Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1074 Even at 445 am we gave it a good go!

Yep, even though I was operating on 3 hours and 45 minutes of sleep I got the motor running. I burned 1396 calories in the hour. The workout capped off an interesting 22 hours of activity. Since 825 am yesterday, I burned 1418 calories in an hour, then worked 10 hours slept for about 4 hours then burned another 1396 calories an hour.

Right now, I am in midst of some problems with the computer monitor. So be it, we blog on none the less. The reaction of the body once it is called into action is amazing. To think I can chock all that activity into a short period of time simply amazes me.

So now it is onto the next quest.

The challenge first is the daily toil, then rest then day # 1075 . Boy those first 75 days in comma town went by quick.

I am psyched for 1075 as many streaks are still alive.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 1073- Getting ready to see if we can beat 1416!

Having a ball here getting excited about the challenge.There is one thing that I can say about working out everyday. It is simple. You just do it! You have anything to think about. You get to the spot where you want to workout and simply do it.

That said, I have narrowed my focus and have my eyes set on doing the workout. To keep it fresh and fun I want to beat yesterday's total calories burned per hour.
Folks, once you are there and the workout starts you are engaged in that activity. Then, the ride begins and whatever competitive juices that you have come out and you see what you have.

A good analogy is what do you get when you squeeze an orange? You get orange juice,right? Question. Why? Answer, because it is an orange. The reason it is an orange is because of the way it is made up. If it was not an orange, orange juice would not come out.

The same holds true for a person and how they are made or created or how they have conditioned themselves. It all starts with the mind and the mind determines the attitude and the attitude creates the character. So when we get squeezed we see what comes out.

The car is warmed on this 20 degree morning. It is around 8 o'clock am- Lets do it!

I wonder if, I did not post the quest of burning 1416 plus calories in an hour I would have been able to burn 1418 calories in an hour on Day 1073. So, on the 1087Th workout in the last 1073 days I burned more calories in an hour than I did the previous day. Also, I did on 24 hours and 25 minutes of rest where as yesterday I burn 1416 calories an hour on 25 hours of rest.

So we won today big time less rest more calories burned that is a sweep.

Does it help in overall performance to post your intentions? Does it give you an extra push? I think it did for me- Check it out in the first five minutes I burned a total of 113 calories; in the first 10 minutes 234; in the first 30 minutes 723; in the first 40 minutes 963;

Time out, right here, I had burned an average of 120.38 calories per five minutes. I was on pace to burn 1440 per hour. All I needed to do to beat yesterday's total of 1416, was to burn 453 calories in the last 20 minutes which would equal an average of burning 113.25 per five minutes.

To be honest at that point I was getting a little worn down. It did not help that I had a huge reminder under me to tell me how hard I had been working out. Either way I persevered and burned 455 more calories to beat yesterday's total.

Victory is sweet, when you compete against yourself.

Day 1074 is now officially known as the promise......I stand at the ready.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 1072 As we head toward Saturday number 153

As the followers of this blog may have noted this streak started on a Saturday. To be precise, Saturday February 23,2008.Here we are Saturday January 29, 2011. The gym opens at 7am so I have some additional time to post some thoughts. It about 15 degrees outside, there is so much snow you can barely see over the the snow banks.

When we try determine how we have received we get a report that another storm is coming. Well boys and girls this has been one incredible run of 30 days. I would guess that since December 26TH when we got a pretty picture of snow fall until today we have gotten at the very least 50 inches of snow.

The news that is not that exciting is that it is still here. Yep winter has done its part.

Last year, my calender says that on this date that my workout activity. Day 707; I had just done a workout on the arc trainer and burned 1070 in an hour. No mention of snow. As we fast forward to today. I am warming up the car and getting ready to burn 1400 plus calories in the hour as I have rested over 25 hours in between workouts.

The car should be warm I am ready here I go........

Today, we put on a clinic on how NOT to give up! By burning 1416 calories in the hour I exerted about every ounce of energy I had.I had a great first thirty minutes where I burned 715 calories. I definitely felt it. When in the next thirty minutes I could not reach that total but I would NOT give up. I burned 701 calories to get the total up to 1416 calories burned in one hour.

My legs and my breathing felt good I knew if I kept a good pace I would burn 1400 or more calories in the hour.

Here is a quick story to ponder. A man is asked to do a tough job. He must find out a way to boil a frog.First, he places the frog in a pot of cold water then before he knows it the frog jumps out. Now, the man was given this job and promised a good sum of money to complete it. So as the man thinks about his challenge he starts to formulate the idea of why is this frog not staying in the pot? He realizes the reason is the water is not comfortable. Perhaps if the water was more to the frogs liking temperature wise he would be able to get the frog to stay in the pot.

