Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 1499 No time for a double as the daily toil calls me in at 11 am.

Plans change, I do have time!

All in good time a nice 2 hour and 5 minute hard cardio! A good 4939 burn. A solid 17 on the 76 pound assisted chin up. A 300 killer. Then 430 crunch and a 60 q. An 8 floor and 8 minutes down plank with a three minute up plank. I weighed in at 180.

Now, I am off to my later appointment. Discussed many things during my first one hour and a half of my cardio today.

Day 1500 Holy Cow. Oh man, I'll tell ya these Yankees.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 1498 2401+ where are you?

Elusive.As I burned 2377 I felt a decent flow but certainly not like Day 1497. Hey, I love it especially as I charged down the stretch and burned 210  calories in the last 8 minutes.

I did a more challenging push up today as I did 15 with only 76 pounds of assistance. I did 300 killers, 430 crunches and 700 q's. I did do 800 floors and 8 minutes of down plank and 2 minutes of up. Weighed in at 183.

As green grass was  a cool contrast to the chill in the air.

Day 1499 No time for a double as the daily toil calls me in at 11 am.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 1497 we are indeed in hot pursuit of 2400.

We caught him. Yep nabbed him at  around 550 this morning. We nailed him by getting a 2401 burn of calories in sixty minutes. We need to the rest of his family. His brother is out there somewhere between 2400 and 2500.

Man, quite a while ago I talked about Henry David Thoreau and his talk about Walden pond. Where he speaks of his total connection with nature. I remember as it a connection with the FLOW. I felt today that I brushed up against the flow today. I increased my speed enough and broke through 2400 this week. Today I did a 2401. I did not stop there. As my chin with 88 pound assistance reach a personal high of 36. My killers were at 430. My crunches were at 520 and my q's were off the charts at 800. I did 800 floors and get this, I did 9 minutes of down plank and 3 minutes of up plank. I weighed in at 184.

To say I felt and feel awesome is a huge understatement. Ecstatic would come somewhat close to describing my feelings.

Day 1498 2401+ where are you?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 1496 Whew, that is a high number

So was my calorie burn today. 2389 in sixty equals an increase of 3 from yesterday and a per minute burn increase of 39.77 to 39.82. When you consider that at that rate I burned .664 calories per second. Then consider that yesterday I burned .662 per second we are talking about a minuscule of time. That said with my desire to hit 2400 I am only that far away from hitting that plateau. A we are needed to achieve that goal is to be 20% of a second faster in my movement over the sixty minutes.

Oh well, yesterday's daily toil was noteworthy as I became familar with about a hundred doors. No this were not doll house doors. They were doors I moved a least twice.

Burned 2389 then did 35 chin ups and 300 killers and 330 crunches with 430 q's. Did 800 floors and 4 minutes down and 2 minute up in the plank position. Yesterday, I did a lot at the daily toil. Today, I weighed in at 183.

Day 1497 we are indeed in hot pursuit of 2400.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 1495- Are we dressed, fed and ready to play?

 I fed myself some sleep. And I was dressed ( where as I had enough equipment to do my workout). I was ready to play as I did a good burn of almost 2400 I did 2386. I had a scintilla of a chance of hitting that magical number 2400. I was a little weak on the 88 pound assisted chin ups as I battled to do 25. My crunches lacked a little luster as I did 300,330 and 500, on the killers crunches and quantum's.I did 800 on the floor crunches and did well as I had a good balanced attack on the plank. Four minutes down and 4 minutes up. I weighed in at 186 which I am perplexed how by increasing my efforts on cardio and other exercises how I could have put weight on. Part of me tells me its muscle the other part says I am eating to much.

Hey, I feel great. I am determined to get the big 1500 by Sunday!

Day 1496 Whew, that is a high number

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 1494 We do a workout after a 16 hour break!

I finished strong. My total burn was 2364 which is a better average than yesterday. I burned 39.40 calories per minute today. Yesterday, I burned 4727 calories in 123 minutes which equals a burn of 38.43 calories per minute. I was almost a calorie per minute faster today. Keep in mind that I also did an hour extra yesterday.

