the word consecutive. Following one after another without interruption. We sit at 1238 sixty minute cardiovascular workout without interruption. My posts have been uninterrupted in the last 757 days. I started posting on June 8TH 2009. There were a few posts before we started our uninterrupted days of posting. On June Friday June 19Th 2009 is when it started.It was Monday June 8TH Day 474. However, on June 19Th it was Day 483 when I started posting Daily!

I started this month on day 1195 in search of 1200 days. I burned 1313 on the heels of a big time 17 hour fast. I started work that day at 4 am.

Today, I beat yesterday's total again. I burned 1342 calories in the hour. That is the third consecutive day I have eclipsed the day before's total. I passed on the crunches as my goal is to see if some rest my improve my numbers.

Day 1225 is hauling down the track!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 1223 When you are challenged you either rise or fall

The key to getting where you want to go is as simple as knowing where you want to go. Life is is as as simple as this isn't it? Take today's workout, I had sixty minutes to burn 1223++ calories. That was where I wanted to go. I wanted to be past 1223 calories burned when the sixty minutes was up.

I wound up being at 1332 calories burned when the sixty minutes was up. It was a short term goal and one I was determined to reach. A long term goal will be at the conclusion of 1460 days which is the equivalent of four years ( 365x4 ).

Life is the same way. Instead burning calories, change you focus on saving money. Instead of minutes change it to years. The perspective is the same its just the activity you need to engage in that it different.

So I beat yesterday totals again! Day 1224 I need to get back on a good run similar to the one I was on when I went a months of burning 1350 or more each day. Day 1224 is the next step!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 1222 We want it so we usually get it

If that is true that poses a few questions. What do we want? Where does our want come from? What happens to us when we do not get what we want? How often is that statement true.

In the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill he interview and studied countless people that had found success and he was in search of a common denominator. The amazing thing about this book other than its supreme content is the story behind it.Napoleon Hill was asked by the great Andrew Carnegie to write this book. Carnegie had so much wealth he spent a large portion of his life giving it away. this book and these people Hill and reveal the keys to success.

I set a tough goal today and I hit it that explains my reflections on the book Think and Grow Rich. I burned 1323 calories in the hour which was one more than I did yesterday. I passed on the crunches for the first time in a few weeks and I was 22 minutes later to the gym than yesterday. I am vying for a little rest to regain momentum.

Day 1223 climbs to the forefront, and I am ready to look it square in the eye.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 1221 After a relaxing day ....

We woke up at 410 am ready to go . Hitting the machine at 438 am and feeling refreshed and loose despite, a 18 and one half hour hiatus from the last workout. I burned 1322 calories in the hour and did 810 crunches. Today, has started with a beautiful morning.

I think there is a lot to be said about a little break from the daily toil.

This work year I have already 7 days off out of had 38. Two were vacation one was because the business was closed and four were personal. At this pace I will be taking 68 days off in out of 365. I am not so sure I want to keep this pace.

No matter, tomorrow we flip the page and look to nail down day 1222,( good old room 222) 1323++, 820 ++, and a 430 am arrival!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 1220 Day twelve twenty real simple

Yep, day twelve twenty three words and a whole lot sweat and ...well I would not go that far. I tell you what I my have a emoted a few tears and I know I have bled so, I will say it. Day Twelve twenty with blood sweat and tears we arrive at this moment of time.

I consider this, on this bright day{ for the first time in a few days} that I gave myself a break of twenty five hours in between workouts. I Burned 1363 calories in the hour and felt awesome in so doing. I let up on the crunches and enjoyed the stretching with the thought this my day off!

We have been going at since Tuesday of last week June 14TH, which is not a long stretch ( 12 days but hey, we battled every second.

So after a day of rest we challenge ourselves with a 410 wake up call to do our 1221Th day- Of course, I am psyched to see what I've got!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 1219 As we get back to our Saturday schedule

The week before last I was in Cincinnati enjoying a fabulous weekend of seeing family and attending a wedding. Last Saturday, was a step back into the familiar routine of waking up a little later and preparing to go to the gym. The daily toil this week was not as chock full of strenuous activity as other weeks of this past spring.

