Here is something I just realized at the start of 2010, I have begun a third calendar year of this streak. My streak of working out at least 60 minutes a day began February 23rd 2008. As I look back and check out all the other 89's that have rolled by I see the dates and have come to the realization of the three calendar years I have touched. Here is a look at the days that have ended with number 89 .
Day 89 May 21st 2008- I wrote "RODE WITH SHIRT SWEATSHIRT + SHORTS; 1ST 10 MIN @ 140 DID NOT SWEAT! FELT GREAT DID 876 IN 65 = 847+876 THIS YEAR'S MAX!"
I noticed one thing about my notes I was very concerned about the ability of my legs to hold up after days of continuous riding.It was almost like I was some explorer trying to find the edge of the earth.I was under the illusion that the earth was flat and sooner or later I would arrive at it's edge.For all that I knew at that time was that sooner or later I would hit the edge of days I could workout and then I would just break down one day and have to stop.
I suppose that thought process is very understandable and I have to assume that other people probably feel and felt the same way. But, here is what I found out. Although my legs at times felt a little stiff they responded after a 20 to 24 hour rest. In fact, they came bouncing back stronger than ever. As I look at my notes from the early days of this fantastic journey my apprehensions were unwarranted.
Day 189 August 29Th 2008-My notes;
"kept feeling hungry yesterday so i grazed all day - i feel the reason why was because i have done the circuit sun tues thurs thats 3 workouts in 5 days and the weather has been beautiful- I believe non aerobic exercise increases the appetite"- that is what I wrote
At this point in time I had been using weights in addition to just riding the lifecycle.
Day 289 December 7Th 2008-My notes;
"day 289- 895- 168 lbs xpress 8 min 3x15x15 Favre has been passed!!!"
I was very excited about passing Brett Favre's number for consecutive games started while being a quarterback for the Green Bay Packers
Second calendar year-
Day 389- March 17Th 2009- My notes;
day 24-year 2- 8 min w/o 250 x3 3x15x20 lbs 866-171 lbs
I was adding the days to the year to see how long I was able to keep the streak going after one year's time. I am not sure what 250 equals but I believe 8 minutes represents the number of consecutive minutes in the plank position.I believe the 250 is the number of crunches done. The number equals the number of times I did 250 crunches at one time. The number 866 was the number of calories I burned in 60 minutes. The number 171 is the weight I was at after the workout.
Day 489- June 25Th 2009-My notes;
day 489-929-179 10 minutes straight on plank/ does it clunking grinding battled
did a 475 4 1st 30 min finished w/ 454 oh yeah! felt good
Sounds like some sort of hard fought battle to get a victory.
Now here is a thought, is everyday of this streak a victory? In that case I have won 688 days plus an extra 5 days totalling 693 victories in a row!
Can I get an AMEN?
Day 589- October 3rd 2009- my notes;
day 589--862-182-pedal broke no abs&arms
Comparatively speaking not a lot going on that day however, did capture another victory.
Third calendar year
Day 689- January 11TH 2010- Let us go capture another victory!
Victory! Did a battling, grappling slug it out hard 876 calorie burn ride today. All sixty minutes of shear determination and effort went into the sixty minutes of victory. Sounds like I played 2 hours of rugby without a break.
Hey, sometimes you have to call it exactly how you feel. Of course at the conclusion of the sixty minutes I felt great. Now, I understand this, I felt awesome during the challenge.
Upon conclusion of the workout I did 500+ crunches and was able to maintain the plank position for 15 straight minutes.
Tomorrow is day 690 - How awesome is that ?
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