I did a good 35 (88 pound) assisted chin ups. I fought hard and crunched my way towards 330 killers,430 crunches and 570 q's and 800 floors. I did 4 minutes in the down plank despite getting water dripped on my head. I did 2 minutes of up plank. I weighed in at 186, which I am not sure how my weight can go up unless I am adding muscle. Which is possible since I have been eating good and increasing my chin ups and abs.

Day 1495- Are we dressed, fed and ready to play?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 1493 Now we are seven days from April 1ST which equals 1500.

A monster rest. Sunday's seem to barge in with rest add to it the fact that I got out of work at 10 pm. Sprinkle in the fact that I was up from 615 am to 1245 and compound by the physical activity I engaged in the last six days prior to getting this monster rest and you can begin to understand that 9 am was enough sleep.Eight hours of rest I'll take it.

Now, we head to the gym to charge toward our thirty fourth double. On this seasonable day, in March,as the weather has changed back to 46 degrees with an expected high of  56 degrees with showers.

I am excited to get rolling.

Okay, so I did a good two hour and three minute cardio where I burned 4727 calories. Then I did  26 (88 pound) assisted chin ups.Then I had fun  with the abs. First  I did 350 killer crunches, then 450 crunches with 650 quantum crunches and 800 floor crunches. I finished this awesome workout by doing a 4 minute down plank and a two minute up plank. I weighed in at 178 pounds. I completed two two a days and did my 34Th double out of the 1493 consecutive days of working out. I average a double every 44Th day.

Day 1494 We do a workout after a 16 break!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 1492 Yes, Columbus did sail the ocean blue.

The thirty third double was added to the list of doubles.I burned 4700 calories in 2 hours and 2 minutes. Did 30 88 pound assisted chin ups. 350 killer crunches.450 crunches.600 quantum crunches 900 floor crunches and 5 minutes of down plank.Two minutes of up plank.Weighed in at 181.

As  the weather has cooled down. The fifties is a normal temperature for this time of the year. I felt and feel awesome as I enjoy a good breakfast of oatmeal mixed with cinnamon, banana and blueberries along with orange juice mixed with seltzer. Ah, the satisfaction of having a great bowl of oatmeal and savoring every drop seltzer mixed orange.

When you love it you just do it. The key is to enjoy what you do and to have fun while doing it.

When I am at the gym I feel like a pariah.Only because I sense that I am the only one there that really enjoys the workout.

Day 1493 Now we are seven days from April 1ST which equals 1500.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 1491 Now, we are into single digits to hit 1500.

The weather remains warm as yesterday we did hit 80 degrees. Tim Tebow is now a Jet.Sean Payton is now gone for a year.Peyton Manning is a Bronco. I did a good 2355 today and weighed in a t 187. passed on the other exercises as I was running behind.

A great week at the daily toil may have slowed me down. However, I so look forward towards doing a nice double tomorrow!

Day 1492 Yes, Columbus did sail the ocean blue.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 1490 The days are growing longer as the weather here is most unusual

Yeah, I know, try try 80 for the third day of ... Spring.I am wearing shorts again to the daily toil.

On the machine a little later but still beat yesterday. I did a 2345 in sixty and did decided to do a tough assisted chin up. Only got an 88 pound assist and did 30. Went nuts on the abs as I have increased my protein intake. Did 430 killer crunches,470 crunches and 710 quantum crunches with 800 floors. Did a 5 minute plank on the down position ( who was that lady?) Then did a 3 min up on the plank.

WE do it because WE want to!

Day 1491 Now, we are into single digits to hit 1500.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 1489 The crack of the bat and the crackle of the glove is only 16 days away.

Was on the machine at 432 am. I woke up, did some stuff and the next thing I knew I was burning 2344 calories in the hour. Heck, I beat the alarm by a half hour. I did 30 (94 pound) assisted chin ups.  I crunched heartily 330 killers, 440 crunches, 570 q's and 800 floors. Then get this, 5 minutes on the down plank. Two minutes on the up plank. I weighed in at 184.

