On this date last year- I was on my 235Th day of consecutive workouts. I was able to burn 913 calories in 60 minutes at the Rocky River, Ohio fitworks gym. I was there on visit of three days.
Two hundred and thirty five days.Now, a year later the number has reached 600, WOW!
To be a visionary on this date next year I will have done 965 consecutive days. That's exciting because that would put the streak at 35 days short of 1,000. As it stands now that day would be November 18Th 2010.
A we hurdle along the clock keeps ticking and we all realize that we are here for just a flicker of time. Let us all remember this each day and make the most of each precious second-
I've come to realize that focus is the key. If you want good results you have got to have your mind firmly on the matter at hand. Today, I started off on a pace of 68 calories burned in the 1st 5 minutes which equals an average of burning 13.6 calories per minute.By the 10 minute mark I had burned 148 calories. I first caught the 15 calorie per minute pace after 12 minutes when I burned 180 calories in 12 minutes. After the 12 minute mark I stayed on the 15 calorie per minute pace until I had burned 906 calories in 60 minutes- Can I get an AMEN? I was pleased with that result. Establishing and keeping that pace takes a good effort while it produces a wonderful rewarding feeling.
Within the next minute I was doing over 1,006 crunches then 32 minutes on the plank. I love it because I was practicing CANI
- Constant
- Never ending
- Improvement
Since I went from 902 calories in 60 miuntes on Day 599.To 906 calories burned in 60 minutes on Day 600, I practiced CANI.I also practiced CANI when I did 1000+ crunches on day 599 then did 1006+ crunches on day 600. Adding in an extra 2 minutes on my plank from day 599 to day 600. On day 599 I did 30 minutes on the plank and on 600 I did 32 minutes.
My spirits were high after today's awesome work out.-

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