Thursday, March 22, 2018

As of Wednesday March 21, 2018 (signed the lease on rented space move in April 1st)(Day 89 ****of winter temp 28 windy chill same still freaking cold not freezing but something is brewing cold feeling effect) The 273 sunshine longest amount of sunshine of the 365) I have now done 3,826.85 workouts in the last 3,675 days =1.041319 more workouts than days since 2/23/2008)wow! 4 %! hit again on day 3608-3674 workouts per day ( still working hard to get back to 1.0425 as we were prior to the tumble on Saturday Sep 2nd ) 152.17 more workouts than days since February 23, 2008.

On Wednesday March 21, 2018  (received notice it has been shipped-reordered 5 cans of PG 3/16 5 to 7 business days after about  7 1/2 hours of sleep  (7:30 pm - 3 am) Worked 7 hours and 45 minutes followed by  75 minutes of hard cardiovascular workout

8,142 steps and 2.9 miles 
Not including 75 minutes hard cardio

On Wednesday January 17 after 8 + hours of work blasted out 75  minutes of a hard cardiovascular workout.As of 5:53 pm  I walked 15,438 steps and traveled 6 miles.
On Monday January 15, 2018  after 9 + hours of sleep ( felt so good after the sleep) blasted out 75  minutes of a hard cardiovascular workout. I walked 7321 steps 3.1 miles

My average steps in miles per Sunday in January is 
17,031 steps 6.7 miles + 19,684 steps 7.2 miles 36,715/ 2 = 18,357.50 steps and 13.9 / 2= 6.9 miles - On Sunday January  21st, by doing 19,227 steps 7.3 miles.  Jan 28th 8.5 with 21,338 steps!  Steps for Sunday's in January 2018 77,280/4= 19,320 & 29.7/4= 7.4 
Averaged on Sunday 19,320 steps and 7.4 miles.

February Sunday Steps:
Super Bowl Sunday February 4th I did 21,142 steps & 7.4 miles.)
Sunday February 11th 19,165 steps and 6.8 miles
After first 2 Sundays in February 2018 were at
40,307/2 = 20,153 steps: 14.2/2=7.1 miles on Sunday Feb 18
Add 15,856 steps and 5.8 miles. 

Sundays seem to be my biggest steps and miles day
In December my average per Sunday's I walked 21,648 steps and  went 8.2 miles.

Felt better and better  as the day progressed.

The 420 streak ended at 16 
Interesting on May 20 when I decided to see if I could hit the 1.04 mark 
I was at 1.0348 on July 11 I hit 1.0411 my spill has set me back as I climb to get back to 1.04 When I fell I was at 1.0425!! Oh Man A great challenge that has me psyched to beat 1.0425! In order to hit 1.0425 I need to be at 500 minutes a week for the next 12 1/4 weeks
On December 14  2017 I climbed back to 1.039058 as for  the last 2 days I have done 130 minutes.

The forty four weeks up to date total

Week March 24 300 minutes going to limit goal to 425 in an effort to rest the knee. Goal to hit 300  by Thursday.

Last update visited with Doctor  on Sep 15 said I can do the workout.
I did the workout Friday15th( 45 minutes)
I did not do the workout Saturday 16th
On Sunday the 17th I did the First sixty since the spill.

Today, is the first day for the rest of my life. Isn't that true!

So, whats the Spin for this week? Here is a heads up, 
I did 5 Spins in about an hour on Wednesday night so look for them soon either on the channel or right here. Leaving the audience with no doubt that I am excited! Check it out - 
It will be a fresh topic on motivation. 
Last night we completed a 45 minute Spin
Exciting and informative 
One of the first of its kind!
Check it out. Will be post soon!

The Spin has added a special session. The Spin's Special Seconds 4 You. Which can be seen every Monday at 4 pm on Facebook live. By typing in John Spinato. 

We will post the Spins one week at a time or go You Tube and Check for the Spinato Spins!

New on the channel 

Where do we begin?


The philosophy of life

Be sure to subscribe.

Since February 23 2008 its been

10 Year’s  26 days  to the DAY! 


On Tuesday,  9/20/2016 The first bottle of Nootrocell  Focus arrived. I am planning on taking the first two of 71 tablets - 
On Wednesday September 21, 2016 took first tablet of  Nootrocell Focus Focus. Stopped taking on September 14, 2017. Did like the caffeine and taurine.

Its been 553 days since 9/13/16 when I had my cortisone shot in my left shoulder.

 Since the fall, upon further review, it was a trip on  (3/4/2016) 

Day 2728 Daily questions for highly determined individuals 

My ability to get myself into a peak  state allows me to overcome any adversity.

Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief. 

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