Mettle is that a good word? It means Courage and fortitude; spirit-WOW, THAT WORD IS RIGHT ON THE MARK! One needs a good supply of mettle to pass a test of energy. I am buoyed by last night's exciting win by the NYY. I slept only from 2:30 am - 5:30 am but hey, why not test the ole mettle of this dude?
I will be optimistic! My legs got a rest yesterday because they never really got out of gear. Now today I have a clear shot to be fresh LOOSE and excited. The opportunity is ripe, the door is open I need to run through it!
Here we go, Day 604 is here with the open door.
Met the challenge head on! Did 455 in 1st 30 minutes ended with a 879 calorie burn for 60 minutes. Felt great it was awesome to get back into a competitive groove again! Noticed a tremendous amount of sweat being drained from my body it was wonderful- Extraordinary endorphin rush- Did 700+ crunches
I am pumped for Day 605
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