Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 1133 I have said it once and I will say it again.....

FATIGUE MAKES COWARDS OF US ALL! I say this not from strength. My workout today was indeed a weak one,as I burned the least amount of calories in the hour that I have burned in quite awhile.

I cannot remember the last time I had burned such little calories in an hour. My body simply would not do what my mind wanted to do.The spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak.

As I consider what just happen I am trying to capture a description of the overall emotion. I guess its surprise.I just expected more. I thought I was ready. But the truth is I was not. Tomorrow is another day and with it comes another chance.

I will burn today's tape and focus on a better outcome tomorrow!

As Og Mandino said "Today I begin a new life.......

Day 1134 starts now !

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

sedentary - Yahoo! Search Results

sedentary - Yahoo! Search Results

Day 1132 - If your job is this type of job, you may want to join me at the gym. Daily that is. After telling people about my streak routine I was told, " you have to change it up do something different, your body adjusts and you are not doing anything to get stronger.......

Well, there may be a reason for that theory. The reason I can gather is they are assuming I do no other types of movement all the rest of the 23 hours prior to my workout. Well, that is the wrong assumption.I maybe unlike you do not have a sedentary job or life style. I am constantly on my feet and moving and lifting objects. Some are heavy objects.

I burned 1381 calories in an hour today. That 1381 calories was less than I burned yesterday. Why would I burn less? Here is one reason maybe my body was a little more tired than yesterday's calorie burn of 1392 in the hour. Why would I be tired? Gee, maybe because I ran around for nine hours lifting heavy objects.

The point is, there is no routine, in my routine.

Day 1133 on the horizon - with it opening day in baseball- I'll be there!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 1131- With all that was in me

Good title for a book? Maybe, but for today's workout definitely. With all that was in me, I burned 1392 calories in the hour. Today was the first day where I really had to work to separate my wet clothes from my body. When I say I left a lot of me out there today there was no doubt.

I must say when I work that hard I get in such a zone where I have just about no I idea where I am. That is great relaxing feeling.

The reason why this morning's workout was such a challenge was because yesterday's daily toil was extremely vigorous.Yep, nine hours of constant movement will do it.

So now we pitch our sights toward 1132 and our 1146 workout. I psyched for the challenge- let her rip!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 1130- I am still marveling over what a day of rest can do!

Since I did not work on Saturday, I have enjoyed an extra energy flow. On Saturday night, I went to bed at 10 pm and woke up at 8 am on Sunday morning. I went to the gym and was on the machine by 9 am. After my workout I felt awesome. I went to bed last night at 11:15 pm and woke up at 4:10 am and started my workout at 4:46 am. I burned 1417 calories in the hour and felt super.I did one half of one song on the plank. My plank needs work.

Working off the energy flow of the beautiful rest I enjoyed Saturday and part of Sunday, I announce my self ready for the work week.We can only appreciate such feelings.

Day 1131 is coming down the track! I am ready to get on board!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Be Inspired by Og Mandino: Today I begin a new life

Be Inspired by Og Mandino: Today I begin a new life

Focus on doing it

Day 1129 Now, we get to see what a day off can do...

A day off, the break in the action( from work). Just the workout- otherwise a day of rest. I am curious to see how the body, mind and soul reacts. Well, I certainly slept enough. Here comes the 9am (approximate time) workout. Do I have 1446++ in me?

Well, the body fed the mind or was it the soul fed the body or was it the body who fed the mind?

Either way I burned 1458 calories in the hour and felt truly awesome while doing it. There was definitely a spring in my step. As hit that extra gear today!

Now we go for the daily toil and the workout. The way I feel right now I can do it all within the hour

Day 1130 here we go!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 1128 - So this is a day off?

I wonder what feelings will come toward me? I have had a different mindset since I got off the daily toil yesterday at around 245 pm.I ran around a little and then just felt like resting. Now today so far I have begun in the usual way. Up before the gym opens, expressing some thoughts prior to the workout.

The difference in a day off is the windows of accountability.Where as I am not planned on being anywhere until noon. And then after that I have a full 24 hour furlough. I feel one of the reasons why I continued to work everyday was for the challenge of the activity. I have battle through a harsh winter and I used my new found conditioning to get through it

My curiosity in my ability to keep moving forward was one of the bigger answers I was seeking.

