Monday, February 29, 2016

The record stands as of Monday February 29, 2016 Day 746 I have now done 3060 1/2 workouts in the last 2920 days.Eight years and six days to the DAY!

The record stands as of Monday February 29, 2016 Day 746 I have now done 

3060 1/2  workouts in the last  2920 days.Eight years and six days to the DAY! 

Saturday slept 8:15 pm to 3:09 am. Felt awesome. Monday , got on the  purple machine @ 2:15 pm burned 2261 calories in the hour.

My desire was to do an awesome workout . Boy, I did that! In the workout I averaged burning 37.6 calories a minute. The pace was gave me such an amazing felling which I am still feeling now, some 3 hours after completing! In the half hour I did 1102, then in the next half hour 1159!  A thirty eight point six per minute calorie burn.  
 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1988

How do you feel when you reflect on your happiest moments? Why?

Sunday, February 28, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday February 28, 2016 Day 745 I have now done 3059 1/2 workouts( as today I did a two hour work out) in the last 2919 days.Eight years and five days to the DAY!

The record stands as of Sunday February 28, 2016 Day 745 I have now done 

3059 1/2  workouts( as today I did a two hour work out) in the last  2919 days.Eight years and five days to the DAY! 

Saturday slept 10:15 pm to 7:25 am. Felt awesome. Sunday , got on the  purple machine @ 10:55 am burned 4536 calories in the two hours.

My desire was to do an awesome workout . Boy, I did that! In the TWO HOUR workout I averaged burning 37.8 calories a minute. The pace was gave me such an amazing felling which I am still feeling now, some 3 hours after completing! In the first hour I did 2250, then in the next hour 2286!  A thirty eight point one per minute calorie burn.  
 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1987

How good are you about asking somebody for something without becoming an annoyance to that person? How do you feel when someone approaches you rapidly about n idea they are keen on? 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday February 27, 2016 Day 744 I have now done 3057 1/2 workouts in the last 2918 days.Eight years and four days to the DAY!

The record stands as of Saturday February 27, 2016 Day 744 I have now done 

3057 1/2  workouts in the last  2918 days.Eight years and four days to the DAY! Friday slept 12:15 am to 3:45 am. Felt awesome. Saturday , got on the  purple machine @ 1:25 pm burned 2150 calories in the hour..

My desire was to finish the workout strong. Boy I did that! In the final twenty minutes I burned 730 calories!  
 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1986

How good are you at presenting an idea?   Do want to  improve on your ability to present an idea?How do you feel you can improve on presenting an idea?

Friday, February 26, 2016

The record stands as of Friday February 26, 2016 Day 743 I have now done 3056 1/2 workouts in the last 2917 days.Eight years and three days to the DAY!

The record stands as of Friday February 26, 2016 Day 743 I have now done 

3056 1/2  workouts in the last  2917 days.Eight years and three days to the DAY! 

Thursday slept 7:15 pm to 3:05 am. Felt awesome. Friday , got on the  purple machine @ 2:25 pm burned 2227 calories in the hour..
My desire was to finish the workout strong. Boy I did that! In the final twenty minutes I burned 790 calories!  I am not certain but I am pretty sure that is a record. That felt so awesome!
 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1985

What line in a movie sums up your life to this point, the best? Why?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday February 25, 2016 Day 742 I have now done 3055 1/2 workouts in the last 2916 days.Eight years and two days to the DAY!

The record stands as of Thursday February 25, 2016 Day 742 I have now done 

3055 1/2  workouts in the last  2916 days.Eight years and two days to the DAY! 

Wednesday slept 9:45 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome. Thursday , got on the  yellow machine @ 11:45 pm burned 2005 calories in the hour..
My desire was to finish the workout strong. 

 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1984

Right now in your life, who are the top 5 most important people? Why? 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday February 24, 2016 Day 741 have now done 3054 1/2 workouts in the last 2915 days.Eight years and a day to the DAY!