The credo is 100 days of hell and that has recently passed. My 13 month has also passed as May 20Th marked one year of this present routine of gym,work and sleep. My body has been tested and come out strong as I challenge anyone to follow me for one day and engage in my simple yet vigorous daily journey.

I suppose the area where most would wonder, why bother would be in the area of food consumption. I think all could get up at 410 am, workout, eat, go to work, return home, eat, sleep and repeat the pattern the next day.However, sustaining one's self on fruits, vegetables and primarily whole grains might be too much.

Irregardless, it is time for a good workout to kick in ....

Felt awesome as I beat all weekday totals by burning 1333 calories an hour. No sweep today as I only did 700 crunches- I am happy to report that I feel; strong and alive!

As day 1220 comes rolling in, it tells me we are 80 days from 1300 days and 240 days from 4 years!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 1218 We fight hard and some times we win on all three ends!

Today, I was able to out do yesterday's totals in all three categories. The triple crown of the day! I burned more calories in the hour and did more crunches as well as arriving a few minutes earlier to the gym. A triple victory- THE HATRICK-

Today, I burned 1315 calories in the hour and did 1170 crunches.

Day 1219 - 81 days from 1300(ETA, by around the end of summer) and 1 day from 1220 days we focus now, to achieve greatness tomorrow!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 1217 When it comes right down to it ....

The one with the sharpest saw wins! I am sure we have all heard of Ben Franklin. Ben Franklin was and is considered one of our country's wisest men. They once asked Ben a simple question. If you were given four hours to chop down a tree what would you spend the most of the fours doing? Ben thought about it and then said, I'd spend three hours sharping the saw or axe. That is an ingenious answer. When you consider the task, what else is really more important?

This is a perfect analogy about life (When it comes right down to it ....)

Today, I burned 1313 in the glorious hour and fought like crazy to do 910 crunches.

Day 1218 is on the horizon we shall pursue it to the utmost!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 1216 Its summer, summertime is here

Today is the second day of summer.As we count the seasons this is the start of my 15Th season of working out everyday.Hay, that is no joke. So this summer will be my fourth. This is mind boggling. My body acts differently as the seasons pass. I remember when I did my first summer and I my felt surprisingly cooler. I had lost weight and felt so light on my feet and my energy level picked up it was just short of astonishing but, it was amazing. Then the first fall came and I did notice when the temperature began to drop. By the time winter came I looked so forward to the workouts just to get a good daily warm up. As spring came I felt refreshed and rejuvenated as just the slightest bit of warmth was beginning to come.

Now here we are at the beginning of season 15. Doing this four years is one of the goals. It will take another summer,fall and a chunk of a winter to do it. However, I am psyched and determined.

As today, I burned 1315 calories in the hour and did 810 crunches. I did not get to the gym in as timely a manor as I would have liked but, so be it.

Day 1217 moves on -Lets nab it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 1215 We rejoice in the efforts and follow the results

That sounds about right. My effort is in showing up everyday ready to win. My results are my focus and my determination is to get better everyday. Today, I burned "only" 1310 calories in the hour. I did the same amount of crunches(1130) as I did yesterday. My legs fell a little short as I burned 11 less calories in the hour as Day 1214.

We will regroup, and look to put a big strong effort on tomorrow..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 1214 After a shorter work day a good morning work out was pretty damn fun!

Fill every unforgiving minute worth of distance run. What a mouthful. As we break the tape, cross the line and eclipse the moment let us take that last breath knowing that we gave it our all. I wanted to burn more today but, I fell a little short.( burned 1321 calories in the hour and did 1130 crunches) No matter, tomorrow is another challenge in which I am already preparing for.

Day 1215, another neat number and day! Okay, let us, have at it.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 1213 With today's earlier arrival due to a special Father's Day schedule, I am up sooner than later

Having an earlier start, equals an earlier departure. I should be arriving home at around 2 pm on this Father's Day. My plan now, is to get to the gym as early as possible then, shove off. I went down at 11:30 pm and woke at 530 am. I got a solid six under my belt. The six hours of sleep should be enough to carry my day.