Now, it is onto Day 1128 and my 1142ND workout.My challenge continues and today is another step- Burn 1357++ !!

On this liberated day, my body surely felt free. I busted out with a great calorie burn of 1445 in an hour and did 430 crunches and held the plank for one song. It was an awesome work out and was the best I have felt in a few days. Thank God for his blessings of this day.

As we head toward 1130 and only seventy days from 1200 I can't help but feeling somewhat rejuvenated. I have already enjoyed myself for the first part of the break!

Day 1129 is a few hours apart from this second- time to get ready!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 1127 Now, it is beginning to feel like spring

Opening Day in the MLB is less than a week away. Last year on this date I cranked out (Day 762- 1493!da record-183-1590 crunches 5 songs 50 x20).I would say I was in the peak of condition on that day. Although I did workout from 9 am to 11am.

Today, I burned 1357 calories in sixty minutes between 456 am to 556 am. On less rest and not after 35 hours of work since Sunday. Plus not after 1126 consecutive days. Big deal no excuses I now know what targets I need to hit to equal or tie last year.

Tomorrow, will be my 1st planned day off from any work since February 6Th which was 46 days ago.

I plan on starting the day on Saturday as I usually do.Then doing what I want after that!

This is the longest stretch of days I have gone without a planned day of rest in quite awhile.

We hold our focus toward Day 1128 and look forward to beating 1358++.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 1126 A little snow as winter gives us a kiss good bye

Officially, it is spring. Unofficially, winter will not leave the establishment without causing a scene. I wonder if a majority of people would punch winter in the mouth if winter was an actual person. Especially, this winter. Well, either way, this winter has rained down some serious blows about the head and body of many people.

Now, we focus in on the advent of spring. The coming of Easter. The coming of the end of lent. The freshness of a new beginning - May God bless us all-

A tremendous challenge was presented to me today as my body pounded out a 1360 calorie burn. I toughed that out. But I still love the battle.

Friday Day 1127, will be here before we know it- Grab your musket and be on the ready!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 1125 Ah.. the daily toil sets a record as we work 10 and one half hours

Yesterday, work out 5am work 843 am out 750 pm. Today, workout 454 am here I am at 733 am ....

The page and this story continues. But wait, I burned 1383 calories from 454am until 554 am. I never count the extra cool down time. Which usually last five minutes and burns 80 calories.I bet my cool downs is almost equal in pace to most peoples workouts.I burn 80 in five minutes that is 960 in an hour ( 12 x80 ) - Ha!

How is every one's stress level? What is going on between the ying and the yang? Are you winning the keeping it cool battle, while you battle? What is the score? Where is showing that you are stressed out. Are practicing to keep it cool.

They once asked a famous musician how often do you practice? He said, "let me put it this way.If I miss a day I notice. If I miss three days my critics notice.If I miss a week my audience notices.

Moral of the story, never miss a day!

Here we go 1126 of 1126 days is coming hereto fore. The goal is to beat 1384+++--- I will keep it cool!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 1124 The daily toil has turned up the challenge a notch

We focus on one but need to keep our focus on both. The bible says, " no man can serve two masters or he will either hate one or love the other."Mathew 6:24. Quite the dichotomy ensues.

The key is to determine which of the two is really your master. Man who moves forward on a smooth surface with little or no volition will find it tough. However, a man moving forward with strong volition will find the rough surfaces easier to move on.

The will and focus will be the wind in our sails. We do most things because we want to do them.We do most things well because we want to do them very well. It is the fire that we build in the beginning of every challenge that carries us through. When we question if we can that little voice that says I will gets us over to the other side.

As broke through 1400 calories burned in the hour I was reminded of that simple,yet powerful thought.

Thank you, God. my journey of this day has begun well. My volition has been strong and with the strength of God it will remain strong today.

Today was a 1406 in 60, tomorrow we break 1407++! Day 1125---

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 1123 Yesterday after my early meeting and workout I took a seat

Well, I was not running around all day for the first time in about 40 days. It felt strange. However, I thought it would help my workout. In actuality, it did not. My calorie burn in the hour was less than yesterday's. My burn was 1375, but before you boo, consider this, my rest was only 20 hours and 15 minutes in between workouts.

My challenge was to get loose enough to get myself to the next gear.

