Cowards! Fatigue makes cowards out us all. Do you see the correlation folks? Have you ever asked, why do I feel tired? There is usually a simple answer. But not always the correct one. I suppose we can say that about anything. Coward comes from the word courage and courage has to do with heart.Now heart in this case has to do with will. Of course will have all to do with determination. So it makes sense to me that if you are tired you will probably have less determination than if you were not tired. I feel if I am going to tired I have to be really tired because I know I am in shape.
People need to get in shape! Get moving and get used to moving if not they will just become cowards!
Speaking of cowards, I burned 15 more calories in the hour than yesterday. Using the hot box (best known as area 2) - I beat yesterday by burning 1385.
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