day 678-921- 182-400 crunches no plank 50x20 SNOWING
Okay, straight from the horse's mouth.
Today, December 31st 2010 my notes: Day 1043 1344 177 438 AM.
So, over the last 365 days I have done 373, 60 minute cardiovascular workouts where I have burned between 850 to 1515 calories per hour- Can I get an AMEN?
I started this streak of consecutive days of doing at least one cardiovascular workout where I burned anywhere between 850 to 1515 calories per hour on February 23, 2008.
Here is a look at how I began and ended each year since the streak.
12/31/08- Day 313 937 174
12/31/09- Day 678 921 182
12/31/10- day 1043 1344 177
My calorie burns are different because for the 706 days I used the life cycle bike and for the last 350 days I have used the arc trainer.
How was everyone's year? I hope by reading this blog has aided you in some way this year. In 2010 I had perfect attendance on this blog I post everyday. My have actually increased and I feel stronger.
Folks, I have said many times before, you can and should workout everyday.Our bodies were meant to be moved. Moved by the wonderful legs and arms God have given us.
Tomorrow is Day 1044. I am so psyched. Another workout, another year of workouts- I am pumped what about You??