So with a flash of brilliance he puts the frog in a pot of comfortable lukewarm water. Then, guess what? The frog stays in the pot. Now, with frog in the pot he decides to turn up the heat. However, he does not turn it up high right away he gradually turns it up and before he and the frog know it the frog is boiled.

I know that is kind of a tough story but, there is a lesson and a question in it. What activity have you engaged in that has a habitual repetition that if you do not get out of the "pot" you will be boiled in it. Just like the unsuspecting frog?

Day 1073 will I break 1416 on ample rest?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 1071 - The 600Th post!

Day 1071 - The 600Th post!

No big deal who reads this anyway. Shout if you hear me.It started innocently enough. As the snow started to mount all around us.We all wondered when will we go a few weeks without another layer of snow.

From Jan 12TH to Jan 27Th we had over 40 inches of snow.

Today we burned 1392 and sweated all the way.It felt so good to back in the flow. I felt yesterday's romp through the winter wonderland. I suppose despite the two SNOW DAYS I have burned 1335 calories or more per hour, for 29 out of 29 tries.

I will say one thing and certainly not blow my own horn but it has taken a deal of effort to continue this streak lately. When you consider how snow is around here.But as I have said time and time again I love it! There is nothing better than to get going on the workout and just enjoying the rush.

Basically, I am ten days away from averaging a workout a day for three years.
Life is what it is. It is how we make it that gives it flavor.

We are now 24 days from 3 years.Technically, I have done 1085 workouts. Day 1072 awaits!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 1070 - To quote Rod Stewart, "the snow fell without a break"

No gym, after 18 inches of snow. No work, after 18 inches of snow. So what does a rambunctious person do? He pedals away on his Life Cycle for 2 hours and shovels snow for 2 hours without a break. Then gets so wet from the snow and sweat he drops his clothes in wash takes a post break and readies himself for more.

I really missed the workout today who knows if they open the gym I may go and do a good hour workout. The big challenge would be the early morning workout on short rest.

I do not want this post to sound too domesticated but, shoveling a foot and a half of snow this morning was a good workout. It seemed like I shoveled mountains of snow but it was only 20 to 30 feet. However, (again, I do not want to engage in my chores here) there was nowhere really to put the snow unless, you walked with the snow and threw the snow over the 4 to 5 foot banks of snow. Like I said, doing that was a good work out.

Here is an article that supports the facts about eating fruits vegetables and whole grains gives you energy and helps keep the weight down.

Day 1071 is around the corner and who knows maybe it won't snow.
I am psyched to workout some more. Today or tomorrow or both!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 1069 We are now at 28 but, where did 1400 go?

With a gallant effort I tried to catch 1400 calories burned in sixty minutes for the fifth consecutive day but, I just could not get it. Sometimes, I look at my max calories in sixty minutes as some game of the day. The game is played and won or lost on hitting the target of calories I burn every 60 minutes.

The focus is all me I create it and deliver it. It is pure entertainment. I get myself to think about what will stretch me that day or week or month. The power is knowing I will be there to play everyday. If showing up is not an option then the focus is setting and hitting the goal.

The neat thing is since I am the one who sets the initial goal. I am also the one who can modify it.
Today, I just was unable to get as loose as I wanted. By getting loose, I am referring to not holding back in attempting to push myself to burn the maximum calories I can in that hour.

My effort was there I just could not sustain a good hard 20 minute push to get to burn that elusive 1400 calories in an hour. Its only 23 and third calories a minute was equals 116 and two thirds calories per every five minutes. Now today I burned 23.03 calories a minute for a total of 1382 calories in an hour. When you consider that is only one fifth of a calorie per minute less than my calorie goal you realize that is a bummer.

However, not to be discouraged, tomorrow we will get back after it and burn well over 1400 calories in an hour- Oh yeah, I feel it!

Ten Seventy- snow or no snow!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 1068 Make it 27 for 27.....

Back on Day 1040 I burned 1402 calories in my first of two one hour workouts.
Since then the only interruption in consecutive days of burning 1335 or more calories per hour was Day 1055 -January 12TH the gym was closed because of the huge snow fall that was almost three feet. I worked out for two hours but did not burn 1335 or more per hour. However, I did not have the equipment to do so.

The facts are still in order, so we go on from here. I burned 1401 calories today within the hour. The streak of days where I have burned 1400 or more calories per hour is is at four.I finished very strong today as I burned over 24 calories per minute for the last 15 minutes of the workout.
So with a great feeling, we push forward and gaze out at the current snow fall which has brought on warmer weather and a few inches of snow.

Day 1069 approaches as we cherish the glow of the workout and praise God for the warmer weather. We are 26 days from three years. I am psyched to meet that challenge.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 1067 Make it 26! With a record setter

Since, I have begun this 1067 consecutive days of working out least 60 minutes in a cardiovascular activity, where I have burned between 700 to 1500 calories per hour I have not burned 1400 calories in an hour before 6am, until today. I know that is a mouthful but that does describe the record we set today.