Which is fairly normal for Monday am. So now I am off to the daily toil.
Day 1124 is rapidly approaching. I will meet it and beat 1376+++.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 1122 A slightly different plan

Will be attending a meeting shortly and I did knock off earlier than normal, as I cut the Saturday in half. Should be arriving at the gym at around 8am to 830 am. I am psyched to get my deal going. As for the first time, in awhile up very early for a Sunday.Up at 4 am!

Spring set to pop up at 728pm tonight. Plan today is to burn 1401++ in the hour.

I am on plan! By burning 1419 in the hour I not only felt and still do feel awesome but I hit the goal I so strongly went for. I also challenged myself by wearing three long sleeved layers of clothing while doing the workout.

We got a great opportunity here let us get it done! I noticed the vocabulary I use whenever anyone asks me while I am in the middle of my workout is always good, great or awesome. When you are fighting for every second to burn calories there is no room for any negative thoughts let alone negative words.

I liken those emotions to that of a person playing or getting ready for an athletic competition.

The prevailing thought should always be the enemy can't win,but I can still lose.

When you break that short sentence down you realize how much power it has.Question one; who is the enemy? What can he win? How does he lose but, I don't win? Isn't the enemy my opponent? If he loses I win, right?

Answer one- the enemy is any thing that is not right. And you know it is not right.The enemy wins a large part of you when you give into it. He loses because it has already been proven that he is wrong. yes, he is your opponent but you are your biggest opponents.No, you could still lose.

I held my ground and I beat yesterday's total. Day 1123 we run with ball again. In hot pursuit of beating 1420 calories to burn in the hour.

A different plan today, I went into my daily toil for only a brief time today. So, I suppose there after I can rest. I have to admit I am enjoying it so far. As I am grabbing a few minutes of me time. So, when the 4am wake up call comes I will be dressed fed(mentally) and ready to go!

Bring it on!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 1121 Is this the longest running daily workout blog?

Who knows? According to a quick search there is nothing that fits this exact description. Here we are focusing on today. As yesterday is a canceled check. Of course,tomorrow is a promissory note.

Now we have today, the gift. The gift, and that is the reason we call it the present.

We challenge ourselves everyday not every other day. This is the fortieth day in a row we have gone to work. This is the record.

I started the Daily toil on Day 818 which was 303 days ago. This is the longest stretch I have gone without a day off. My plan is to go one more week. Which would put me at 46 days.

You know when one serves in any position I am not sure how long one goes on a daily basis without a planned break.

The concept I enjoy most about this span of time is the activity. The two jobs I have, have me on my feet all the time. They both entail moving around. Body is the maintain ingredient in this recipe.

So, I not only workout an hour a day, I also exercise all day. I am not sure how unique all this activity is. However, I do not believe had I not worked out every day I would feel as good as I do now. Or even if, I did not workout if, I would be able to work with this activity this many days without a break.

Day 40- Day 1121 is here and now I need to seize it. The old saying holds its guard. "In order to seize first you have to sees it!"

I left all of it out there today! As I squeaked out a 1400 calorie burn by burning 707 calories in the last half of an hour. Kudos go my way. What a battle I needed 350 in the last 15 minutes to burn 1400 in the hour and I did it!

The glow lasts for a long time when you exert that kind of an effort.

Now we seek a bigger performance on Day 1122 - I - am- P-U-M-P-E-D!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 1120 Eleven hundred and twenty days

Eleven hundred and twenty days without a break and fourteen additional hours of workouts.For eleven hundred and twenty days I have averaged more than one cardiovascular sixty minute workout where I have burned anywhere from 700 calories to 1515 calories in an hour.

That doesn't matter much because it all come down to how do I feel. Well, I guess mentally I feel great and physically I feel great. I am proud of my accomplishments and I want to do better.

Today we can point an awesome workout to start the day. I felt great and was remind of it by almost burning 1400 calories in the hour. I burned a good 1393 today.

During the workout today, one phrase kept ringing in my ear it was "boot camp. " Boot camp means to me tear everything down and start from nothing. Asking yourself what would happen if I decided to cut this out? Another thought was if things ain't going right you probably ain't doing them right. Yeah, its tough to admit at times but it is YOU.YOU are the problem. Fix you and you fix the problem.

So you want lose weight? Well, what do you eat that makes you the weight you are at now? What activities do you engage in? I got advice. Tear it down, boot camp, start from scratch. Go ahead I dare you.