I am energized to take a crack at 1362++ and am excited about the challenge. So, without much further adieu, here goes----

We beat yesterday's total by 4 ! We burned 1365 calories in sixty at the 747 am mark. To quote our Man Kipling one more time,(no crunches) ( Why? no time!)

"fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds' worth of distance run"

Day 1214 is coming round the bend..

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 1212 I missed last Saturday's live post

Last Saturday, I was in Cincinnati and had no access to post live on the blog. However, I did make notes and copied them and posted a few days later. Today, which is the 173RD Saturday of the streak I posted a little later than I usually post. When I arrived home from work last night I focused on food and clothes. At the time my clothes were done I was getting ready for sleep. This week, I did not do well catching up on my sleep so last night I went down early and snagged an extra one hour of sleep( 1015 pm to 525 am).

As I am now waking up from a wonderful 7 hours and 10 minutes of rest. I feel refreshed and ready to go. Today's, goals are clear burn 1331+++ in the hour and do 1230 crunches.

On your mark, get set ----GO!

I knew there was some thing special about the day 1212, after all it is such a neat number. Twelve twelve. How cool is that? So, with that feeling of being involved in a momentous occasion I burned 1361 calories in the hour. Just as yesterday I finished my last 30 minutes better than my first thirty minutes. Three days prior to today I burned 1304(day1210)Then, yesterday I burned 1330 an increase of 2 %.Now, today I burned 1361 calories in the hour an increase of 2.4% over the 1330 I did yesterday(day 1211).

My crunch number went down but I still did 1130 crunches.

Day 1213 another neat numbered day I am challenged to beat 1362++ and do 1140 crunches- All right then!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 1211 With less congestion the strength came back!

As I said yesterday, "I have got to beat yesterday's numbers."
Today I did. I did it by burning a strong 1330 calories in the hour and by doing 1210 crunches. The feeling was exhilarating! Thanks to a very strong second thirty minutes I was able to burn 1330 calories in the hour.In the second thirty minutes I burned 683 calories. That was 36 more calories. Awesome!

Tomorrow, will be Saturday Day 1212 how neat? Down goes 1330 up goes 1331++++!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 1210 I have got to beat the day before's numbers!

I feel for my own psyche I have to beat the day before number of calories burned. I get upset( and I shouldn't) when I do not burn more calories per hour than the day before. Today I gave it a game effort but I fell short. It was only two measly calories but I did not do it. I know I have done 1224 of these hourly workouts over the last 1210 days but, it still disappoints me when the number yesterday, is higher than the one today.

So be it. My will has got to get stronger. I burned 1306 today and did 1120 crunches. I also got in a minute earlier today. One out of three is still baseball hall of fame numbers.

Day 1211 is tomorrow- I can see it now.... me burning 1315 calories in the hour on the arc trainer!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 1209 The morning weather is beautiful

It is a nice clear bright refreshing morning with low humidity and a cool feel. A morning I remember during my halcyon days of youth. I got on the machine today at 454 am and burn 1308 calories in the hour and did 1220 crunches. I did 600 on the incline bench and 620 on the quantum machine. I felt great, I feel relief coming from the congestion I have felt since Memorial Day weekend.

My legs did not have as much spring in them as they did yesterday but, they sure did enough!

Day 1210 spots up, and I am determined to beat 1314!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 1208 I thought I would have a good jump in my step

I was right. On a day where the temperature is not expected to be above seventy degrees and with a good burst of energy I burned 1313 in the hour and did 1110 crunches. I felt awesome. I am still contemplating when to sprinkle in a good life cycle ride but, I know that life cycle in the back of the gym is in very tough shape.

We look forward to day 1209 and the daily toil. First day back since Thursday Day 1203.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 1207 We started later as the rest was needed

After a long sleep and a refreshed pair of legs, I blasted through a 1368 per hour calorie burn. With a strong 1210 crunches I felt renewed and refreshed. The fourth day off in a row gave me refreshed relaxed feeling.

As I enjoyed my 27 hour break ( 654 am to 1011 am) I had a surge of energy. I indeed felt awesome. Tomorrow is the challenge as we rewind the challenge. We charge at 4am and look forward to the challenge of Day 1208!

