Sunday, March 2, 2014
Day 25 I have now done 2306 workouts in 2201days. Approximately 2300 workouts in 6 years.
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Without any doubt we charge towards our goal, with success on our mind
Day 1296 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Rate this statement on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest of your level of truth.
Whatever I put out will come back to me.
Day 1295 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
What actions do you take when someone that is speaking to you starts talking in a continuous stream of complaints?
Day 1294 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
How far would you go legally, to reach your strongest desires of success?
pick one
Sleep in your car for a month?
clean a driveway everyday for 6 months?
hand out papers and invite people to see you perform everyday for 9 months?
live homeless for a week?
Day 1293 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Rate this statement on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest of your level of truth.
Ninety five percent of the time people are thinking about themselves?
That is good reason why it is easy to talk to a person about themselvess.
Day 1292 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Rate this statement on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest of your level of truth.
Just about every one has a starting point for where they are presently and they have a level of expectation they have of themselves. What they reach compare to what they wanted is what they have decided to settle for. With that thought how much of a GAP is there between your expectation and what you have decide to settle for?
Day 1291 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
If someone were to strike you on the right cheek how likely are you to offer the left cheek?
Day 1290 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Breaking down the word dis appoint it really means someone was dis possesed of an office. Which really means some one did not show up or will not be allowed to show up. I believe disappoint is basically our own decision.You can decide to be disappointed or you can simply look at as if some one just failed to show up. It it is only when we decide to rely on some one or thing that our disappointment sets in. How many times in your life have you been disapponted only to realize there was really nothing to be disappointed about? Do you now realize we or you created the disappointment because you were the one who decided on the importance of that event happening? In the long run do you see how no one dis appoints you, you disappoint yourself?
Day 1289 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
What is the first thing you think of when you say your last name?
Why? How hard is it for you to think of a second thing, when you say your last name?
Day 1288 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
What is harder for you to do:
Speak in public?
Tell some one bad news?
Explain your life story?
Day 1287 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Explaining to you how I feel about something is a lot easier than explaining to you how I feel in general.
Rate this statement on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief.
Day 1286 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
How many chances a day do you have to show someday that you do not know, that you care about their well being?
Maybe a dozen? What percent of the time do you show that individual your concern?
Is that percent you desire?
Day 1285 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
If you were to given one month to sell anyone only one legal item and would be paid one million dollars to sell it would you be able to do it?
What would be your strategy for selling any one legal item?
Day 1284 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Thinking back to yesterday, what do you feel was the biggest thing you did wrong? What are your plans for learning from that incidence? How do you feel you can grow from that experience?
Day 1283 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
“ Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers. ”
— Voltaire
What does that statement mean to you?
Rate that statement on a scale of 1 to 10 with with 10 being its highest rating of truthfulness.
Day 1282 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Rate this statement on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest in terms of your level of belief.
The key is to give away what you want in life in order to get it in return.
Do you consider yourself a giver or a taker?
Day 1281 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Of all the bosses you have had, which one would you call your favorite?
What was it about that boss, that made you decide to choose as your favorite?
Day 1280 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Rate this statement on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.
The first step to becoming great, is to study greatness.
Do you wish to become great at anything?
Are you willing to study greatness?
Day 1279 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Has your life begun to gain some traction? If so, what areas of your life do you feel that you have begun to gain some traction? How do you feel this has come about?
If not, what areas of your life do you wish you can gain some traction?
Day 1278 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Before you left the house this morning what was in your mind, the helpful question you asked yourself? Why was it helpful?
Day 1277 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Rate this statement on a scale from 1-10 with 10 being your highest rating in terms of our belief in the statement.
One way of replying to someone who do not see your point of view is to use a simple LAER model.
L is for listen
A acknowledge
E is for explorer
R is for respond
Can you think any other ways to replying to someone who do not see your point of view?
Day 1276 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
How many people do you share your goals with?
Why do you share your goals with those individuals?
Do those individuals hold you accountable?
How do feel about the fact that they hold you accountable?
Day 1275 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
On a scale of one to ten rate this statement in terms of your belief in its truthfulness with 10 being the highest.
My daily actions represent my number one priority.
Why did you give that statement a ten? Why did you not give it a ten? How do you feel about not giving that statement a ten?
Day 1274 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
What is it about human nature that shys away from potential rejection from another person?
Day 1273 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
What do you feel you are capable of doing but, for some reason are being held back?
Day 1272 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
A mandate has come down from the powers that be and you need to get rid of all your worldly pumber oossessions except five, which possessions would you keep and why?
What are the three qualities you at admire most in the person you consider to be your best friend?
Are any of those qualities the same as the three that you admire most in yourself?
Day 1271 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
What are the three qualities you at admire most in the person you consider to be your best friend?
Are any of those qualities the same as the three that you admire most in yourself?
Day 1270 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
Back when I was a young lad in my days at college, I joined a fraternity that had a unique method for teaching how to be a brother in the fraternity. One of the things they required us to do was get to know every brother as best when we can before actually being a member of the fraternity it was called fraternal education. There was no hazing or outward public denegration.
One of the ways they wanted to help us get to know each brother was by saying hello and good bye to them every time they were in our presence. In fact, every week a brother would know the status of your ability of saying hello and goodbye. Then every week it was up to a all the brothers to keep you in the program or basically start a campaign to get you out.
Question how often do you say hello and good bye to people that are in your presence? How often do you say hello and good bye to people that you wish to build a relationship with when they are in your presence? Why do you not do it more frequently? Why do you do it as frequently as you do?
Day 1269 Daily questions for highly determined individuals
As ode to the Super Bowl winners. Rate this statement on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest in your absolute belief in its veracity.
I firmly believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious.
Vince Lombardi
Why did you not get it a 10? If you did give it a 10, why?
January 28th 2014 I have now gone 2 cycles without any medicine. Really want to test the shoulder and see what short of pain in experience.Last dose 600mg @8 pm 1/20/14
Another great effort as my left arm was BARKING to the beat of the band.That was the straw that broke the camels back. Went all day without any medicine.As I was in
NO MEDICINE! FROM JAN 30 250 PM TO 250 PM ON 1/31. MRI scheduled for 545pm 2/6/14 @ Whitney Imaging.Alot inflammation and some arthritic conditions exist on the area.
2/2/2014 at 7 am
2/28/2014 2:59pm Big day for shoulder is Friday 2/28/14 got the cortisone shot on 2/28/14 @ 1230pm Today my shoulder felt the best it has in months
Day 25/Day 2201 BTW this it 6 years since I started working out everyday. Burned 2187 in 60.I gave a maximum effort to reach 2200- Awesome! High energy day! weight 187after fasting from 10 pm to 430 pm.
5 sets of inclined crunches at about 50 each set.
Practiced Tai Qi and weighed in at 187. Tai Qi end until March 4, 2014 awesome class walking forward and backward. Since my stomache problem from December I have found myself fearful of eating as heathly as I did prior. Eating too much bread white flour garbage.
I have now done 2306 workouts in 2201days.
Approximately 2300 workouts in 6 years.
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