There is an unfailing boomerang that will always come full circle back to you. Honesty and unfailing integrity is
good business. Honesty is the best means of getting rich. Put in motion the right cause and the right effect will
take care of itself. Our only hope in winning the hearts of those we serve is in helping them in some way. Never
give less than your best or you’ll work against yourself.
The greatest ignorance of all is the mistaken belief that we can ever receive more than we earned.So true, so true!
Day 587 awaits - let's see I have day 87,187,287,387,487 my calories burned on these days were: Day 87 -815; Day 187-my b-day 915; Day 287-924-Day 387-913; Day 487-903- On these 87 days I averaged over around 850 . To geek it up my average was 889 calories burned per 60 minute workout.
Let us see if I can raise that average.

Chalk up 939 for day 587- oh yeah! An awesome ride with a decent kick.Did 311 after 20 minutes which is 11 over 15 a minute pace , 473 after 30 minutes which is 23 over 15 per minute pace, 630 after 40 minutes which is 30 over 15 per minute pace 939 after 60 minutes which is 39 over 15 per minute pace. That is a nice strong consistent ride. Here is a phrase I always found to be strong-
Moral of the story is you would probably do not want to be THEM.
CONFUCIUS SAY: Person who thinks as one who is hammer, thinks everyone else as nail.
Remember lead the field and when you point fingers there are three pointing right back at you.
If you want to help the health care problem, get healthy and work out!
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