The record stands as of Wednesday February 24, 2016 Day 741 have now done 

3054 1/2  workouts in the last  2915 days.Eight years and a day to the DAY! 

Tuesday slept 9:45 pm to 6:45 am. Felt awesome. Wednesday , got on the  yellow machine @ 9:05 am burned 2205 calories in the hour..
My desire was to finish the workout strong. As I burned 768  calories in the last 20 minutes. One stipulation, the purple machine tends to offer less resistance and yield higher calorie burn numbers and the yellow machine tends to offer more resistance and yield lower calorie burn numbers. I used to focus in on using only the yellow machine because I knew the difference. However, I have decided to try to judge my energy level.  Example, on Monday Feb 22 I burned 2254 on the purple machine.
Felt amazing!

 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1983

The word today is therapeutic. Define therapeutic.

Of these four things which one do you consider to be for you, the most therapeutic?
Of these four which one do you do most often? 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday February 23, 2016 Day 740 have now done 3053 1/2 workouts in the last 2914 days.Eight years to the DAY!

The record stands as of Tuesday February 23, 2016 Day 740 have now done 

3053 1/2  workouts in the last  2914 days.Eight years to the DAY! 

Monday slept 9:30 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  Tuesday, got on the machine @ 11:30 am burned 2091 calorie in the hour..
My desire was to finish the workout strong. As I burned 711  calories in the last 20 minutes.
Felt amazing!

 So much to say about hitting another mile stone!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1982

Can you  name ten things you really enjoyed doing five years ago?
Do you still enjoy doing those things now?
Why do you think you  still enjoy those things?

Monday, February 22, 2016

The record stands as of Monday February 22, 2016 Day 739 have now done 3052 1/2 workouts in the last 2913 days.

The record stands as of Monday February 22, 2016 Day 739 have now done 

3052 1/2  workouts in the last  2913 days. 

Sunday slept 7:30 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  Monday, got on the machine @ 7:30 12:45 pm burned 2254 calorie in the hour..
My desire was to finish the workout strong. As I burned 770  calories in the last 20 minutes.
Felt amazing!
Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1981

I will always believe there was a great reason why I was put on this earth.

Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
Why did you give that statement that number?

Sunday, February 21, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday February 21, 2016 Day 738 have now done 3051 1/2 workouts in the last 2912 days.

The record stands as of Sunday February 21, 2016 Day 738 have now done 

3051 1/2  workouts in the last  2912 days. 

Saturday slept 11:00 pm to 6:45 am. Felt awesome.  Sunday, got on the machine @ 7:30 am burned 2129 calorie in the hour..
My desire was to finish the workout strong. As I burned 730  calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1980

Your ability to earn someone's time and attention in a pleasant way, is one of your best social skills you can learn. Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
Why did you give that statement that number?

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday February 20, 2016 Day 737 have now done 3050 1/2 workouts in the last 2911 days.

The record stands as of Saturday February 20, 2016 Day 737 have now done 

3050 1/2  workouts in the last  2911 days. 

Friday slept 12:00 pm to 4:45 am. Felt awesome.  Saturday , worked for 6 1/2 hours. As show time was approaching @ 8 pm I had over an of 1 1/2 hours of prep time ahead,so I went directly  from work to the gym. At  2:15 pm I burned 2082 calories in the hour.
My desire was to finish the workout strong. As I burned 712  calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1979

How of your bad experiences do you feel you would be sorry if you missed them? Why?

The record stands as of Friday February 19, 2016 Day 736 have now done 3049 1/2 workouts in the last 2910 days.

The record stands as of Friday February 19, 2016 Day 736 have now done 

3049 1/2  workouts in the last  2910 days. 

Thursday slept 9:00 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  Thursday, worked for 9 1/2 hours. As show time was approaching @ 8 pm I had over an of 1 1/2 hours of prep time ahead,so I went directly  from work to the gym. At  3:15 pm I burned 2162 calories in the hour with my work clothes still on!
My desire was to finish the workout strong. As I burned 744 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1978

How organized are you? How is that working out for you? Why?

