Came out like a true house of fire! Did 167 ( calories burned) in the 1st 10 minutes, 337 in 1st 20 minutes, 502 in the 1st 30 minutes. That my friends is a serious blast! To give you an idea how awesome burning 502 calories in 30 minutes is a life cycle consider this:
During this 574 consecutive day journey of doing a 60 minute cardio vascular work out of mainly riding a life cycle. It has only been on now six occasions have I burned 500 or more calories in 30 minutes. However, since September 7Th to today September 18Th I have done it twice.
Let me see, 6 days out of 574 is 1 out of 95.4 days. I wonder why I can not do it more often. Also, I have only done a 1,000 plus burn only 3 times. So let equals 1 out of 191.3 days.
Here is list of the occasions:
Day 324 Sunday January 11Th 2009=1003= special note in 2ND half did a 508!
Day 399 Friday March 27 Th 2009= 1006 508/498
Day 408 Sunday April 5Th 2009 did 520 on the 1st 30 WOW! - then 1,013
DAY 478 Sunday June 14Th 2009 did a 507 in 1st 30 minutes finished with a 927.
DAY 563 Monday September 7, 2009 did a 501 in 1st 30 minutes finished with a 958
Day 574 Friday September 18, 2009 did 502 in 1st 30 minutes finished with a 963
Day 574 Friday September 18, 2009 did 502 in 1st 30 minutes finished with a 963
As we can see I have done 500 or more in 30 minutes within 11 days 2 times.
March 27,2009- April 5, 2009 is 10 days.
September 7,2009-September 18,2009 is 11 days.
We also keep in mind that i have completed 4 additional work out in this 574 day run. So my total rides total is 578. That makes this 500 in 30 number even more impressive. And this 1,000 in 60 minutes even more awesome!
The work out today was definitely fun. Anytime you could blast out 500 in a 1/2 hour in is very exhilarating.
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