I must say it is one sensational feeling. A feeling that helps on a frigid day like today. As I looked at the temperature at 417 am it read 3 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet as I sit here I feel warm and awake.
The pace today was smooth I burned 690 calories halfway through the hour and then I burned 724 in the next half hour.

Picking up speed as you go along is a great feeling. You feel like you are in total control and you start to wonder how much faster can you go?

Well, we rested a solid 19 hours and 26 minutes in between workouts and we burned 27 less calories in the hour than we did yesterday.

Day 1067 was the third day in a row we burned over 1400 calories an hour and 26TH time in as many attempts we have burned over 1335 calories an hour.

The days are dwindling we are now 27 days away from three years.

But first Day 1068 needs be met.
Hello Day 1068, how are you?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 1066 Make it 25 with a flourish!

Enough of the numbers. The challenge is to attack the pace. Then the challenge is once you get a good pace go for a great pace. As you are on a great pace repeatedly challenge yourself to keep pumping harder. The key is not to let up and before you know it, you will have burned 1441 calories in one hour. That is 1441 on a day when the outside temperature barely broke 20 degrees.

The 1441 represents many things
  • despite that I have burned 1335 or more calories for the last 25 tries in am still increasing my total
  • that when focus on doing better every time out the time out becomes fun
  • when you enjoy something you do it better than if you didn't
  • the glow of the work out seems to last a lot longer when you hit a goal

It has been awhile since I have burned that many calories in the hour.Since July 4Th 2010. So, on Day 863 that is over 100 days ago. WOW!

It felt astonishing!

Now, we play a good game of battling the elements -Weather check--

Right now at 1145 am where I am it is 20 degrees Fahrenheit.Tomorrow around 4 am it will probably be below 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

This presents a good challenge. I got off the machine at 930 am and plan to get back on it at 430 am which is 19 hours of rest. Heck, that is fine with me. Especially, since I slept soundly from 110 am to 711 am which is six hours and one minute. I feel refreshed and charged up and ready to go!

Bring it on---- 1442 plus!

Day 1067 ......

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 1065 - On Saturdays I usually post before I workout

So, let us set the scene. This is the 1065TH straight day and the 1079TH workout in that time frame. We are set for our 25TH success of burning 1335 plus calories in an hour in as many tries. We are going for our 15Th day where we have burned 1350 or more calories in an hour.

I am not sure how all these numbers popped up but, they are the facts. My body feels great as I am completing my work week. With the advent of all this snow I am confused as to how many days I have gone without a preplanned day off. I guess since I took last Tuesday the 11Th of January off we can start there but, the following day was a huge snow storm and unfortunately I could not dig myself out to get to work on Wednesday the 12Th. As I look back, I can say that I have not missed a day since January 13Th which was Day 1056 so, that was 11 days ago.

We are 25 minutes from me leaving to go to gym and with the good Lord willing will complete these numbers.

I have high expectations and am excited about the workout. I curious about my feelings as compared to others that are in my position. My curiosity comes from my desire to know what people who workout every day think about their next workout.

The odd thing is that there are many people who workout or do some sort of rigorous activity everyday and I have yet to get feedback from them as to how they feel about their experience.

One of my main reasons for blogging in this fashion is to attract people of this mindset. So far on the 594TH post to my knowledge, I have yet to attract or have made contact.

No matter to the feed back, I still enjoy doing the posting and the workouts.

On this January day in the dead of winter 2011, with the temperature at 11 degrees and my car warming up, I am ready to go.

We always start with the highest goal possible and adjust as we go. It is exciting to think that today we may just break a calorie burn of 1515! We shoot for it and away we go.......

OK! We got off to a great start and we kept it there. In burning 119 calories per five minutes for sixty minutes we averaged a calorie burn of 23.80 per minute. An awesome workout that felt so good it was almost effortless. On this day we burned 1428 calories in the hour.

Now, can I get an AMEN?

As I said I got off to a great start. I had 114 burned in the first five minutes. I then went on to burn 1414 in the next 55 minutes. Which is an average of a 119.45 calories burned per five minutes for the next 55 minutes.

We can trudge through our workouts we can not show up for our workouts or we can love our workouts it is all a matter of choice. As for me, I love to workout.

We are now in the final 30 days before we hit 3 years--
BUT FIRST, Day 1066 awaits..... I am indeed ready---

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 1064 Make it .. Twenty four and a victory over yesterday's total!

Along with 1064 and year 24, today completes the 35TH month. We are now in the last month of the second year. The big three is only 31 days away. What an incredible journey. I have had my fair share of bumps and bruises but all in all this has been so very interesting.