We are given a chance and we love the challenge no matter what it is. Yesterday, was a vigorous workout. I am ready for another bout. The forecast is for 80 degrees on this fine second day of Spring in the year 2012.

Day 1490 The days are growing longer as the weather here is most unusual

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 1488 We have 32 days of doubles in the books!

No double today but, I did beat yesterday. Did a 2376 as I wore only 2 layers. It was a little easier and I sweated less.Not really my goal. It was 50 plus degrees when I started my workout at 455 am. I finished with a good 27 chin up ( 94 pounds of assistance) and 360 killers, 470 crunches, 650 q's,800 floors and 4 minutes down and three minutes up in the plank position. Weighed in at 184.

Today I give my fourth talk the last three were on thermostat,greatness and team. Today, I want to talk about being special.

Day 1489 The crack of the bat and the crackle of the glove is only 16 days away.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 1487 Now, I am stoked for for another whack at it!

As it panned out I blasted the same as I did yesterday in the second hour. 2341. I saw that I had a shot at 2342 even though I was at 2000 with 8 minutes and 27 seconds left.I needed to get 342 in the last 827.To that point I was averaging around 39.15 calories burned per minute. To get the next 342 in the last 8 minutes and 27 seconds I would have to burn 40.50 calories per minute. Since I missed it by on calorie that means I burned 40.36 calories in a minute. I missed by .14 calories in a minute.We are talking fractions of seconds.

I did 30 chin ups and 350 killers,450 crunches,630 q's, 800 floors 4 minutes of down plank and 3 minutes of up plank. I weighed in at 183.

Day 1488 We have 32 days of doubles in the books!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 1486 we do a double today!

My legs felt so strong today that I just had to see how hard I could go. I burned 2452 in the first hour. I burned 2341 in the second hour. I really wanted to beat the first hour  but, I was just not strong enough to hit my goal of 2905. Regardless of the number I busted it all the way to the end. It is such an awesome feeling. I jumped off the machine grabbed a mop. Mopped the floor and got into dry clothes. As my clothes were completely soaked. Then, I proceeded to do a chin up ab workout where I did 25 assisted chin ups. ( 94 pound assistance) Then 360 killers,450 crunches,500 q's,800 floors and 4 minutes of down plank and 3 minutes of up plank. I weighed in at 177. Like I said I was soaked.

Day 1487 Now, I am stoked for for another whack at it!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 1485 No rest for the weary

We head into the daily toil at 10 am. The gym today thankfully opened at 645. As I blasted a 2428 burn today and I did a 25 chin up and a good stretch now I leave in 15. Remember the morning talks we are thermostats,every one wants to feel like they have greatness in them and we are a team.

Day 1486 we do a double today!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 1484 Today is a special day because .....

I got more rest than I planned on. AS I burned 2355 after over sleeping and getting to the gym at 545 am. An hour later thank God I set up a buffer for my time.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 1483 Now, the notch is set at 2420. I dare you to beat that!

Where do you find more motivation from?
Some one challenging by saying "I don't think you can do it". Or, someone encouraging you by saying "I know you can do it".  Well I dared myself today, I guess that falls under the category of I don't think you can do it. I burned 2342. So for today my cardio was not as strong as yesterday and I had an hour's less rest. However, I did have a lot of strength on my other exercises. I did 40 90 pound assisted chin ups. I did 330 killers,450 crunches and get this, 820 q's. You know, the ole elbows to knees crunch. I did 80 floor crunches and 5 minutes down and 2 minutes up in the plank position. I felt awesome as I weighed in at 181.

We all want to be special in three ways feel ,belong and produce something that is special.

Day 1484 Today is a special day because .....

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 1482 We are on a roll, I will hit 2400 I just know it!

Yeah! I was right! I hit 2420 today, as I just felt awesome. Passed on the chin abs as I wanted to get my son a birthday wish early in the am. Weighed in at 182. Now, doing a motivational talk every Tuesday at the daily toil. I love it.

