The day greets us, or we greet the day? I suppose who says hello first. Some people say Good, God it is morning. Some people say good God, it is morning!.Can see the difference? In the second sentence it is clear the day has greeted the person and the person is not quite ready for the day. I the first sentence the person feels the day and sees the day and lovingly embraces it and says good it is the start of a new day. All said that is a very interesting contrast of emotions.
I feel if we reflect on it we can tell how we feel about the coming day. Are we excited about its prospects or are we initially looking for a delay in the start of the day. As I dwell on this thought I can not help but turn back the clock a little and wonder how was my attitude when I went to sleep? I suppose a number of people as they prepare to go to sleep are feeling very warn down and their attitudes have a tendency to sag. Which is very normal. But if we make a good effort to go down in a relaxed mindset and think of the prospects of the day ahead with no anxiety and a feeling of positive hope we put ourselves in a good attitude for the waking hours.
Understand, I am not saying that if your waking thoughts are good god, it is already morning is going to put you in a negative state of mind for the entire day I am just pointing out that prior to our sleep each evening we have a choice to make. That choice will more than likely determine how we wake up.
Either way, I am up and ready to go tackle Day 680 only 20 to go to hit the # 700. The streak of burning 450 calories in 30 minute intervals is still alive. It now stands at 10. Today is the earliest time in the am I have attempted to burn 450 in 30 minutes since the streak has begun.
To this I say Good, God it is morning!
PS- this is the 200Th consecutive day I have entered into this blog!
So, the record stood at 11 after a brisk 455 calorie burn in the 1st 30 minutes, hooray! I burned 60 in the next 4 minutes, you are the man keep it going! As fate would have it I the blogger himself the guy who has logged 685 workouts in the last 680 days began to sag. The numbers told the story. I finished by burning 879 calories in 60 minutes. To break it down in 30 minute intervals I burned 455 calories in the first 30 minutes and 424 in the second 30 minutes-BOO-
I am never one to lend excuses but I will site some variables to today's ride versus the other five ride in which I had the streak of burning at least 450 calories in 30 minutes.
I belief it is only fair to understand my philosophy on variables.My philosophy on variables is variables are conditions usually controlled by me. A condition in my mind is nothing more than a challenge. A challenge is only something that must be defeated.However we always learn from our challenges. The reason why we always learn from our challenges is because experience is the best teacher.
Variable # 1 the fan was off which allowed me to perspire more than I usually do when the fan is on.
Variable # 2 the clothing I wore was thicker than I normally do so I perspired even more than I normally do.
Variable # 3 the time I rode the bike was the earliest of the six days I have been on the streak.
I choose this challenge and I wanted to see if despite these conditions I could still win and keep the streak alive. Heck, I won the first 30 minutes but lost in the second. I feel one out of two is not bad. Also, this is not the first time I have attempted to ride with the fan off. The other times I have tried it, someone has come along and turned the fan on.
I just love the challenge.I know tomorrow will pose a new challenge with somewhat different conditions and I will be up for it!
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