Well my next dare is Day 1121 where we burn 1394++. I am ready!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 1119 Down goes Frazier ; Down goes Frazier

I can still hear it ringing in my ears when little known George Foreman walloped the champ Joe Frazier and knocked him down seven times to win the heavy weight boxing crown.

Well yesterday coupled with the daily toil ( DT ) and the workouts at 445 in the am my workout numbers have taken a hit. I think ole DT is trying to take center stage. As I pounded out nine hours of moving freight to my daily activities and then during the work out this morning I felt I like I was running in peanut butter.

So be it, I charged out and burned 1364 calories in the hour today. I came within 4 calories of my goal.In an effort to show there was no quit in me, I averaged a higher caloric burn in the final two minutes than I had in the prior 58 minutes.

Once again we mount the horse and burn more than 1368.

Day eleven twenty dead ahead! Come on now!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 1118 - Sleep is a tough commodity when you are trying to buy time

Another profound statement but, what are you talking about? Here is my current time budget.Workout for 2, work for 8, drive for 1 1/2 sleep for 6. The rest is free time for? Preparing food, eating, laundry and relaxing. So, the biggest piece of the pie goes to work,working out, driving and sleep. The other 6 1/2 goes for the rest. That is something when you cut the pie only one quarter goes for actual break time.

I burned 1367 calories today and produced more water than there will be rain today.

Day 1119, we will beat 1368++ and get back on track!Oh yeah, baby!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 1117 My life has been very similar to .....

Who knows? It sounded like a profound statement. I will say this, when we choose to write we are all challenged to come up with a good beginning,middle and ending. I think my first half a sentence was pretty good.My life has been very similar to Herman Melville's character in 'Moby Dick". Ishmael who spent a good part of his life chasing a great whale. He became so consumed by the process that he lost himself in it.

I at times wonder if I have been so consumed by my process that I too have lost a piece of myself in it. Maybe that is good. The process is fun, its exciting and it fills me with desire. The rewards are enjoyable.The feeling is real. The planning and doing are thought provoking. Yep that is the process. Call me Ishmael!

The sleep I was so anxious to get last night was replaced by a good shower and going out to a birthday dinner. I felt it today in my performance as I was only able to burn 1355 calories in the hour. However I felt awesome as I pushed myself extremely hard to accomplish that.

Sleep will be more plentiful tonight but first, I need to nail down Day 36.

Day 1118 is coming strong. With it, I plan on a great day of 1400++!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1116 Mondays are always an interesting challenge

I do not believe this statement breaks any new ground. However, since I am on Day 35 of consecutive days of work, I feel my 35 day work week has a different tinge to it. My perspective on Monday goes from the view of sleep. Now, on Friday I went to sleep at 11 pm and woke up at 525 am. That is a good 6 hours and 25 minute sleep! That is a nice rest. On Saturday, I went to bed at 1248 am. NOT! Since, we set the clocks a head it was really 148 am when I hit the sack. So, what time do you get up on Sunday? My wake time was 725 am. Which equals 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. On Sunday, I went to bed at 1123 pm and woke up at 412 am which equals 4 hours and 49 minutes of sleep.

Upon waking up, I proceeded to get on the machine at 441 am and burn 1387 calories in an hour. I got my self ready for work and here I am. So, as we can see Monday's are usually a challenge to get back on track for the work week that follows. With the work week is the schedule that does not jive with the 412 am wake up call. Irregardless, we charge ahead determined to have a great day and enjoy the strength the lord has given us.

Time does not wait for any man. Day 1117 means we need to burn 1388++. I am ready for the opening.....

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 1115 Great day, as we win again!

How is that for a happy report. We need to hear more good news. We need to hear more good news more often. Think about it, how often do you think about good news before you quickly and subconsciously dwell on the bad news.

I have a theory on that concept. The reason why people are attracted to bad news more readily than good news is because they have low self esteem. Now why do they have low self esteem? The reason is simple because most of their lives they have been told and heard the word no. Your mind gets trained on what you hear most often. Your mind hears that word more than any other in your formative years.

Now back to bad news about others actually raises our self esteem. Why? Because it makes us feel better about our selves. We hear things and we say, "see, at least I am not doing that bad." The reality is that bad news does hurt us. It hurts us when we dwell on it. We easily become attracted to it and do not focus on becoming our best.

