Saturday, January 31, 2015

Day 352 I now have done 2657 workouts in 2524 days as of January 31, 2015

Day 352 I now have done 2657 workouts in 2524 days as of January 31, 2015.Got to the gym to do  an hour workout @ six fifty in the morning. Below zero wind chill! 2043 calories absolutely awesome- I went down @ 12:45 am got up @ 5:45 am -
I have none done 5 two hour workouts in the last six days. When you consider a two hour workout is really a two hour and five minutes workout ( including the cool down) and it also includes non stop movement as I go from one machine to another to do five minutes of crunches then a minute of plank followed by a trip to the locker room to get out of soaked wet clothes, a stretch, a weigh in , a stretch,  a little Tai qui then more stretching I essentially do not stop moving for 2 and one half hours. Wow, what a feat!
It all starts by me getting on the Cybex arch trainer 
and setting the program to manual. Then I set my weight to 400 pounds even though I weigh only 185 that provides a tough challenge because now the machine thinks I can handle more resistance.The reason I set the program to manual was because it offers a great test of stamina to keep going without any drop in resistance. I then set my time to 120 minutes. Reason I love the challenge of being able to maintain the pace. Next, the resistance was set 100% and finally the incline was set to its highest level 10 which provides a good constant  steep grade. This blog is called I love to workout. One other note. Although, I set the time for 120 minutes there is always a five minute cool down. At that time I then lower my resistance from 100% to 70%. So I actuallually do a 5 minute cool down every  time I workout. I have noticed that most people:
A- do not set the machine to manual
B- do not set their resistance above 50%
C- probably think I am crazy
So when you add in my extra 5 minutes everyday you can see that 5 x  is  x minutes which equals x more hours of workouts.However,I do not include that because I am not doing what I consider a hard cardiovascular workout during those 5 minutes of cool down.
By burning 4314 calories in 2 hours I exceeded my other high mark in a 2 hour workout. The highest I had done prior was 4245 on November 23,2014- Wow awesome some effort and workout
If I had continued at 2166 for another hour I would have beat the 4314 I did on 11/23 by burning 4332 in 2 hours. That was an awesome pace and hard cardiovascular workout!
Did a one  hour hard cardiovascular workout today  1/11/15 and burned 2272 calories,phenomenal! Times two that is a 4544 calorie burn! Outstanding that is also a 38 calorie  burn a minute performance. That vastly exceeds any runs I have done of late.

Day 314 I now have done 2612 workouts in 2487 days as of December 23, 2014. Did a two hour workout today and burned 4339 calories -Last best was 4314 on 11/23/2014-
Day 336 I now have done 2636 workouts in 2508 days as of January 15, 2015

Day 1632 Daily questions for highly determined individuals 

On a scale of 1-10 rate this statement with 10 being your highest level of belief in the statement.
I have an open mind. If you gave that a 10 you are probably not able to read this because if you have too much of an opened mind you tried something you should not have and are dead. Now, consider this, how  much of not having an open mind cost you in trying things that could  have allowed you to gain a profit from your efforts? 

Which person do you like most, the person you were five years ago or the person you are now or the person you will be in five years?

Of the two which would you rather be, the lender or the borrower? Why?

Would  you rather sleep on average 8 hours a night or 6 hours a night? Why?

Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief.
Business comes down to two word's
moving money.
Know this. If a person has money or is given credit for having money the goal of any business is to get them to move that to them.
If you did not give that statement a 10 what am I missing.
Unless, you  are planning on robbing the place why would you go to a place of business that you do not work at without any money or form of credit? Especially, if your purpose for going to the place is to obtain goods or services.

When people challenge themselves to achieve something they have a better chance of achieving that something that they WANT to achieve.
What is the something that you have told yourself that you want to achieve?Are you working on achieving it?

If you sent yourself a letter and  it was to arrive a month from now what would it say?

What is the difference between an excuse and a reason?

How many people do you  know that you would invite to a party where you can spend 1,000 dollars?
How many people do you  know that you would invite to a party where you can spend 10,000 dollars?
How many people do you  know that you would invite to a party where you can spend 100,000 dollars?
Of all those people you could invite how many people really know you?
How do feel about the fact that of the people you know only that % really know you?

When it comes to finding a new vocation what  are 5 questions that you feel you should ask yourself?

What organ in your body do you feel has the capability to burn the most fat?
If health is your goal and good health revolves around eliminating unnecessary fat then how healthy is the organ that has the capability to burn the most fat in your body? 

Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief.
If we ate our breakfast like we were kings, our lunches like we just lost our job and our dinners like we have no money we would all be much healthier.

Imagine this, you are about to call a press conference and everyone that you once have spent at least a half hour one on one with will hear it, what will you say?

It has been well founded that it takes 21 days to form a habit, looking at that as guide what have you noticed is one thing, be it mental or physical that you have done everyday for the last 14 days?Why have you begun to do it? What have you noticed since you started to do it? How does it make you feel?

Why is today a great day because you got up this morning?
Why is today a great day because you got up in the United States?
Why is today a great day because you got a chance to see your significant other's smile?
Why is today a great day because you got up and will do a lot to help others?

A question about confidence. If you 
 were in contest and the top two highest scoring contestants were given over a 1000 dollars and you were in third place  not far behind and you had a chance to sell your 3rd place position with one more round to go:
A- Would you?
B- would you sell it for 250?
C- would sell it for 400?
D- would sell for 900?

Of these four  types of contests which one would  you feel the most confident in not selling your third place spot?

Stand up comedy?
Public speaking?

Have you ever come in first or second for anyone of these types of contests?

Which is a bigger challenge for you, keeping a positive attitude or anything else in life?

Here are three things that motivate  people other than money.
1) Autonomy able to do things your way.
2) Mastery a challenge to be masterful at something.
3) Purpose able to do something that has a cause or reason bigger than themselves.

Of these three pick one that motivates you most. Why did you choose that one?

Scientists have studied where most people get their motivation. Where do you think most people get their motivation? 
Name three things that motivate you. 

Can you use one word to separate yourself from others? Can you use one sentence to separate yourself from others? 
When I mention separate what do you think of?

Which of the two challenges would you rather have a mental one or a physical one?

Did a one  hour hard cardiovascular workout  burned 2128 calories.

Sent from my iPad

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