Thursday, February 18, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday February 18, 2016 Day 735 have now done 3048 1/2 workouts in the last 2909 days.

The record stands as of Thursday February 18, 2016 Day 735 have now done 

3048 1/2  workouts in the last  2909 days. 

Wednesday slept 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. Also, I am scheduled to have this Wednesday and Thursday off because of the celebration of President's day ( which was will be Monday February 15TH. Which I am using today, Thursday.

 I went to the gym at 9:50 am and burned 2122 calories  in the hour on the machine. 
I am pumped! I was trying to reach 2150. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 729 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1977

How many of your goals do you carry in your pocket? Why?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday February 17, 2016 Day 734 have now done 3047 1/2 workouts in the last 2908 days.

The record stands as of Wednesday February 17, 2016 Day 734 have now done 

3047 1/2  workouts in the last  2908 days. 

Tuesday slept 10:30 pm to 7:49 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. Also, I am scheduled to have this Wednesday and Thursday off because of the celebration of President's day ( which was will be Monday February 15TH. Which I am using today, Wednesday, and tomorrow Thursday. Monday, as temperatures dropped to 2  below zero early this morning with a wind chill of 10 below,now today, Tuesday the temperature hit 54 degrees a 62 degree shift! Hello!
 I went to the gym at 9:20 am and burned 2219 calories  in the hour on the machine. 
I am pumped! I was trying to reach 2222. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 769 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1976

As I look deeply into relationships that I've had, the  one relationship that has impacted my life the most, has been the one that  I have had with who?

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday February 16, 2016 Day 733 have now done 3046 1/2 workouts in the last 2907 days.

The record stands as of Tuesday February 16, 2016 Day 733 have now done 

3046 1/2  workouts in the last  2907 days. 

Monday slept 8:30 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. Also, I am scheduled to have this Wednesday and Thursday off because of the celebration of President's day ( which was will be Monday February 15TH. Today, Monday, as temperatures dropped to 2  below zero early this morning with a wind chill of 10 below,now today, Tuesday the temperature hit 54 degrees a 62 degree shift! Hello, worked 8  hours .
I do the reading at the church once a month and today was my day to read. I went to the gym at 3:20 pm and burned 2113 calories  in the hour on the machine. 
I am pumped! I was trying to reach 2100. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 711 calories in the last 20 minutes.
Today, was an awesome struggle  to do the workout! I love it!

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1975
What is the one thing you would  find to be the most difficult for you to do?

Monday, February 15, 2016

The record stands as of Monday February 15, 2016 Day 732 have now done 3045 1/2 workouts in the last 2906 days.

The record stands as of Monday February 15, 2016 Day 732 have now done 

3045 1/2  workouts in the last  2906 days. 

Sunday slept 8:30 pm to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. Also, I am scheduled to have this Wednesday and Thursday off because of the celebration of President's day ( which was will be Monday February 15TH. Today, Monday, as temperatures dropped to 2  below zero early this morning with a wind chill of 10 below, hello, worked 8 1/2 hours .
I do the reading at the church once a month and today was my day to read. I went to the gym at 3:08 pm and burned 2161 in the hour on the machine. 
I am pumped! I was trying to reach 2150. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 741 calories in the last 20 minutes.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1974

How important is it to you to be happy while you work? Why?

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday February 14, 2016 Day 731 have now done 3044 1/2 workouts in the last 2905 days

The record stands as of Sunday February 14, 2016 Day 731 have now done 

3044 1/2  workouts in the last  2905 days. 

Saturday  slept 8 pm to 5:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. Also, I am scheduled to have this Wednesday and Thursday off because of the celebration of President's day ( which was will be Monday February 15TH. Today, Sunday, as temperatures dropped to 8 below zero early this morning with a wind chill of 25 below, hello, I have off.
I do the reading at the church once a month and today was my day to read. I went to the gym at 7:15 am and burned 2103  in the hour on the machine. 
I am pumped! I was trying to reach 2100. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 100 calories in the last 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1973

Thinking of ways to improve yourself physically,mentally,socially and spiritually, how often do you engage in activities that are easy, convenient and habitual? How is that working out for you? 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday February 13, 2016 Day 730 have now done 3043 1/2 workouts in the last 2904 days.

