My chance to seize the day is here. Carpe` Diem - My time to visualize an awesome day is now . Here is a good saying to live by - One must sees it before one seizes it! It means expect great things before great things happen. I am anxious to compete today. Planning a good fun workout is exciting. Yesterday I was not able to do all that I had wanted to do. The stretching, abdominal exercises and arm work had to be eliminated.
There is an interesting phrase " had to". If you think about it what does it mean? You had no choice. That really is never true. We all have a choice all the time. As each situation is different we all have a choice always. It is our choice to bare the consequences that usually determines our decisions. Anyway, I could easily go on and on about this subject but I choose not to. I would rather go workout.
There is an interesting phrase " had to". If you think about it what does it mean? You had no choice. That really is never true. We all have a choice all the time. As each situation is different we all have a choice always. It is our choice to bare the consequences that usually determines our decisions. Anyway, I could easily go on and on about this subject but I choose not to. I would rather go workout.
Man, I went for it today. The reality of my activity is did awesome for the first 2 hours. In the 1st 2 hours I did 3600 crunches did 10 straight minutes on the famous plank exercise

Proceeded to do 3 times around the machines on the weights. Then went to the life cycle where I started out strong burned 161 in first ten minutes then started to slow down. Burned a total of 312 in 1st 20 minutes. Then was unfortunately slowed down to consuming only 150 in next 10 minutes . Leaving with 462 burned in 1st 30 minutes which is not bad. However, I finished with only 865 in 60 minutes which is only a 403 in the second 30 minutes. I guess, in an effort to put a nice positive spin on it my front was better than my back. Also, for about 2 hours of my 2 and half hour workout I was awesome. Plus, I experimented with my routine. I usually do the ride 1st then the abs and weights second. Having the ride first on this occasion makes me wonder if I may have had a very strong ride today. All in all I was most impressed by my results and I definitely had fun. Hey, here is an idea let's try it again tomorrow! Ha Ha
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