Day 1206 The day after the wedding

Managed to get on the life cycle at 554 am. It felt awesome being that challenged that early! Wore three layers again. The hour ride was quite the challenge -- day 1207 we return to the arc trainer.

Day 1205 Welcome to the queen city

Up at 530am in gym and on machine by 545am. Warmed up for 10 minutes.

Got on life cycle at 555 am . Rode the life cycle for an intense hour and while wearing three layers of clothes. It was a great workout!

Friday, June 10, 2011

day 1204 As we hit the door quickly

Severe storms the night before knocked the power out for six hours. I hit the hay at 12 ish and woke up at 4 ish to do a 430 to 530 ish workout that burned 1235 calories and burn more than all the days previous.

Tomorrow Cincinnati where I will report something....

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 1203 Was definitely for me as the 1300 barrier was broken

Cruised through the 1300 calorie burn per hour today by burning 1323 calories in an hour. I spent too long in the oasis of mediocrity of 1200. With a great feeling of strength I did 1210 crunches! I am feeling better today than I did yesterday and even better than the day before. Today, will be the second day in a row the temperature has hit 90 degrees.The weather matters for sure but, as life teaches us its how we feel about the weather that matters most. I knew I had something when I felt stronger after burning 647 in the first 30 minutes. During the second thirty minutes I burned 676 calories. I loved it because I had a good strong kick in the last five minutes.

Day 1204 no daily toil planned. It will be business as usual then off to a different workout destination on Saturday. Lets beat 1324 and 1220 ++ crunches.

Chow for now----

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 1202 Are my calorie burns going stay in the 1200's also?

I will grant myself one atta boy. The compliment comes from burning more calories today than yesterday and I got to the machine a few minutes quicker today. However when I look back and realize that for a few months at a time I was able to burn 1350 calories an hour, I am getting a little impatient.

I was asked if I had tried anything different in my workouts? I suppose I could have answered that question a little better. Instead, I went on about being challenged versus being bored.

Mr Webster tell us that the state of boredom is to become weary and disinterested. Man, that does not fit me at all. I feel if you are challenged and being challenged inspires you then, you should have no room for boredom.

Everyday, and I do mean everyday, I am challenged.

Day 1203 beat 1300++ - That's the challenge!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 1201 Day 1200 will be remembered as the 67TH year anniversary of D-Day

D-Day the day the allies invaded France.It was Tuesday June 6Th 1944. One hundred and sixty thousand troops hit the beaches in Normandy, France. what a great piece of symbolism. The streak hits a milestone on an epic day in American and world history.

The days as I recall:
Day 100- June 1 ST 2008 an average Sunday as I recall I did see two people that were not impressed by 100 days and I received a card from another.
Day 200- September 9Th 2008 few Days after Labor day 2008
Day 300- December 18TH 2008 a week before Christmas 2008
Day 400- March 28Th 2009 Just before April fool's day 2009
Day 500- July 6Th 2009 two days after July 4Th 2009
Day 1000-November 18TH 2010 a week before Thanksgiving 2010
Day 1200 - June 6Th 2011

So there is the cluster of milestone dates. It was fun to think back.

As today we burned 1296 calories in the hour
and did 1160 crunches and we started at 450 am.

Day 1202 we look forward to a strong performance as we inch towards Day 1250!

Monday, June 6, 2011

DAY 1200! Wow I praise the lord for all of this

On the day one man(Plaxico Burress) finishes serving a two year jail sentence, we hit 1200 days. That means on day 470 he went in. That is how long 1200 days is. I am currently battling some sort of consistent congestion and I am coming up with strategies to maintain a good workout regardless.

We did 1314 in calories burned within the hour today. Which beat yesterday's 1311. Our crunches were less (1070) than yesterday. So we will call it a split except that I did it all on 19 and half hours rest. Nineteen and half hours rest is a lot less than we had prior to yesterday's 25 hour rest. So there, we go two for three on the 1200TH day!