The record stands as of Saturday February 13, 2016 Day 730 have now done 

3043 1/2  workouts in the last  2904 days. 

Friday  slept 12 pm  to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off.Now, back to work as I worked 7 1/2 hours.
Got on the machine at 2:15 pm burned 2133 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2150. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 740 calories in the last 20 minutes

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1972

How much more of a motivator do you wish to be? Why?

When was the last time you got stuck into the middle of doing something? How did you manage to get unstuck?

Friday, February 12, 2016

The record stands as of Friday February 12, 2016 Day 729 have now done 3042 1/2 workouts in the last 2903 days.

The record stands as of Friday February 12, 2016 Day 729 have now done 

3042 1/2  workouts in the last  2903 days. 

Thursday slept 8:30 pm  to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off.Now, back to work as I worked 7 1/2 hours.
Got on the machine at 2:15 pm burned 2131 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2150. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 731 calories in the last 20 minutes

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1971

When was the last time you got stuck into the middle of doing something? How did you manage to get unstuck?

Thursday, February 11, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday February 11, 2016 Day 728 have now done 3041 1/2 workouts in the last 2902 days.

The record stands as of Thursday February 11, 2016 Day 728 have now done 

3041 1/2  workouts in the last  2902 days. 

Wednesday slept 10:30 pm  to 6:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. A total of 42 days. I 
Got on the machine at 9:15 am burned 2261 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2300. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 736 calories in the first 20 minutes?
Burning 756 calories in second 20 minutes
Burning 769 calories in the last 20 minutes

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1970

What are 15 talking points about your favorite subject? What are the top five?
Can you support each of the top 5 with both a reason and example of their interest?
What are they?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday February 10, 2016 Day 727 have now done 3040 1/2 workouts in the last 2901 days.

The record stands as of Wednesday February 10, 2016 Day 727 have now done 

3040 1/2  workouts in the last  2901 days. 

Tuesday slept 10:30 pm  to 6:45 am. Felt awesome.  For the first time since 12/20/15 & 12/21/16 I will have two days in a row off. A total of 42 days. I 
Got on the machine at 9:45 am burned 2180 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 690 calories in the first 20 minutes?
Burning 719 calories in second 20 minutes
Burning 771 calories in the last 20 minutes

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1969

Who do you feel is the best leader in our world today? Why do you feel that person is the best leader in our world today?

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday February 9, 2016 Day 726 have now done 3039 1/2 workouts in the last 2900 days

The record stands as of Tuesday February 9, 2016 Day 726 have now done 

3039 1/2  workouts in the last  2900 days. 

Monday slept 8:30 pm  to 3:45 am. Felt awesome.  Worked 8 1/4 hours .
Got on the machine at 2:45 pm burned 2175 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 705  calories in the first 20 minutes?
Burning 725 calories in second 20 minutes
Burning 745 calories in the last 20 minutes

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1968

Bring in your best reason why you deserve the very best life has to offer.

Monday, February 8, 2016

The record stands as of Monday February 8, 2016 Day 725 have now done 3038 1/2 workouts in the last 2899 days.

The record stands as of Monday February 8, 2016 Day 725 have now done 

3038 1/2  workouts in the last  2899 days. 

Sunday slept 11:00 pm  to 2:45 am. Felt awesome.  Worked 9 1/4 hours .
Got on the machine at 2:45 pm burned 2118 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2130. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 720  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1967

Rate this statement on a scale to 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
The next time I will attempt a difficult project I will ask myself three questions
1) how can I do this the best?
2)How excited am I about completing this project?
3) How can I have fun while doing this project?