This goes deeper, because when we are all attracted to this negative light. We fall into the web of advertisement. It here where they try to sell you more on what you are not.

And then congratulations you become a fat consuming lazy person.And you are a minority if you exercise everyday and a pariah because you think in positives.

It takes a strong willed person to fight through this force of negativism - when you do you will probably be out there on your own for awhile but, that is okay, there are still many that will join up with you.

As I burned 1425 calories today, I came of up with some of these thoughts- I wish you peace and good will towards all men!

The clocks have been set ahead as Day 1116 rapidly approaches and 1426 is in my sights.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 1114- The daily toil continues; day 33 as we tie the record

This will be the 33RD without a planned day off from any work. Back on February the 7TH I working everyday. It has now been 33 days since. Back in May 31 of last year I worked until July 4Th. Then in the same year I worked from July 5Th to August 7Th. Each time accumulating 33 days. Going from Day 829 to Day 863. Then going from day 865 to 898.

So tomorrow will set the record at 34 days. I have tied it twice. The next day we will hit uncharted waters. Boy the roads I have traveled. This the 1114 day day and I still feel awesome I am determined to beat yesterday's total of only burning 1379 in the hour.I think I was dressed to warmly to burn the calories I wished to burn in the hour.

Now, here we are at 639 in the am on this crisp morning. On this the fourth day of lent. On the 159 Saturday of the streak. The day after a earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. The day after the NFL decided to lockout its players. Add to it the day after UCONN men's basketball team won its fourth game in a row and will now play for the Big East championship at Madison Square Garden.

I my readers, am ready to go!
Had a great first thirty minutes as I burned 724. Ended by burning 688 in the second thirty minutes for a total of 1412 calories burned in sixty minutes. Felt awesome and refreshed. I would have held the pace if I used less layers of clothing. Or not, it felt great to sweat that much. The challenge now is to burn more even though.... I am dropping water. I love it!

As I conclude today's post I take in another spoonful of today's breakfast which is made oatmeal strawberries ,banana,blueberries, vitamin C tablets, antioxidant tablet and a large container of calcium fortified orange juice. Now, that my friends, is the breakfast of champions!

Okay champ, Day 1115 is less than twenty four hours away, are you ready? Deal me IN!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 1113 I met it head on, for sure. Then there was .....

The daily toil, you know the one where for the 31ST consecutive day along with my exuberant workout where I burn a massive amount of calories prior to.The one event in the course of my day that takes up about 10 hours of my day(which includes travel to and from). Oh yeah, that one.

Well, for some reason yesterday's battle carried over to today as I burned only 1379 calories in the hour. I must say things were different today from yesterday. As the rain came down the temperature at 5 am was 47 degrees.Wearing three layers of clothing did make it easy to lose a lot of water but also did a good job of draining my energy.

I love you, workout. I'd rather spend my energy on you. What am I nuts? Well here is the bottom line we spend most if not all of our lives being driven by three forces. Those three forces are our desire to look good, feel good and do good. My philosophy on expending energy on a workout is that it covers all three driving forces. Now, the key is it quenches all them in backwards order.

I do good by taking care of body which feel good. I look good by showing the world how important it is to take of your body.

Day 1114 calls me to action - 1379++++! I'm ready!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 1112 The challenge makes it so exciting I can't stand it!

When that alarm goes off and I hit the floor I head for that door. I warm up the car. Clean up, wake up and sharpen my focus. Then I give thanks for one more day and I am ready to go. Always curious, what have I got today?

Today, I stayed the course. I hooked on at about the 10 minute mark and stayed constant. I averaged about 23.6 calories burned per minute for the last 50 minutes. I burned 1410 in total for the hour. Did some crunches ( 230) then 1 to 2 minutes of plank. Felt awesome. I stretched myself loose and feeling great.

Day 1113 is coming. I will meet it, head on!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 1111 The day of not giving in!

While I was doing my best to burn 695 calories in the first thirty minutes , I heard some one nearby me say, "I get so bored doing this cardio". Man, that was all I had to hear! that got me so jacked up. I love it when people say this is boring. Even to hear why don't you do something different. You know change your exercise once in awhile. My answer is this, "WHY?"

