Ever wonder if that statement is true? The next time you are faced with a task that is challenging either physically or mentally ask yourself how am I going to complete this task? Please do not ask it in a negative way. Ask it with a curiosity. Alright, how will I do this? If the task presents a challenge break down your thoughts and say I need to complete X where is the energy going to come from. My guess is the energy will come from some emotion. I feel that we are driven to things by three basic forces. I recall mentioning these forces in the past . They are body, ego and soul. Your body wants to feel good. Your ego wants to look good and soul wants to do good. With those three essential reasons as to why we do anything it is easy to see why emotion plays a huge part in what we get done. Can we separate emotion from energy? I think it is not really possible. Consider this, it is snowing and you need to drive your vehicle in order to get you where you need to be in a short period of time. Question, what enables you to accomplish this task? My answer is two things emotion then energy. Number one you need a reason which comes from an emotion to get the energy to move. I know we can consider habit as a factor but that habit came from emotion and energy.
So my point is simple, what is your drive? Is it to turn your life around? Is it to stay on course? Either way your going to need a big helping of emotion and energy. I look at it this way, find the button in your being that when pushed that drives you with enough energy to complete the task.
A classic case, of what I am referring to is the Lenten season that starts for the catholic religion on Wednesday ( Day 726 good Lord willing). The Lenten season is a time for the soul to make preparation for the resurrection of the Lord. The the practice is to repent and give thanks to the Lord who gave us eternal life. Part of the showing of repent and thanks is to give up or add on to some part of our current daily habits. One may give up something that they enjoy very much. Or one may do something that they have not done enough of in the past. All of the choices are to lead to a better person either mentally or physically. All this is to be practiced for the entire 45 days of the Lenten season.
In the past I have been blessed with my sacrifices. My first change in a habit I had was to give up coffee. So for a one season I gave up coffee. That was not an easy thing to give up. My body was so accustomed to the caffeine in the coffee that it reacted for days even weeks of giving me headaches. But you know what? I persevered and made it through the season. At the conclusion of the Lent, I realized one thing if my body had such a tough time getting rid of the caffeine it must not be good for me. So I dropped all coffee from my diet. And eventually in the following years I dropped all caffeine.
And there we have it, the emotion of the Lenten season and the energy is what I needed to complete a rather challenging task.
Now, it is off to the gym with an effort to see what will drive me to do today's work out goals.
Driven by emotion I climbed up on to the arc trainer and burned 1410 calories by maintaining a vigorous pace. Then I went on to do a good strong abdominal muscle workout. Where I did 330 crunches and 14 straight minutes in the plank position. I found myself loaded with determination today. I sensed my body wanted to be tested!
It is funny, I saw one gym member today, that I can recall was with me from almost the beginning. I remember there was another member he used to talk to that I spoke to also.
If I am not mistaken, I think I told him that I had a streak of consecutive days that equalled 150 DAYS.
Yes he was there that early on. No, there are not many that are left from the beginning.
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