I have three so far one on the difference between a thermometer and a thermostat. Two on the ability to see greatness in others.And yesterday about a team.

I forgot to say one thing yesterday about a team and here it is:

"You must learn how to hold a team together. You lift some men up, calm others down,
until finally they've got one heartbeat. Then, you've got yourself a team."

Wow, what more can be said about a team. One freakin heart beat.

Day 1483 Now, the notch is set at 2420. I dare you to beat that!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 1481 now we start the big push!

Burning 2371 today was awesome. I broke through any pains or stiffness with a huge push. Did 30 assisted chin ups,330 killers,450 crunches and 700 q's then 900 floors with 4 in planks on the down and the up. Sweated like crazy and weighed in at 181.

Day 1482 We are on a roll, I will hit 2400 I just know it!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 1480 A quick turn around as we start getting longer times of day light!

The gym had a few less  members in it today. Did the day light savings time monster get them? Well, it didn't get me. I felt awesome as I increased my calorie burn per minute. Yesterday I did a 730 which equals a 39.09  calorie burn per minute. Today, I did a 2353 calorie burn which equals a 39.60 calorie burn per minute. I just felt loose and I had the flow going. Despite having done a 2 hour and one minute work out only 16 and half hours earlier. We all want to feel good, look good and be good. So let me ask you do you feel good? look good? And have you been good? Only you know and only you can answer those three questions. But you know what? Only you have to live with it?

When I weighed more and ate more and did not work out my body ached. I was sore and hungry all the time. What difference, now I am blogging about how anxious I am to work out some more immediately after I just had a great workout.

My chin ups were stronger as I was assisted by 94 pounds I did 35. Killers I did 360, crunch 450,q's 640,floors 800. I did a four minute down plank and a three minute up plank. I weighed in at 181.

Day 1481 now we start the big push!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 1479 We go one more time for the daily double when we hit the gym again.

Yep, the clocks got moved an hour ahead at 2 am this morning.Yep, we all lost an hour of sleep. However, lucky for me I had no work to go to. So, I did my 31ST double. I burned 4730 calories in 2 hours and one minute. I did 30  94 pound assisted chin ups and I did 330 killers,450 crunches, 620 q's and 800 floors with 4 minutes down planks and 3 minute up planks.I weighed in at 178 as I finish my workout at 110 pm after starting at 10 25 am. How awesome is that?

I just love it. The body responds after I push it. I feel like with strength of God that I am in such awesome shape. I work my body hard every day and it just feels great!

Day 1480 A quick turn around as we start getting longer times of day light!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 1478 Fifteen is in clear view!

A double! As we are ready to arrive at the gym. We go for 2 hours today as we do not need to report to work until some time later in the day......

Spent a good three hours at the gym. Yes, I know I am crazy. But its fun! Some people spend their free time doing other things mine is working out. After 1478 straight days I have just completed my 30TH day of doing at least 2 hours of hard cardio. Today, I did do two hours on the button. Burned 4530 calories. Then 27 94 pound  assisted chin ups.The 94 pounds really means I am doing
less than half my weight of a full chin up. I got on the incline sit up machine and did a 90 degree to 45 degree angle crunch.Those are affectionately known as killers. A regular crunch is a simple 90 degree to zero angle or flat( on an incline sit up bench set at a 45 degree angle). Then, the quantum crunch is an assisted elbow to knee crunch on a flat surface with ten pounds of resistance in each crunch. Wow! I think I explained it accurately. A floor crunch is a crunch where while your back is flat on the floor and knees bent and your feet are flat on the floor. With the assistance of a piece of equip you bring your elbows to your ribs with about 7 pounds of resistance. Of course a plank is holding your body in a position where you are rest on your elbows and fore arms while hold your back flat all on the balls of your feet.

In completing my 30TH day of doing at least a 2 hour work out that means 1 out of the 49 consecutive days and months of doing at least one hour of hard cardio. I have now  done a month of at least a two hour hard cardio a day.

So how many did I do today? About the same as yesterday.

