Up at 6:20 am working out by 7 am burned 1,463 calories in 60 minutes can I get an amen? I said can I get an AMEN?
Was asked a few questions today - Here was my response.
What was your weight when you started ? Answer: for the streak 195 lbs
What is your weight now ? 180 lbs
What was your state of health when you started ? for the streak about average
I noticed that you are a vegan is that correct ? for about 140 days
When did you become a vegan ? Since 1/1/10
Just curious. I hope you don't mind answering these questions.
Nah, I love the workout questions - Thanks for asking.
I have to ask you a few questions about the workout thing.
Why did you start ? Well I always played sports and when I stopped playing sports like basketball and softball and flag football. Here is my testimonial. You know the thing that drives me the most is the pure competition of it - Everyday was the question is Can I beat yesterday's mark? Will I give it my all?
This is right up your alley! I remember you were always very competitive.
I noticed I started to eat and drink more then gain weight and felt like shit. So, I decided to start working out. Primarily riding the lifecycle. Once I started to workout hard on the lifecycle. I started to feel good and lost about 20 lbs. Prior to working out I weighed about 240.I got down to 210 and watched my diet. But I still ate like a 240 pound guy.So I decided to cut back and increase my workout. Then within about 5 years of moderate working out and eating I got down to 195. Now here is where the story gets interesting. Every lent I would give up drinking beer and I noticed at the end of lent I would lose about 10 lbs. I said wow, that's cool then I would go back to drinking beer and of course I would workout about 5 or 6 days a week. Then I met a worker at work and we started talking about positive stuff. Like if you believe it you can achieve it all stuff that I had been really motivated about before. Then I started thinking. What would happen if I increased my workout and cut back on my fat in take and for that matter my food in take? While I was contemplating all this, I was practicing lent and had given up beer and a few fattening foods. So I said let's go for it! Heck, I was in good health felt strong and was fired up. I then decided I was not going to take a day off from working out. Let us see what happens I felt like Christopher Columbus. OK, watch out the world is flat you are all going to die- WRONG! I got sore but not much I just kept going for it everyday I felt better and better. I did get skinny which was weird but I felt great strong and lean. I got down to 163. But then I ate more and my weight leveled out. What a feeling when you have total control of your body. I mean physically and mentally. If, I felt like eating I ate, if I didn't I would not eat but I would still workout! Working out has got to be on of the best forms of enjoyment for me.
Sorry I went off on all that stuff, but I think everyone should try to workout daily the high I get from 1) being in shape 2) the flood of endorphins is priceless.
As far as being a vegan this my first year of it. But it was not that difficult of a transition. My cholesterol was around 232 and I have since got it down to 203 with no meds just exercise and eating right. My goal is get the number as far down as possible. I was at 180 back on day 200 or so.
Read my blog and become a follower http://john-aseyecit.blogspot.com/
Great questions- I think I'll put this in the blog-
Look for it in Day 805.there you ---go!
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