Day 394 I now have done 2713 workouts in 2566 days as of March 14, 2015.
Got to the gym to do an hour workout @ seven forty in the morning burned 2106 calories. Fantastic and Absolutely - highlight of the workout? Burning 1410 calories in the last forty minutes! The other day as I was walking Chili I slipped on some ice and I felt it some in my knee.. Since the last 2 weeks has been followed by about 45 seconds of plank exercise which is very difficult to do because of the pain in my shoulder caused by arthritis. My plan now is to do a 2 hour workout every other day and to do the plank on the day I do not do a little 2 hour workout. The pain in the shoulders is immense when I attempt to do the plank. I did not do the plank today because shoulder was to stiff and sore.Agility test ** yesterday came down to 5 steps blocks,logs,jackhammer,buckets and wheel barrel.
When you consider a two hour workout is really a two hour and five minutes workout ( including the cool down) and it also includes non stop movement as I go from one machine to another to do five minutes of crunches then a minute of plank followed by a trip to the locker room to get out of soaked wet clothes, a stretch, a weigh in , a stretch, a little Tai qui then more stretching I essentially do not stop moving for 2 and one half hours. Wow, what a feat!
Day 314 I now have done 2612 workouts in 2487 days as of December 23, 2014. Did a two hour workout today and burned 4339 calories -Last best was 4314 on 11/23/2014-
It all starts by me getting on the Cybex arch trainer
and setting the program to manual. Then I set my weight to 400 pounds even though I weigh only 185 that provides a tough challenge because now the machine thinks I can handle more resistance.The reason I set the program to manual was because it offers a great test of stamina to keep going without any drop in resistance. I then set my time to 120 minutes. Reason I love the challenge of being able to maintain the pace. Next, the resistance was set 100% and finally the incline was set to its highest level 10 which provides a good constant steep grade. This blog is called I love to workout. One other note. Although, I set the time for 120 minutes there is always a five minute cool down. At that time I then lower my resistance from 100% to 70%. So I actuallually do a 5 minute cool down every time I workout. I have noticed that most people:
A- do not set the machine to manual
B- do not set their resistance above 50%
C- probably think I am crazy
So when you add in my extra 5 minutes everyday you can see that 5 x is x minutes which equals x more hours of workouts.However,I do not include that because I am not doing what I consider a hard cardiovascular workout during those 5 minutes of cool down.
By burning 4314 calories in 2 hours I exceeded my other high mark in a 2 hour workout. Burned 4264 calories on February 16. Third highest.
4334 December 23 2014
4314 November 23,2014
4264 February 16, 2015
The highest I had done prior was 4245 on November 23,2014- Wow awesome Burned 4264 calories some effort and workout
If I had continued at 2166 for another hour I would have beat the 4314 I did on 11/23 by burning 4332 in 2 hours. That was an awesome pace and hard cardiovascular workout!
Did a one hour hard cardiovascular workout today 1/11/15 and burned 2272 calories,phenomenal! Times two that is a 4544 calorie burn! Outstanding that is also a 38 calorie burn a minute performance. That vastly exceeds any runs I have done of late.
Day 360 I have now done 2669 workouts in 2532 days as of February 8, 2015. Did a two hour workout where on an easier machine to burn calories a 4332 calorie burn workout.
Day 336 I now have done 2636 workouts in 2508 days as of January 15, 2015
Day 1674 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
How good are you at getting someone's attention?
What do you consider to be your best methods for getting someone's attention?
Should someone offer you a choice between having more time to live or more friends to live with which would you choose? Why?
What are you doing to multiply your life?
Awhile back I described life in 3 letters WAP. Which stands for work a plan and of course it goes one step further WAP again which means work a plan.
Can you come up with 3 other letters that describes life?
Rate this commentary on a scale of 1-10 with 10 representing your highest level of agreement.
There was a sales course I once took that explained communication between individuals in a very concise format. One of the parting thoughts he gave us attendant tee's of the course was a laminated card that summarized the course's main focus.
It across top of the card "Odds Are" then a line going across the top and another line going across the top. Only this line was a space or two below the top line. In those spaces was written the word "GAP". The GAP meant where you are and where you want to go. Odds are stood for what most people are thinking about which was, themselves. The statistics said that about 90-95% of the time.
