Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 1378 We start the month with some fresh insight

I read some of Tony Robbins' book Awaken the Giant within last night and he put across in my mind some very interesting thoughts

He reinforced in my mind the power of our minds. The most powerful  is the feeling of certainty the dictionary defines this word: as can be defined as either: perfect knowledge that has total security from error, or the mental state of being without doubt Objectively defined, certainty is ... Now, take a second to digest that.

In one hour I burned 1328 calories( done with the sixteen pound weighted vest)

31 assisted chin ups
the incline sit up board is being repaired
0 killer crunches
0 crunches

500 quantum
800 floor crunches
3 minutes of plank

If you  have certainty about your ability to do something you will probably be able to succeed at the task at hand.
Our certainty in any endeavor is usually guided by our point of reference. Our point of reference is more than likely determined by our experience. As we succeed or failure we use that point of reference.

There is one powerful note to this.That is, our imagination if harnessed and used properly can propel us to new heights.As our imagination does not care about our successes or failures. If we constant repeat and come to believe what our imagination has created we can achieve more than if we did not use our imagination. .

Day 1379 I am ready.

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