I do not believe this statement breaks any new ground. However, since I am on Day 35 of consecutive days of work, I feel my 35 day work week has a different tinge to it. My perspective on Monday goes from the view of sleep. Now, on Friday I went to sleep at 11 pm and woke up at 525 am. That is a good 6 hours and 25 minute sleep! That is a nice rest. On Saturday, I went to bed at 1248 am. NOT! Since, we set the clocks a head it was really 148 am when I hit the sack. So, what time do you get up on Sunday? My wake time was 725 am. Which equals 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. On Sunday, I went to bed at 1123 pm and woke up at 412 am which equals 4 hours and 49 minutes of sleep.
Upon waking up, I proceeded to get on the machine at 441 am and burn 1387 calories in an hour. I got my self ready for work and here I am. So, as we can see Monday's are usually a challenge to get back on track for the work week that follows. With the work week is the schedule that does not jive with the 412 am wake up call. Irregardless, we charge ahead determined to have a great day and enjoy the strength the lord has given us.
Time does not wait for any man. Day 1117 means we need to burn 1388++. I am ready for the opening.....
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