Now we turn the page and start making tracks for 1300. But first we go to day 1201!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 1199 We gave ourselves something to do yesterday

Yeah, a huge chunk of running around. So our body needed some sleep. Now we have a few hours to workout and go at it one more time. As I figured the 1200Th day will come with a little bit of a price. It is good, because some thing this awesome should carry with it some sort of impact on my life.

Day 1199 is here with a little more rest than yesterday but not much.

The door is open, let's go inside.

Legs were tight and try as I might I got 1311 burn in sixty. Crunches were strong as I lasted until 1320 was enough. I suppose I split today lost on the calorie burn won on the crunch party.

We are now on the door step of 1200!

Knock knock !

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 1198 Last Saturday before we hit 1200

This ongoing saga is really amazing. When you throw in my work load and then add in the fact the work is nothing short of a workout unto itself along with dealing with some short of lingering congestion you start to wonder. You start to wonder how far can we go? Deep in my subconsciousness I have developed a feeling of determination of this is what I do and who I am.

As I have put in this span of time since February 23, 2008 I have continued on a line of activity that is very similar to a person who is at a much younger age. Why? Mainly because it feels good. I think there is a line we cross and then we realize what is possible and we keep going with it.

Today we go forth and attempt to put the finishing touches on the number 1100. Three more bites and we hit 1200. We start today.........

So, we need to find the reasons we went from burning 1296 calories in the hour yesterday to burning 1343 calories in the hour today. Also we need to search for some answers as how we did 1230 crunches today as opposed to 1230 crunches yesterday.

Today, we came back and beat two numbers. Now, we did get 25 hours and 25 minutes of rest in between workouts.Which is an additional amount of time than we got yesterday. Yesterday I workout on 22 hours and thirty minutes of rest. With three hours more of rest it is easy to see where found the extra energy.

As we fly towards 1199 there is a GLEAM in my eye!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 1197- We beat all three of yesterday's numbers!

  1. We beat the time to the gym- I was there at a record breaking weekly time of: 430 am
  2. I burned more calories in the hour than I did yesterday. Yesterday, I burned 1288 calories in the hour. Today, I burned 1296 in the hour.
  3. Yesterday I did 1010 crunches. Today, I did 1070 crunches.
Today, we will call it, a hatrick. A hatrick is the expression hockey players use to describe when one player scores three goals in one game. The hatrick is usually celebrated by the witnesses or the crowd throwing a hat on the ice. To me the philosophy of accomplish this holy trinity of improvements is the evidence that a winning attitude is present.

While I was at the gym today I was looking around at some of the equipment. As a looked I was reminded of my old routine when I would spend more time at the gym. My routine was simple it was cardio,pull up, crunch, plank and stretch. That took me about 2 hours to complete. I would then have breakfast and start my day.

I suppose when you compare the two routines of the daily toil and the 2 hour one you probably break about even. Although I miss not doing that daily plank. I loved to see how long I could hold myself there.

Well 1200 days is only three away. Saturday day 1198 will come first another hatrick?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 1196 We follow up yesterday's pm workout with a am workout

No rest for the one who wants to just keep on going! As we ate and slept to get prepared to the next workout which was only 15 hours and thirty eight minutes later. I knew I had a good challenge ahead of me.

I did all I could and burned 1288 calories in the hour. It was frustrating to burn a small amount but I worked very hard to accomplish that workout. Doing 1010 crunches helped to relax some of the frustration. The cold or whatever is producing this incessant congestion is still lingering. However, I do feel much better.

Now with a beautiful day ahead of us we go forward!

Day 1197 I will beat 1320 read my lips!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1195 Oh my gosh!

Well when you get up at 3am to get ready for work, not work out. That spins a whole new mind set. As I set myself for the day I said "work and workout then, let's go for there." We can do anything we set our mind to.

I burned 1313 calories after fasting for 17 hours and working 8 hours and 22 minutes. I did 510 crunches and had a shower and small juice and seltzer plus a delicious kiwi.

Now I have from now ( 350 pm) til 9 am tomorrow to get ready for tomorrow's daily toil.

The day will present a challenge as we need to blast a good workout before too long.

With good rest I should be able to beat 1314and 520 crunches. As day 1196 approaches.