Today, we awoke to a new shroud of fallen snow. As I woke at 410 am I realized the gym my not be open. But thanks to a very courteous text message I was informed that the gym is open. I am most a appreciative of that bit of information. Once I had it I got myself together and heading down. I arrived on the machine at 453 am and despite a good bruise on foot from yesterday's daily toil, I burned 1381 calories in the hour. When I started sixty minutes I reminded myself how awesome it felt to be moving my legs in a vigorous manner. It was this mindset that motivated my to keep going faster until I plateaued at almost 24 calories a minute. I did not quite reach that total but I burned 23.02 calories per minute for sixty minutes.

This whole process I thoroughly enjoy and love and have and do extend a great effort to carry out day after day. Like anything we love their are certain rigors we all go through to enjoy it.

As I continue to ramble on here the snow has not missed a beat. The ride in will probably be slow so I gotta go.

The 152ND Saturday awaits, with it a whole host of new numbers. I am ready!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 1063 Make it 23, as we beat yesterday's total

With a huge push in the last five minutes we hit the tape by beating yesterday's number in burning four more calories an hour. I averaged 113.67 calories burned per five minutes. Where as yesterday I burned 113.33 calories per five minutes. That is one reason why I love to workout everyday because the difference can be so small yet it is motivating and exciting to me to see and perform its outcome.

I have come to the realization that during these last 30 days I have been doing these four basic things they are sleeping,working out, working and eating. I would hazard a guess that those are the four core ingredients that make up a lot of people's. Sleeping,working and eating. I would covers all of the working class. The issue of working out daily I have seen is a minority.

Only 30 percent is the number per this report. That only includes those that work out at least a five times a week with light to vigorous exercise! This article is from 4/2002.

Now, I am going out on a limb. Since, Americans are not getting any slimmer I am going to say that number has decreased. I will say only 28 percent
work out at least a five times a week with light to vigorous exercise!

Well readers and followers, day 1064 is knocking on the door. As we search for 24--

NO SNOW -----If it comes we will deal with it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 1062 Make it 22! With an outstanding effort

The water tells the story. As it took three mop downs to wipe away the 1360 calorie burn for the hour of 443 am to 543 am on this icy wet sloppy morning in the dead of winter 2011.

As I stood on the pedals of the machine this morning giving it all I had a subtle montage went through my mind. The montage went like this. When I was a little boy I was simply dressed, fed and sent out to play. I played day and night until I was called into supper. Then, I usually went out to play some more. I was the child that loved to run. So I ran everywhere.

As my grammar school days came I was still, dressed, fed and sent out to school. So I ran to and from school. Sometimes even with books in my hand. When I arrived home I was ready go outside and run some more.I would always play some sport be it football or basketball.

This continued for some time until I got my car license. However, then I drove to play football or basketball. The theme I gathered from this montage was that I was happy. I felt carefree and fulfilled mentally, spiritually and physically.

This constant activity of activity last until my responsibilities changed.Then as my daily routine and desires changed I drifted further away from the simple dressed, fed and ready and play attitude almost disappeared.

Then as fate would have it, I realized I was no longer happy in all phases mentally,spiritually and definitely not physically.

This was probably some 14 years ago. It was at that point, I decided to make changes to bring things back to the way it was for me in my earlier days.

And as the Good Lord would have it, I have been trying and making little improvements since.

So that is a serious gut spilling for all to see and ponder. My philosophy is simple, keep moving and challenge yourself to keep moving.

Day 1063 is in my sites, as we go for 23 straight tries. This time lets beat 1360!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 1061 Make it 21 and strong as I can be!

If ever there was a day for excuses to end the streak it would have been today. We had snow freezing rain a call that went unanswered signaling that gym was not open.

HOWEVER, despite my unanswered call at 4 am. I called ONE MORE TIME and got an answer at 430 am. So I pulled out the dog sled and arrived on the machine at 455 am and proceeded to burn 1392 calories in an hour. The 1392 in an hour brings me to another streak.For the last 13 tries I have done 1347 or more in calories burned per hour.

To quote that dopey Tiger Woods commercial THERE ARE NO DAYS OFF----

Besides, if it was off where would it be?

Never mind, just leave it at that - Snow, freezing rain and unanswered calls- does it matter? Where there is a will, there is a way.

Day 1062 I am ready for you.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 1060 Make room for twenty

I am now at 20 tries at the arc trainer and 20 times at burning 1335 or more calories an hour. Without that snow interruption and the fact that I do not own the proper equipment at home I would be at 21 days in a row of burning 1335 or more an hour.

No matter, I felt strong as I at one point burned 24 calories in a minute and burned 117 in five minutes.

The forecast for tomorrow is for a wintry mix to be delivered into the early am hours tomorrow. It play a factor in my pursuit of 21 in 21 tries.

I feel I did a splendid job by burning 1378 calories in today's hour, on only 18 hours 38 minutes of rest. I am definitely psyched to go after it tomorrow. I have notice that my strides are stronger and quicker of late which is an awesome feeling.

Ten sixty one ----is shuffling along----

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 1059 We hit nineteen in style!