I love this right now. I am still trying to get from point a to point b. I have a goal. My goal is my own four minute mile. I set the record and now I must break it. My goal is long way off. I have a lot to do before I can hit that goal. So, when I hear this is boring I simply say to myself," by who's standards." Certainly not mine.

My reason for burning 706 calories in the second thirty minutes boiled down to one. I wanted to.

It felt very nice to do 1400 or more calories on back to back days again.

Day 1112 will see 1402+++ eclipsed! Lets go!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 1110 The rubber band man

At times you have to bounce back. Like today, when I burned 1422 calories in the hour as opposed to yesterday when IO only burned 1348 calories in an hour. My pace was strong at the beginning and maintained through out the sixty minutes.The six hours of sleep felt great!

Some one told me that 1111 is a good luck number.
Who knows maybe I will play the lottery on Ash Wednesday. Tomorrow will be day 1111,
I am pumped for the challenge; beat 1423+++

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 1109 Slugged my way today

Hey, it happens. Yeah, it happens when you go from a 25 hour rest to a 18 hour rest and you go from 8 hours sleep to 4 and one half hours sleep. When you wake up a little fuzzy. So, today fuzzy was not himself was he? Okay, old fuzzy burned 1348 calories in an hour and so doing halted the current streak of a burn of at least 1400 calories in an hour at 16 days. Bummer!

This is the lowest total I have posted in an hour since Day 1049. On that day I posted a 1347.

Oh well, I still love it. I am determined to beat 1348+++ tomorrow !

Day eleven ten! Bring it on!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 1108 After a good full day - I slept -

I love to expend energy.Physical energy. There is a great feeling when your body is in constant motion.The flow that goes through the body is unreal. My perspective is one from being in a current state where my body is in good cardiovascular shape.

After I did my workout yesterday, I worked for about nine hours. During that time I was in constant motion.I am very thankful that I had the energy to move about so easily.

As I worked I did not feel tired at all. When I got home I ate and rested and then slept. The amount of sleep I got was probably equal to the amount of sleep I have got in a long time.

So now, its off to the gym on this mild cloudy forty eight degree Sunday morning. Outside the grass is starting to over take the snow. It is funny about a month ago a lot of people would have not predicted the grass to be this visible around here.

The classic concept of "as it seems" rings true once again. The concept reminds us that it is never as bad as it seems and it is never as good as it seems. The reality is that we all must make our own judgement as to what it really is that we are seeing. We all have our own paradigms of how everything is.

Life rolls on we are all here by the grace of God. I am indeed psyched to take another hack at breaking 1433++ today. This will be my second attempt,as for the last two days I burned 1433 calories in the hour.

Lets go!

Time ran out on our hero to post yesterday so, I am here to report that, the burn was 1454 in the hour!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 1107 As we ready for day twenty six .....

Yep, this is Day 26 of working without a day off. My previous record of days in a row is 33 days. I did that when I worked from May 31st to July 3rd 2010. So where do we go from here?

We start sorting out what we have done we talk about the working everyday streaks and we revisit the the two a days and the three a day.

Which reminds me I have done 1121 workouts in the last 1107 days. I have been working seven days a week since May 20th 2010. That is a total of 287 days of which I have missed about twenty days due to days off and business closing and bad weather.

Let sets up on average a 14 to 20 day work week. Yep its go, go, go for me!

As I explained before my job is either bringing freight to the floor at a home improvement store which I do full time or waiting on tables or bar tending in the restaurant I work at on weekends.

When you slice it up there is very little sitting around for this guy!

Today, I tied yesterday's total for calories burned in sixty minutes. Amazing same exact total.
The readout read 1433.

Now, we are on to Day 1108. I'm thinking about doing two hours tomorrow. Who knows? Stay tuned!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 1106 Now, we start getting into warmer weather

Have we made it through the winter? We have not hit Saint Patti's Day yet. The mounds of snow are now give way to sightings of the hidden grass. Ah, our old friend grass. Tell me how have you been? As I figured, I got a good six hours of sleep last night. Had a slow start and got on the machine at 455 am.

After some waking up I was able to get the burn number to 725 in the first 30 minutes. I then settled for a 1433 burn for the entire 60 minutes. I did 655 crunches and stretched and was done feeling awesome.