The other part of the card had the letters LAER. This was referred to as the LAER model. L was for listen,A was for acknowledge,E was for explore and R was for respond. The concept was to understand as completely as possible for what the other person was hoping to gain in their efforts of communication.
As I think back that was an incredible brilliant way to describe the sometimes confusing way in which people interact with each other.
The concept stuck with me,as I found that this the general bedrock that we all attempt to communicate.
Today's question, with all that in mind how often do you use the LAER model in your day to communication?
When you speak to or attempt to communicate with anyone do you talk to them about them?
It is amazing how the challenge of life is to keep yourself alive while protecting first your loved ones, second people you care about most and third protecting your co-habitants on earth.
In that statement what is your definition of protecting?
The premise of this movie is to have Ground Hog Day repeat itself for all eternity for one person until he gets the day to end the way he wants it to end. Whether you have seen the movie Ground Hog Day or not, what do you feel is the moral of the movie?
Rate this commentary on a scale of 1-10 with 10 represent your highest level of agreement.
The very nature of the person that does a good deed allows his character to not report it.The very nature of the person who sees the good deed and does not report it allows him to feel better about himself to not serve notice that someone has acted better than they did at that time.Yet, should a person of strong character be accused of poor behavior it is that same person that will allow his character to report to all that that person has been accused of poor behavior.
Explain to me the difference between trying your best and stopping at nothing short of immoral to reach your goals?
What the one think you will continue to be sure about until the day you die? How do you react when some tries to compromise that thought?
Would you say you are a focused individual? Why?
If working out everyday was game would you play everyday?
How competitive are you? If there was away to rank every thing every you did and place your performance into groups based on how well you performed on the same set of circumstances how important would it be for you to know your rankings?
How important would it be for you to be first?
What do you feel is the lowest ranking you would settle for?
The timeliness of a word of encouragement can do_______?
Pick one statement that comes closest to say how you really feel about life.
1)Life throws you a bag of crap and says eat as much as you can and after your done you will be rewarded with your favorite food for all of eternity.
2)Life throws you a bag of money that you must split evenly with the rich and the poor.
3) Life throws you a bouquet of roses and says, job well done.
4)Life throws you a 5,000 piece puzzle and says, make a picture out of it?
Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
It is amazing that when you take a moment to think,that there will be probably about a thousand times today in the US when someone does something that is absolutely incredible in an effort to help another person.
Do you feel these actions of helpfulness occur more or less than a thousand times a day in the US?
How often do you feel these daily actions occur around the world?
When was the last time you got knocked down by life and then eventually got back up?
What do you recall from getting back up?
Tell me the meaning of this dream. You are looking at a chess board and you notice instead of the usual 64 spaces on the board you only count 32?
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest on how it directly relates to your life, rate this statement.
I always knew what was needed to be done it just took me awhile to figure out how to do it.
A lengthy question, forgive me.
Since most of us never really do anything unless we are sold on it.
The reasons for our actions usually come down to three factors.
ERBN stands for Emotional reasons to buy now.
LRBN stands for Logical reasons to buy now.
DRAB stands for dominating reasons to avoid buying
However, prior to our action we need to have an over all attitude about our feelings towards doing these actions. Our actions are centered on the status of two things.
Our heart and our mind. Which leads me to today's question.
Our your vices( bad habits) what is your number one condition for not eliminating it, is it because you have a hardened heart or a closed mind?
Why is your heart hardened? Why is your mind closed to eliminating these habits?
What is the biggest decision you have ever made? Why do you feel it was the biggest decision you have ever made?
Which of the two do you prefer, working outside for two hours in temperatures of 95 degrees and a high humidity or working outside for two hours with temperatures at 5 below zero with a twenty degree wind chill?
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest rate this statement.
I always think 2 steps ahead of anything I plan on doing?
The most challenging part of the average person's day is ______?
Define comedy. How often in your day do you use it to relive any stress you may have?
Should we discover what we do not like and do nothing about correcting it, we have set the sail for ________?
How is life similar to a pot luck party?
When you arrive at a decision to do something of significant importance to you, on average how long does it taken for you to come to that decision? If you should change your mind how long does it take on average to change your mind?
Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 expressing your highest level of belief.