4530 calories burned
27 chin ups
330 killer crunches
450 crunches
600 quantum crunches
800 floor crunches
4 minutes of down plank
3 minutes of up plank
181 weigh in.

Day 1479 We go one more time for the daily double when we hit the gym again.

Friday, March 9, 2012

1477 A special shout out to anyone who has done anything for four years or more.

I got to the gym earlier today than I normally do. I noticed... a light crowd. Come Sunday we set the clocks ahead. The daylight will be longer as we get closer to the two seasons Spring and Summer. That is where the artificial air goes away and the fresh air flows freely. It is when my hands stop bleeding and green is the color and the grayness becomes a faded memory. Then baseball shows up every day and you cannot stop thinking about the next day pitcher along with the next workout. Yep, this is what is on the horizon. God bless all of it and God bless all of you.

My perfunctory notes of the day:
2319 calories burned
20 chin ups
300 killer crunches
430 crunches
530 quantum crunches
800 floor crunches
4 minutes of down plank
3 minutes of up plank
185 weigh in.

Day 1478 Fifteen is in clear view!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

DAY 1476 Day 2 of warmer weather?

Man it was warm. Three layers plus sweat pants and shorts, Geez.I di a great sixty minutes where I burned 2354 a little less than yesterday and I finished with an awesome kick.My chin upswere the same but I did do 28. My crunches were delayed because someone was on the bench I usually work on right after my chin ups. However I did 280 killers with 340 crunches. By the time I got  on the quantum machine it was getting late some I just went crazy and did a Lenny Kravitz  song from start to finish. About five minutes on one crunch! I did 500 floors and 3 minutes of each up and down plank.

1477 A special shout out to anyone who has done anything for four years or more.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 1475 April fool's day = 1500.

I guess I was a day off the mark. Today, I just killed it. As John Sterling the NY Yankee broadcaster once said when referring to a Yankee performance, And the Yankees have come through swimmingly". Yep, that was me today I looked up and I had crashed the 2200 barrier with 3 minutes left.I burned 2378 in 60!

I also did 25 chin  ups ( 94 pounds of assistance)  330 killer crunches,450 crunches,630 quantum crunches 800 floor crunches and 5 minutes of down plank that was good and 2 minutes of up plank with no rest between up and down planks. Weighed in at183. Feel awesome here comes the rest of the cool down!

DAY 1476 Day 2 of warmer weather?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 1474 I feel like beating yesterday's mark.

I suppose feeling and doing are different, particularly in this case. Burned 2309 in sixty wearing mounds of clothing 4 heavy layers. No other exercise. Weighed in at 184.

As I post as my car gets check out I ponder this question: You know you will be challenged today, other than the obvious challenges what other issues do you think could come up and should they come up do you feel your overall attitude is prepared for it? Remember attitude is everything, and I know you cannot be prepared for everything. Do agree that preparation is vital?

Most consider that question impossible to answer but, I look at it this way. Should you consider what your challenges are what challenges have the best chance of happening. It is a fine line from having a negative attitude but really it is not because no matter what comes to a head, you will be mentally prepared for it.

Day 1475 April fool's day = 1500.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 1473 A quick turn around and we are back at IT!

As the last few seconds ticked down on the hour of my cardio workout I realized that the rest of the day was going to be a cool down. What else could it be? When start your day with a very challenging workout and prior to the workout you take in no food or drink what is next? When you burn 2329 calories in an hour and do 30 94 pound assisted chin ups with 330 killer crunches ,440 crunches and 570 q' crunches with 800 floor crunches and 2 minutes of down plank followed by 4 minutes of up plank, then weigh in at 184 pounds what is your next step up from that activity? There is none, just a body that is cooling down.

You see I cannot duplicate that again today unless, I fast for nine  hour then I do all that again. Folks I spend all of my day except for one hour( sometimes two) cooling down.

I guess I like to cool down.LOL- What paradox the person who works out the hardest usually spends there day cooling down.

Day 1474 I feel like beating yesterday's mark.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 1472 Let's shoot another round of two a day.

