So let us all use that as a foundation of our thoughts as we head into the season of hope and love.
I have been a committed contrarian to popular beliefs. especially when it comes to working out and eating. I have worked very hard at a certain why of living that I feel I have discovered that flies right in the face of what others do. Now, to use the phrase that Socrates chose to explain his position " I maybe wrong, which I often am but." Based on my apparent results I may have come a cross an effective way of life. For the first 50 or so years of my life I never really questioned to phases of my life and that was eating and exercise. I ate what I hoped was healthy enough and tastes great. Then as I got older I discovered I had high cholesterol and in an effort to not take medicine I decided to change my diet and exercise more often. The results were good but not long lasting. As I began to observe my approach to eating foods that were not good for my situation i changed my thinking about eating those foods.
As a result of that process of thought I decided to eliminate all suspects and divorce myself from any food that I did not feel had any saturated fat in it except for olive oil. So that where I am right now.
By eating fruits, vegetables and whole grains I have made a decision to stay with that for awhile.
As far as exercising goes my choice for that was real simple. The philosophy I adopted for that was, do not miss a day and let's see what happens. So here we are.
I am now ready to go after day 1,002 of not missing a day. I have worked out 1,007 times in the last 1,001 days.
The gym opens at around 7am it is now 625am. Let me in!
I felt great. i am not sure if the rather chilly weather gave me a positive effect to my workout. My flow was definitely in motion today. I burned 660 calories in the first 30 minutes of the 60 minute workout. After another 30 minutes I burned another 672 which was a total of 1332 calories burned in the hour.
The total of 1332 calories burned in an hour sent me searching my postings to find the last time I had burned that much in one hour.Upon my research I found out on Day 975 I burned 1334 calories in an hour. The date was Sunday October 24TH 2010. That was 27 days ago.
I cannot say enough the awesome feeling those types of workouts generates in my body.
I have been sending out emails to certain individuals lately that center around one question and subject. The subject is incentives. The concept is what incentives do you need in order to agree to do something.
Here are a few of the questions.
If you gave your self ten things to do today and you were paid 100 dollars if you completed all of them would you do them?
If you gave yourself ten things to do and you were paid 1,000 dollars if you completed all of them by noon would you do them?
If you gave your self ten things to do and you were paid 10,000 dollars if you completed all of them by 9 am would you do them?
Well, here is another one. If you had to write out a list of 20 things you wanted to do on a day and chose just 10 to do for that day would you do them under these conditions you were paid 2,000 dollars for completing or had to pay 200 dollars for not completing any one of the 10 things you did not complete? I suppose the question is do you have enough confidence in your self to complete what you want to do? After all, what you are really saying is my odds of doing what I say I will do are 1 in 10. Which is really pretty low.
I am curious to hear people reactions to these questions.
Either way 1003 is the next challenge.
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