With a refreshed outlook I poured it on to burn 1407 calories in an hour. A sensational pace that propelled the 1407 despite the lag in the last 20 minutes. I burned 951 in the first 40 minutes. Then I burned 456 in the last twenty minutes. I felt phenomenal! In first 40 in nearly averaged that magical number of 120 per 5 minutes of calorie burning. In the last 20 minutes I averaged 114 per 5 minutes.

Tomorrow will be the CHALLENGE. Twenty days of 1335 or more on shorter rest. I am psyched for the occasion.


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 1058 We are starting the countdown towards three years!

The third year will be complete on February 23,2011. We are now 37 days away. A little over a month to go. Bearing in mind, I have completed 1072 workouts in this 1058 days. Three years equals 1095 days.

When I take the time to reflect on these 3 or so years I think of where I was the two previous years on these dates.Thursday, January 15, 2009 my notes tell me this......

day 328- w/o 922- good 172 lbs 8 min 3x15x20 lbs
469 then a 453 that's strong had 312 1st 20 610 last 40 that is a consistent run 305 x 2 = 610

I was using the life cycle back then to do my 60 minutes of cardiovascular workout. I was also exercising with weights and working on some abdominal exercises.

Today, I am attempting to burn 1335 calories or more in an hour for eighteenth consecutive try. I say try not days because my consecutive days were interrupted by a monster snow storm that left me with no open gym to go to. They tell us it is the third largest such storm to hit this area since 1888.

So I have to say it is try rather than a day. However, as I said before I did do one hour of riding on the home life cycle and one on the treadmill. I do want to say this about the treadmill that I have. It is of far less quality than any other gym equipment I have ever owed. The reason why I say that is usually when I use treadmills my body takes on a few different pains. My shins generally hurt and maybe my thighs. With the use of this treadmill, my entire body felt racked even my feet were sore.

Ah, so be it another challenge to overcome. Long live the streak!

It is a cold day and there still is globs of snow on the ground I am getting ready to go warm up the car and head to the gym.

Saturday 151 is here. We are on the way to make it eighteen out of eighteen.


As we blasted after a 25 and half hour rest. Well done. Burned 1394 calories in an hour! Just missed getting the magical # 1400. Missed by one tenth of one calories per hour. Ouch. It so liberating to just let it go at a great pace. If people only knew. That gym and all the gyms would be so crowded it would be unreal.

There is one concept that always fascinated me. That concept is the growth of a given activity by a massive amount of people.

Think back to when automobiles first came out. Then think when street lights came out. Then televisions. Then personal computers. Then cordless phones. Then cell phones. Then the list goes on and on. Have said man if only I was on the cutting edge. If I was the first to not only try and buy but to have invested in the growth of these daily occurrences.

Folks I have a vision, I can see the day when everyone works out everyday. Where it becomes so obvious that our bodies need to put in motion every day for at least one hour. That there will be such a ground swell of desire in people that they demand to be healthy and live healthy.

What about you are you ready for this revolution that is coming like the automobile and the pc?

I am ready for Day 1059 and Number 19!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 1057 We are now at 17 days with a burn of 1335 or more in an hour

Sprinting at an awesome pace, is the best way to describe the feeling of burning the calories necessary to keep the streak alive. Then, when it is over you get this crazy warm glow that you are so happy that you stuck with it. The power of the workout is that the feeling does not immediately go away. The feeling usually lasts a good five hours or maybe more.

I burned 1351 today and got on the machine at 435am. Although I fell 1 calorie burn short of burning yesterday's total I felt so awesome in the process.

I know I reveal how I feel during after the workout very often. The reason is primarily to encourage others to do likewise!

DAY 1058 is coming down the pike! Saturday # 151!
I am indeed ready.....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 1056 Sixteen in Sixteen tries?

Yesterday, I had no chance to use the arc trainer at the gym because due to the weather it was closed all day. There was 2 1/2 feet of snow that fell yesterday Day 1055. WOW! Unfortunately, I was unable to keep the day streak of burning 1335+ calories alive. However I did complete one hour cardiovascular workouts yesterday to keep the day streak going. That streak now Stands at :

1056 days with 1070 workouts. Which equals a plus 14.

Today, I burned 1352 calories in hour.
Tomorrow - we shoot for 17 days and Day 1057.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 1055 - Huge Snow Storm!

This brings up a very interesting question. Was there a reason why this awesome streak of burning 1335 plus per hour per day was stopped? Or was it an excuse? First the obvious reasons:

  1. gym was closed
  2. had no machine to burn 1335 calories per hour on
Now, let us consider this, while the gym was closed I had no control of that. Here is the excuse, did I do all I could to have a machine available to burn the 1335 calories per hour? Well, my answer is, no. I could have made a better attempt to get a machine prior to today.