I can remember vividly event that occurred more than 15 years ago.
When a person has a great long term memory how can that help them?
You are extremely frustrated what is your usual reaction? Why?
Define charm. Who is the most charming person you have ever met?
What do you practice, drill and rehearse everyday. Why do you do it?
When was the last time you asked yourself this question, what kind of a mess have I gotten my self into? What were you doing?
Who is the most prepared person you know? Why do feel that person is the most prepared person you know?
Fill in the blank for this statement. The more I prepare the harder it is for me to______?
This question I recently ran across. I won't ask you because that is not what these questions I ask myself everyday are all about. The questions I ask are based on a form of motivation that we may all gain from asking ourselves empowering questions.
Here it is, how much capacity do you have to be loved?
In a court of your rules what are four things you could be found guilty of breaking?
What are the chances of you to continue to break those rules?
How do you feel about that?
Our name. How many times a day has anyone called to you by your name.
How did it make you feel? How times a day have you called a person by their name? How do you think that makes that person feel?
Where are you at your best?
Out eating
Out drinking
Should you be forced to choose one which would you pick?
Learning how to do something involves adopting a skill.Establishing that you will do something requires determination. Which of the two do you feel you are better at, adopting a skill or having determination? Some may feel the two are intertwined but, think about it's perceived slight separation and in the past thirty days how has your stronger ability served you to reach a certain goal?
Look at that we are already one month into the New Year, how are your new year's resolutions going? Or are they gone? Do you still remember them? Did you write them down?
On a scale of 1-10 rate this statement with 10 being your highest level of belief in the statement.
I have an open mind. If you gave that a 10 you are probably not able to read this because if you have too much of an opened mind you tried something you should not have and are dead. Now, consider this, how much of not having an open mind cost you in trying things that could have allowed you to gain a profit from your efforts?
Which person do you like most, the person you were five years ago or the person you are now or the person you will be in five years?
Of the two which would you rather be, the lender or the borrower? Why?
Would you rather sleep on average 8 hours a night or 6 hours a night? Why?
Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief.
Business comes down to two word's
moving money.
Know this. If a person has money or is given credit for having money the goal of any business is to get them to move that to them.
If you did not give that statement a 10 what am I missing.
Unless, you are planning on robbing the place why would you go to a place of business that you do not work at without any money or form of credit? Especially, if your purpose for going to the place is to obtain goods or services.
When people challenge themselves to achieve something they have a better chance of achieving that something that they WANT to achieve.
What is the something that you have told yourself that you want to achieve?Are you working on achieving it?
If you sent yourself a letter and it was to arrive a month from now what would it say?
What is the difference between an excuse and a reason?
How many people do you know that you would invite to a party where you can spend 1,000 dollars?
How many people do you know that you would invite to a party where you can spend 10,000 dollars?
How many people do you know that you would invite to a party where you can spend 100,000 dollars?
Of all those people you could invite how many people really know you?
How do feel about the fact that of the people you know only that % really know you?
When it comes to finding a new vocation what are 5 questions that you feel you should ask yourself?
What organ in your body do you feel has the capability to burn the most fat?
If health is your goal and good health revolves around eliminating unnecessary fat then how healthy is the organ that has the capability to burn the most fat in your body?
Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief.
If we ate our breakfast like we were kings, our lunches like we just lost our job and our dinners like we have no money we would all be much healthier.
Imagine this, you are about to call a press conference and everyone that you once have spent at least a half hour one on one with will hear it, what will you say?
It has been well founded that it takes 21 days to form a habit, looking at that as guide what have you noticed is one thing, be it mental or physical that you have done everyday for the last 14 days?Why have you begun to do it? What have you noticed since you started to do it? How does it make you feel?
Why is today a great day because you got up this morning?
Why is today a great day because you got up in the United States?
Why is today a great day because you got a chance to see your significant other's smile?
Why is today a great day because you got up and will do a lot to help others?
A question about confidence. If you
were in contest and the top two highest scoring contestants were given over a 1000 dollars and you were in third place not far behind and you had a chance to sell your 3rd place position with one more round to go:
A- Would you?
B- would you sell it for 250?
C- would sell it for 400?
D- would sell for 900?
Of these four types of contests which one would you feel the most confident in not selling your third place spot?
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