Here we are ready to pass Arod. How good is that? When you focus on the now, you have no time to look back or forward. That is why I believe it is the now. Today should be a good day to do just that because I have ample time for a good work out.
I was once told by someone who was very successful that all you got is what you know and time. I suppose everyone knows something a little different but time is pretty much the same. We are all given 24 hour days. Then, what we do in those 24 hours is considered our accomplishments for that day. The same goes for each passing second , minute or hour. Time: is the same for everyone. Knowledge on the other hand is something that is not justifiably equal. Knowledge is usually what spells the difference between what gets accomplished between individuals.
Knowledge is such an all encompassing word that just say it separates all of human accomplishment. Here is a powerful thought and one that comes to mind whenever I think of time and how to mange it.
People once asked Ben Franklin
If you were given four hours to chop down a tree how would you manage those four hours? Ben's reply was I would spend three of those hours sharpening the axe. Think about that. Why would ole Ben spend three hours sharpening the axe? After all he only had four hours to chop down the tree? Well, his answer was if the blade is sharp I do not need that much time to chop down the tree.
Which leads to another great concept. What if we looked at ourselves as the axe. In this case, the tool being used to do the job. What if the job was life. How would we use ourselves to get through life? Would it not be necessary for us to be as sharp as we could be to do the job?

Alright that was some motivational speech! It certainly got me going! Did a splendid 933( calories burned) in 60 minutes of riding. Had a nice 27 minute plank along with 600 plus crunches. I was sharpening my axe!
I must say that what Franklin said and did was original what I just said and did was not. Also, I should say this concept of working on oneself in this particular way is not original. However, the way Steven Covey has explained it in his book "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is indeed original.
In fact many of my thoughts are just a recall of many things I have read and heard over the years. In which I am no different than anyone else.
Either way 583 is the next home run record to fall the person that accomplished that just as Arod probably cheated to accumulate that total so I will not mention that individual by name.
One step at a time it is on to 582!
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