As I set to start this exciting workout. I am reminded of why our country is here. There are conflicting reports that the early leaders of the US faced a tremendous amount of opposition to become a free country. I believe that a challenge was definitely there. However, here is the biggest reason we became free. We became a free country because a few people made a decision. These people made a decision and stuck by it. They never lost their belief. While these decision makers made their decisions others stood idly by and watched. The statistics I heard were that only 5 % wanted and were willing to fight for their freedom, 45% believed in the British and helped them stop our march toward freedom.While the rest didn't side one way or another.
The more we consider what rock we were cast out of the more we can realize how powerful a simple decision can be. Since this is a health blog with a motivational message to promote positive thinking and good health let us make good positive decisions to workout and strive to get into the best shape of our lives both mentally as well as physically. Good Luck to all- Hope your 4Th of July holiday is the best ever!
Now, its on to Day 499!
Day 499 is and was great did an awesome 938 in 60 minutes.( 938 = calories burned) I have a mini streak going within this streak of 499. Since June 19Th(day 483) I have burned 900 or more calories per 60 min workouts- COOL! That makes 16 straight days. The key to my strongest number of calories burned in 60 minutes since day 491 was good balance. Did 474 1st 30 then 464 2ND 30. Felt good all the way.
One thought that kept racing through my head was "a man's reach should always exceed his grasp."http://thinkexist.com/quotation/ah-but_a_man-s_reach_should_exceed_his_grasp-or/150975.html
A quick study of that quote reveals the quotes passion for optimism. The next line says
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'”
When we focus on the future as being bright we get a zest for whats around the corner. With an optimistic spirit you never know the best is yet to be.
As for me, its onto day 500. Man 500. I never thought I would do anything 500 times that was worth discussing. I am so psyched about hitting that plateau that cannot wait to hit 1000! To focus in on 1000 would be cool. According the calendar tomorrow is the 187Th day of the year there are 178 days left in the year 2009. So to get to 500 days from tomorrow you need to find 322ND day(178+322=500) of the year 2010. The 322ND day of year 2010 will be November 18Th 2010.
I hope you have enjoyed reading about this journey as much as I have enjoyed writing about this fun journey. Its funny once you start writing about something it kind of takes on a life of its own.
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