I have arrived at a conclusion on the amount of actual calories burned. I agree of course that the machine read out cannot possibly be accurate. One of the reasons it is inaccurate is because the amount beats per minute. The machine has my heart rate reading of 205 when I am about 40 minutes into the workout.There is no way my heart is beating at that pace. Maybe it is beating only 70 percent of that. However, that is still at a high rate. That would be around 150 beats per minute.
Keeping in mind that the machine is set on manual and is on the highest resistance which is 100 % and the incline is at its steepest which is 10. However, there is a chart that gages your category of heart rate and it does leave room for beyond 170 beats per minute.

To decide on a rate of calories burned per hour is basically a 70% total of my estimated heart rate. I would say that my burn is actually 1000 in an hour. Heck, I feel awesome and that is the net out. Also, by burning more today than yesterday is an awesome feeling.

So, now we head to Day 1107- Cool! I'm ready lets have at it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 1105 A blast of cold air to remind us it is still winter

I was able to get going earlier this morning despite less sleep than the night before. Whenever I can burn more calories than the day before and do it on less rest I call that a sweep. It is a sweep because I won in two categories, calories burned in an hour and getting less rest. I realize it a sort of weird way to win at anything but it helps to keep me focused.

By earlier I mean I was out of bed at 349 am. I usually get up at 410 am.So, with my 21 minute head start I was able to get the work out started at 438 am. Oh yeah!

The arc trainer read 1426 calories burned at the sixty minute mark. Who knows? Did I really burn that many calories in an hour? All I know is when I was done with the machine there was a huge puddle of water. The water I imagine was sweat and it took a huge chunk of paper towels to wipe up. My concern is not so much how much calories I burned it is how I feel. And I feel great!

After all this time you would think I would get bored. I am not bored just the opposite I am inspired. I suppose to fully understand my inspiration you need to have worked out everyday for more than three years. Whenever I attempt to beat yesterday's total I always remind myself how many days in a row without a day off I have been doing this.

Tomorrow is Day 1106, when need to break 1427++ - I'm ready!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 1104 As the feeling of accomplishment continues to wash over me....

I felt great as we burned 1421 calories within the hour and finish by doing about 550 crunches. Folks the human body is remarkable. I give all praise to God when we consider that I have now been to my work 22 consecutive days and of course have worked out every day since.

My last day off was Super Bowl Sunday. Heck, I feel good and refreshed. The weather is turning a little warmer and soon it will be daylight savings time.

I hope all is finding their way to establish a great work out plan because I believe there is non of us that would benefit from being healthier!

Here comes 1105, right down the pike! Beat 1422++++! C'mon now!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 1103 The time is right and the feeling is right!

We all go at our own pace. Some say experience is the best teacher.Then others retort,"but, the price is too high!"Well either way something gets taught.Today after I slept for about seven hours which is more than I normally do. I got on the machine at 444 am. I suppose if I was back in my running days I would have hit the streets around that time. Back when I ran I wore no reflective gear no real running shoes. Nope, just my basketball sneakers and gleam to run for awhile.

As I recall, I had made a decision to start eating less and running. This was back in February of 1982. I had received my degree from the university and was starting my second sales job. My body had blown up and I had been watching the movie Rocky. Understand this, cable TV had just come out and so had HBO. When HBO first started its programming they would repeat the same movies over and over. So Rocky was the movie of the month.

I am sure that movie has inspired many people to get in shape. Well, it inspired me. I dropped about 35 to 40 pounds. I felt fantastic. Time went on and I gained more responsibilities and the weight came back on a little and I hurt my knee.

I had my knee operated on and rehabilitated it by swimming and using the Life cycle training bike.Before long more responsibilities came and I was off the bike and into the fat suit again.

Folks let me say this the fat suit is no fun! I got my doctor's attention with my poor health. Then .... WHAM! LIKE A TWO BY FOUR TO THE HEAD IT HIT ME**** WAKE UP YOU FAT HORSE!

Then I started eating and working out. All this occurred in 1997. I was working out on the life cycle for about 5 to seven days a week and was eating okay. Then my Doctor said I had to watch my cholesterol. I said, "man after all this hard work I still am not in tip top shape?"

That is when I took a very good look at my diet and decide to challenge myself in everything.

Diet and exercise I decide to cut out anything that looks like it has cholesterol and I decided not to stop working out.

So, here we are Day 1103 where I burned a good 1410 calories today in the hour.

Day 1104 is knocking on the door- lets knock it down with a 1411+++!
Come on!