Studies I have read tell us that 75% of what we thought about yesterday we will think about today. That generally requires little thinking on our part. If you believe that the percent of thought is repeated at that high of a rate that means we all go along with very consistent patterns of thought.
I suppose if you do want to accomplish your daily goals whatever they are you must do some things over and over. But to think that most of us go along in a programmed fashion of consciousness is kind of scary, sad, limited, call it whatever you want but just not right. We have so much more potential that we could tap if we just expanded our daily thoughts to focus on what successes we can reach.
When I speak of 75 % I am including to most, the same old stuff. By the same old stuff I mean all the limiting thoughts we all entertain in our head. The world today is filled with so much negativity that one can not help but be affected by it. The challenge to all is to not let us be guided by the prevailing thoughts of people that are being guided by a flow of non up lifting thought patterns. We must always be at the ready to unveil good in all. Our minds are so incredibly powerful that we still have not figured out its true strength.
It has been studied that we only use a small amount of our mind's potential. Now that is a scary thought! Yep the studies usually say we use a small fraction of the potential we really have.
Here is a great analogy imagine living in a house and only living in about 4 to 7 percent of its actual living space. That is what we do when we use or brain. That is not just one person we are referring to, that is EVERYONE!
Well enough deep thought. I am off to play again - I am psyched to use as much of my brain's potential today!
Love to all and keep searching for ways to use more of your potential -
I suppose if you do want to accomplish your daily goals whatever they are you must do some things over and over. But to think that most of us go along in a programmed fashion of consciousness is kind of scary, sad, limited, call it whatever you want but just not right. We have so much more potential that we could tap if we just expanded our daily thoughts to focus on what successes we can reach.
When I speak of 75 % I am including to most, the same old stuff. By the same old stuff I mean all the limiting thoughts we all entertain in our head. The world today is filled with so much negativity that one can not help but be affected by it. The challenge to all is to not let us be guided by the prevailing thoughts of people that are being guided by a flow of non up lifting thought patterns. We must always be at the ready to unveil good in all. Our minds are so incredibly powerful that we still have not figured out its true strength.
It has been studied that we only use a small amount of our mind's potential. Now that is a scary thought! Yep the studies usually say we use a small fraction of the potential we really have.
Here is a great analogy imagine living in a house and only living in about 4 to 7 percent of its actual living space. That is what we do when we use or brain. That is not just one person we are referring to, that is EVERYONE!
Well enough deep thought. I am off to play again - I am psyched to use as much of my brain's potential today!
Love to all and keep searching for ways to use more of your potential -
Day 584 is in the books! Had an awesome 1st 30 minutes of riding. The second 30 a big difference. Now let us make note of this in the 1st 10 minutes I did a 162- in the next 10 I did a 162- That put me at 324 after 20 minutes.Which is a 972 for 60 pace- WOW! That would be phenomenal - After I nailed those good numbers I did a 148 in the next 10 minutes. So I was at 470 in the 1st 30 that is the best I have done in awhile. When I made the turn heading for my next 30 minutes of riding I noticed I did a 140 in the next 10 minutes. Then in the next 10 I managed 139. Now I was starting to feel my goal getting a 900 was slipping away. I was at 747 calories burned in 50 minutes.I was very determined to get back to a 150 +calories burned per 10 minute pace. I did all I could and did a 136 in the next 10 minutes. Which represented my lowest of my 10 minutes of riding within this ride. So I finished with a 883- OUCH!
As the lifecycle automatically switched to a cool down level I thought what can I do to get to the 900 level that I was dying to get? I knew I had missed my chance this time. So I decided to play a little game. I decided that I can burn 17 calories in the 1st minute of riding after the cool down I will earn the 900 for the day. I felt extremely confident in my ability to do it.
I started to think hey, why not do a sprint after every 60 minute ride. Just to see how much I have left in the tank.
So that was the deal, do 17 or better in the 1st minute and I get a 900 for the day. Well, I did it in fact I did 19 calories burned in a minute!
See this stuff is really fun and I love it! I did about 600 crunches along with 22 minutes on the plank and I was done.
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