Although, I did continue my streak of doing a sixty minute cardiovascular everyday by riding my life cycle with a weighted vest. Here I must confess, so far today, I do miss the delicious feeling of burning that amount of calories per hour.

So be it with all this SNOW to clear I should get a good workout. Since, I am in a snow hole until I dig myself out.I will be posting again today.

As the boredom set in I did an hour workout on the old treadmill and burned 660 calories in an hour. So all total I was able to do 2 hours of cardiovascular workouts today.

Just to keep myself moving I did go outside and shovel for a few hours. Ni----ce .

This now completes 1069 workouts in the last 1055 days-

Tomorrow we dig, workout and go to work.
Good Lord willing.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 1054 Make it FIFTEEN!

Sailing along burning up 1335 plus per hour for the 15TH consecutive day! Today, I burned 1370 per hour. Started awesome and then slowed down had 926 calories burned in 40 minutes.Was on pace for 1389. Found myself burning only 440 calories in the last 20 minutes. Do the math 926 + 440= 1370! I started at a great pace I burned 827 calories in the first 35 minutes and 15 seconds. I felt very warm as I attempted to keep pace. Sometimes wearing three upper layers of clothing is not the best way to go.

I will do better tomorrow.Tomorrow, we go for sweet 16 Day 1055 but, frankly there could be trouble. The latest forecast is calling for 10 to 20 inches of snow.I will be working out- GOOD LORD WILLING- but I am not sure where.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 1053 Streak is now at a fortnight -14

As I awoke at 408 I really wasn't sure what time it was. Sleeping or napping since midnight, which is my usual habit on Sunday night's. I felt rested and ready to go get the fourteenth day.With temperature at a balmy eighteen degrees I warmed up my car and put on three layers of clothing do do my sixty minute workout.

My goal was to burn 1378 calories in an hour early on this cold dark morning.My pace in the beginning minutes is usually nowhere near where I end up in the later minutes. The thing that impressed me most about my workout today was that every minute I increased my pace.

Starting on a pace of burning 21.6 calories per minute I ended on a pace of burning 22.67 calories per minute. It may not sound like much but, over the course of an hour its a difference of over sixty calories.

By burning 1360 calories in today's hour I was able to keep the streak of burning 1335 calories or more per hour. The streak now stands at 14 days.

Day 1054 is on the horizon. Day 15 and another crack at 1378 is coming on strong!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 1052 Make it a baker's dozen--- 13--

For the thirteenth day in a row I have burned 1335 or more calories in an hour. Today, I burned 1366 calories in an hour on twenty four hours of rest.As I attempted to hit my big goal of burning 1400 calories in an hour, I worked very hard to beat yesterday's total of burning 1377 calories an hour. The ying and the yang played it's part again today. I had a good pace going but not as good as yesterday when I had burned 926 in the first 40 minutes. Today, I had only burned 926 in the first 40. Which is not bad that is still a pace of burning 1389 calories in an hour. However, by finishing with burning only 1366 I only burned 446 in the last 20 minutes.When I had burned 926 in 40 minutes that is a pace of 463 per 20 minutes.

This is what makes doing this everyday so much fun! I needed to burn only 12 more calories in the hour to beat yesterday. That means by not burning 1/5 of a calorie per minute I was unable to beat yesterday's total.

Check it out, yesterday Day 1051 I burned a total of 1377 calories in 60 minutes. In order to do that I needed to average a calorie burn of 22.95 per minute. Today, I burned 1366 per hour which is an average of 22.77 calories burned per minute. When you deduct 22.77 from 22.95 you get .18 of a calorie per minute. Which about 1/5 of 1 calorie per minute.

What a battle, to have lost by the closet margins.

Day 1053, we go after it: The fourteenth day and the 1378 the great 22.95 per minute. It will happen good Lord willing, on 19 plus hours of rest. I am psyched to get both- Day 14 and burn more than 1378 per hour!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 1051 Make it an even DOZEN!

As the snowed piled up some 8 inches high, I dug myself out to the OPEN gym. I guess after shoveling myself I felt like frosty the snow man and burned 1377 calories in the hour. I had such a strong start today. I burned 936 calories in the first 40 minutes. I was dead on pace to burn 1400 in the hour.

Here is where conditioning comes in. Our body develops a certain threshold and part of that threshold is breathing and constant body movement at a certain speed. Now there is a Ying and a Yang here.The Ying is the flow and Yang is the resistance to the flow. While I was Yinging along and of a sudden I was hit by the Yang. When I realized I had hit the Yang I started to slow down.
Had I been in better condition I would have been able to overcome the resistance.

You see, this is one of the reasons why I love to workout. I now have a new challenge. I need to condition myself to beat back the Yang!

We all wish to go to that next level. We all want something just a little better. So it goes with working out. Another reason why I love it is it is probably one of the few areas of my life where I can honestly say I do not wish it was easier I wish I was better. Can I get an Amen?