When you play golf the slang or saying is to shoot a round. Similar to shooting a round of bullets from a gun chamber. I suppose anything you shoot can be described as shooting a round. How I used that way to describe a workout is from the concept of completing the effort. A round is a set number, 18 holes of golf is  a completed round today 2 hours and seven minutes will be a completed workout.

So, lets complete the round and then watch the Ranger play the Bruins in newly remodeled Madison Square Garden and watch the Knicks play the Celtics in TD North Garden.

Let us go play....

Make it 29 days where I have done at least two hours!

Guts and determination. Two hours and seven minutes. I decided to challenge myself by keeping the hood on for the first 77 minutes. As I wore 4 layers I worked out on a different machine as a result I burned less calories in more time but I sure worked hard to burn the 4703 calories.I finished with 25  ninety four pound assisted. chin ups. My ab work included, crunches. Killers 330,500 crunches, 610 q's and 800 floors and 4 minutes up plank then 3 minutes of down plank.

When you push yourself very hard you realize how far more you can do. If I counted how many times I said to myself I will do this much then I will slow down. But you know I never slowed down I just kept on going.

Day 1473 A quick turn around and we are back at IT!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 1471 we are leaving a blue streak towards the 2 two a days.

Back in the earlier days on the NFL teams would run two a days for seven weeks at a time. There were not restrictions.
Two a days are special.It allows me to feel free.

A certain glow comes upon me when I involve myself in this exercise. Last Saturday, I did a two a day with a five hour break in between work. Today I do "it" with a two hour break.

Let us do it now..... As I began my workout at 655 am I knew I had two things going for me 1) I had not worked out in 25 hours. 2) I will be on the cardio machine for more than 2 hours.With those two facts I burned 4850 calories as I did a 2 hour and six minute fun workout. I proceeded from to get out of my extremely wet clothes and put on some dry ones so I could do a 94 pound assisted chin up 20 times, a set of 330 killer crunches,450 crunches , 530 quantum crunches, 800 floor crunches and 4 minutes in an up position plank and 3 minutes in a down position plank.

I got some thermal in soles.

We spend our as we like or we wind up spending our time unhappy.

Day 1472 Let's shoot another round of two a day.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 1470 The month March 2012 means 1500!

Today, I was determined to beat yesterday's total in calories burned per hour on the same machine. Today, I am glad to report that I was able to burn more calories in an hour while using the same machine. My goal was to burn 2353, at half time I needed to burn 1183 to reach my goal. I was wearing four layers of top clothes. I felt awesome as I cranked it up and burned 1197 in the second half for a total burn of 2367  which beat yesterday's total by 15 calories.

This wraps up a great workout work week week where I was up every day at 411 and got on the machine every before 5 am and improved on the day's total every day. For this entire week I was able to practice constant and never ending improvement.- CANI lives. I did 20 chin ups with 38 killers 50 crunches and 60 q's. Then a 4 and a half minute up plank followed by a 3 and half minute down plank.I finish ed with a 800 floor with added weight to the machine crunch. Weighed in at 182 and felt awesome.
Thank you, God.

Day 1471 we are leaving a blue streak towards the 2 two a days.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 1469 Day 1 of March and the start of the 49TH month.

So, we start the month by beating the day before's number for the third consecutive day.As I went from a 2319 burn on Monday to a 2339 burn on Tuesday to a 2348 burn on Wednesday to a 2352 burn on Today(Thursday). I used the same machine each day. Question how many does can I a) keep using the same machine and B) despite not having use of the same machine can I continue to improve.

This is an awesome challenge, as we are ready to hit the two a days on the weekend.

Today, I needed to get up very early and get to the gym by 430 which I did not. I did not because I was wrapped up in the Knick's game and did not get into bed until 1045 pm. Granted I did get up at 410am. However, sleeping only five hours and  twenty five minutes was not enough to move to get gym on time to do a full workout. I did my cardio in sixty stretched and left.

Day 1470 The month March 2012 means 1500!