Sunday, February 7, 2016

The record stands as of Sunday February 7, 2016 Day 724 have now done 3037 1/2 workouts in the last 2898 days.

The record stands as of Sunday February 7, 2016 Day 724 have now done 

3037 1/2  workouts in the last  2898 days. 

Saturday slept 8:30 pm  to 2:45 am. Felt awesome.  Worked 8 hours .
Got on the machine at 1:15 pm burned 2045 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2100. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 700  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1966

Are you a dynamic specific or a wandering generality? Why?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The record stands as of Saturday February 6, 2016 Day 723 have now done 3036 1/2 workouts in the last 2897 days.

The record stands as of Saturday February 6, 2016 Day 723 have now done 

3036 1/2  workouts in the last  2897 days. 

Friday slept 12:00 pm  to 4:30 am. Felt awesome.  Work 5 hours .
Got on the machine at 3 pm burned 2078 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2100. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 710  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1965

The time to decide you are going to have a great day is? Why?

Friday, February 5, 2016

The record stands as of Friday February 5, 2016 Day 722 have now done 3035 1/2 workouts in the last 2896 days.

The record stands as of Friday February 5, 2016 Day 722 have now done 

3035 1/2  workouts in the last  2896 days. 

Thursday slept 7:30 pm  to 2:30 am. Felt awesome.  Work 10 hours .
Got on the machine at 3:43 pm burned 2203 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2250. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 763  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1964

Rate this statement from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Experience is the greatest teacher but, the price is too high? Why? 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The record stands as of Thursday February 4, 2016 Day 721 have now done 3034 1/2 workouts in the last 2895 days.

The record stands as of Thursday February 4, 2016 Day 721 have now done 

3034 1/2  workouts in the last  2895 days. 

Slept  Wednesday afternoon from 3 pm to 5 pm and 
Wednesday slept 9:30 pm  to 3:09 am. Felt awesome.  Work 7 3/4 hours.
Got on the machine at 2:03 pm burned 2138 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2150. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 745  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1963

Rate this statement from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. I love to learn.
Why do you love to learn? 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The record stands as of Wednesday February 3, 2016 Day 720 have now done 3033 1/2 workouts in the last 2894 days.

The record stands as of Wednesday February 3, 2016 Day 720 have now done 

3033 1/2  workouts in the last  2894 days. 

Tuesday slept 8:30 pm  to 3:09 am. Felt awesome.  Work 7 1/4 hours.
Got on the machine at 1:06 pm burned 2221 calories in the hour.
Bummer, I was trying to reach 2280. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 751  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1962

Rate this statement from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. When I dream big, good things happen for me.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The record stands as of Tuesday February 2, 2016 Day 719 have now done 3032 1/2 workouts in the last 2893 days.

The record stands as of Tuesday February 2, 2016 Day 719 have now done 

3032 1/2  workouts in the last  2893 days. 

Monday slept 8:30 pm  to 3:09 am. Felt awesome.  Work 8 1/4 hours.
Got on the machine at 2:22 pm burned 2130 calories in the hour.
Bummer I was trying to reach 2150. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 756  calories in the last 20 minutes?

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1961

Who is the most enthusiastic person you know? Why do you feel that person is the most enthusiastic person you know?

Monday, February 1, 2016

The record stands as of Monday February 1, 2016 Day 718 have now done 3031 1/2 workouts in the last 2892 days.

The record stands as of Monday February 1, 2016 Day 718 have now done 

3031 1/2  workouts in the last  2892 days. 

Sunday slept 7:30 pm  to 2:45 am. Felt awesome.  Work 9 1/2 hours.
Got on the machine at 2:47 pm burned 2181 calories in the hour.
Bummer I was trying to reach 2200. Highlight of the workout?
Burning 771  calories in the last 20 minutes?
I had so much energy down the stretch. My shoulder is starting to feel better:) as I started taking Omega XL on Dec 30, 2015.

Daily question for highly determined individuals day 1960

How much better do you feel after you establish a routine that helps you to better yourself? Why?