Day 1052 shall we do two tomorrow?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 1050---- Make it eleven!

Picking up speed! My highest amount of calories burned in an hour was 1402. My lowest was 1335.

  • Day 1040 2685-First 60 burned 1402
  • Day 1041 1366
  • Day 1042 1367
  • Day 1043 1344
  • Day 1044 2709
  • Day 1045 2651 First 60 burned 1360
  • Day 1046 1348
  • Day 1047 1335
  • Day 1048 1375
  • Day 1049 1347
  • day 1050 1369
This is by far, one of the strongest runs I have been on since this streak began. I am not really sure why. Perhaps, it is because I have just been feeling good and I have been getting enough rest.

As of today, I have completed 1063 sixty minute workouts in the last 1050 days.We are now only 45 days from three years.

We head towards our 150TH Saturday of this streak. If anyone asks you how many Saturdays have there been since February 23,2008 you can tell them 150. Needless to say, this streak began on Saturday February 23, 2008.

Day 1051 awaits as we go for an even dozen and the 150TH Saturday- I am psyched!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 1049 Make it TEN!

Alright! By burning 1347 I reached or surpassed 1335. Since Day 1040 I have burned 1335 or more calories per hour. Two things I noticed since I have been on this 10 day streak:
  1. my appetite is sharper
  2. my thirst is stronger
Day 1050 awaits ......

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 1048- Make it nine!

It started on Day 1040 where each day since I have burned 1335 calories per hour.

Why not? After burning 1375 in 60 minutes. Had a win- win today. Had less rest and still burned more calories. Win- win ! Felt sensational as in the first fifty minutes I was averaging 115 calories burned per five minutes. To keep that pace, I would have burned 1380 calories within the hour. Either way the pace was awesome. When you consider that I had a few minutes less rest than yesterday and I was able to burn 40 more calories an hour that makes it all the more great.

All total during this streak I have done 161 sixty minute cardiovascular workouts in the last 1048 days. In other words, if a workout a day was playing 500 hundred ball, I would be right now, 13 games over 500 hundred. That is darn good.

Well, time is short as my warm up time is just about over. Then I will go to work and see how many calories I will burn there.

1049 will be knocking soon!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 1047 Make it eight days in a row.....

Make it eight days in a row..... that I have burned at least 1335 in an hour!How do I feel? Even better than I felt yesterday, which is AWESOME! There is nothing like a strong finish to a workout. When you know this is it. You have looked at the clock and you realize the number you are going for and feel the surge. It comes over you like a powerful wave. As the wave comes you just focus on one thing. What is that one thing? It is to go as fast as you can. When its over you know you did it , you mustered up the guts to see what you have got.

It is kind of funny how win or lose, all you feel is exhilaration. All is right with your world. Time well spent, and we move on with a smile in our heart.

Well, burning 650 in the 1st half hour set up my opportunity to burn 685 in the second half hour for a total burn of 1335 in today's hour.

As I have said every day I do an hour of cardiovascular workout. I wonder if I had a camera on me everyday during that hour if that would make a good video? I once read where Dick Schaap the great journalist and interviewer once did an interview with the great Muhammad Ali, while Ali was shadow boxing. I wonder if everyday I had a list of questions to answer while I did my workout if that would be interesting to watch.

If anything, I believe it would send a very positive message.

Who knows I may be taking this workout talk and making it into a video. Stay tuned.

I am psyched for day 1048- Can I do two hours ??

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 1046 Streak stopped at two days!

After two straight days in which I did two hour workouts my streak has stopped.

HOWEVER!! The streak of 1046 days has been continued. As the new year has begun, I have done 5 one hour workouts in the first 3 days.I have set personal records in nine days by doing a 3 hour workout on December 24TH( day 1036) and back to back 2 hour workouts on January 1ST( day 1044) and January 2ND ( day 1045).

I am both excited and blessed that I have been given the strength to complete these achievements.

I am not sure which one felt more awesome. Doing a three hour workout. Or two days in a row of doing 2 hour workouts. I do think had I not had such a small amount of rest in between today's workout and yesterday's two hour workout, I would have been able to do two hours today.

I rested from 10:33 am yesterday until 4:40 am today. That is a total of 18 hours and 7 minutes of rest. As I burned 1348 calories today in one hour, I knew I did not have as much time as I would have liked to burn another 1200 ++ calories.

So, I have stated as one of my goals for the year is to do more workouts. One way is to do at least one 3 hour workout each month. The other is to do one two hour workout each week. That is sixty four extra workouts a year.

To quote the book the Godfather" let's do it now while we have the muscle."

Day 1047 is in the tide. As it rolls in, I stand by waiting for my chance.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 1045- Second day in a row I did a two hour workout!

That's a record! I have never done a two hour workout on back to back days. Well, what did I notice? Believe it or not, I felt better today than I did yesterday. Every thing was pretty similar weight, slight tightness in my legs and perspiration. When you workout for two straight hours your body gets challenged. The thought goes through your mind can I do it?

With a lot of confidence, I pretty much knew I could do it. This is where I feel having big goals is vital to your accomplishments. I was very determined to beat yesterday's total of burning 2710 calories in two hours. I really had very little doubt I would complete the two hour workout for the second straight day. I was focused on burning 2710 calories. I started with burning 1360 calories in the first hour. I knew to burn 2710 in two hours I would need to burn 1350 calories in the second hour.

However, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. As a result I burned only 1291 in the second hour. Either way, I set a personal record by completing two days of two hour workouts.

So, I felt and feel awesome not a bad side effect for not beating yesterday's total.

I am now 50 days away from three years. I am on track for my goal of doing both a extra workout a week getting my 437 workouts in 2011.

Tomorrow, will be a short rest before my next workout.

I wonder if I will keep my two hour workouts streak alive?
Day 1046 and workout 1060 in as many days awaits......

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1044- 1/1/11 As we lift open the lid

As we start a new year let us not forget old Og Mandino's salesmans prayer.

Today I begin a new life. Today I shed my old skin, which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity. Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all. Today I will pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard, for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me, generation upon generation.

Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me. The career I have chosen is laden with opportunity yet it is fraught with heartbreak and despair and the bodies of those who have failed, were they piled one atop another, would cast its shadow down upon all the pyramids of the earth.

Yet I will not fail, as the others, for in my hands I now hold the charts, which will guide me through perilous waters to shores, which only yesterday seemed but a dream.

Failure will no longer by my payment for my struggle. Just as nature made no provision for my body to tolerate pain neither has it made any provision for my life to suffer failure. Failure, like pain, is alien to my life. In the past I accepted it as I accepted pain. Now I reject it and I am prepared for wisdom and principles which will guide me out of the shadows into the sunlight of wealth, position, and happiness far beyond my most extravagant dreams until even the golden apples in the Garden of Hesperides will seem no more than my just reward.

Time teaches all things to he who lives forever but I have not the luxury of eternity. Yet, within my allotted time I must practice the art of patience for nature acts never in haste. To create the olive, king of all trees, a hundred years is required. An onion plant is old in nine weeks. I have lived as an onion plant. It has not pleased me. Now I wouldst become the greatest of olive trees and, in truth, the greatest of salesmen

And how will this be accomplished? For I have neither the knowledge nor the experience to achieve greatness and already I have stumbled in ignorance and fallen into pools of self-pity. The answer is simple. I will commence my journey unencumbered with either the weight of unnecessary knowledge or the handicap of meaningless experience. Nature already has supplied me with knowledge and instinct far greater than any beast in the forest and the value of experience is overrated, usually by old men who nod wisely and speak stupidly.

In truth, experience teaches thoroughly yet her course of instruction devours men’s years so the value of her lessons diminishes with the time necessary to acquire her special wisdom. The end finds it wasted on dead men. Furthermore, experience is comparable to fashion; an action that proved successful today will be unworkable and impractical tomorrow.

Only principles endure and these I now possess, for the laws that will lead me to greatness are contained in the words of these scrolls. What they will teach me is more to prevent failure than to gain success, for what is success other than a state of mind? Which two, among a thousand wise men, will define success in the same words; yet failure is always described in one way. Failure is man’s inability to reach his goals in life,whatever they may be..

In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the differences of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedeth all others is – I will form good habits and become their slave. As a child I was slave to my impulses; now I am slave to my habits, as are all grown men. I have surrendered my free will to the years of accumulated habits and the past deeds of my life have already marked out a path, which threatens to imprison my future. My actions are ruled by appetite, passion, prejudice, greed, love, fear, environment, habit, and the worst of these tyrants is habit. Therefore, if I must be a slave to habit let me be a slave to good habits. My bad habits must be destroyed and new furrows prepared for good seed.

I will form good habits and become their slave.

Reading this is a lesson in how to conduct yourself in any walk of life-

Thank you, Og Mandino. I can recall reading this daily from the book the world's greatest salesman.

With this focus my goal today is to start the year by doing a 2 hour workout and see if I can beat the two hour calorie burn record which now stands at 2685 calories.

Yes! We start the New Year off with a bang. As we set the record for calories burned in two hours by burning 2709. The challenge was there and answered. Burned 1383 calories in first hour. Was determined to burn enough to break 2685 in two hours.

My goal this year is to do one 2 hour workout a week and do one 3 hour workout a month. That would give me 6 extra hours a month or 72 extra hours a year.

That is a very aggressive goal.A jump from 373 workouts a year to 437 workouts a year.
Tomorrow, I have my eyes on something I have not done before, that would be doing a 2 hour workout 2 days in a row.

Day 1045 is coming. Will it be another record breaker?