We have enjoyed a great week of activity. Motion is the key folks. Do not let anyone ever tell you and allow yourself to believe that any sort of lack of activity is good. Your body is meant to be moved. Constantly, think about it. Why would your body be equipped with so many muscles? One answer could be to sit around and think. Wrong! The body wants to be in motion so it will lift your thoughts to a higher level. Keep moving, stop eating so much! The aim is sustain so you can keep on moving. The glory is in the activity not what the activity produces. That is a tough one. We have been taught ( at least I have chosen to believe that) we have to do in order to be fulfilled. Partly true. Question is do what?
As much as I hate to compare myself to anyone. I feel the sense of competition is good. Enjoying yourself in the spirit of competition is good for one's focus and drive. If you want to feel better for one hour challenge yourself to see if you can 1) stay on your feet 2) keep your body in motion 3) enjoy it 4) not think about anything but your movements 5) be grateful you have a body that will allow you to keep it moving.
Speaking of motion, we are now 96 days from 1000 days. Yesterday, was the 906TH workout in the last 903 days. Never underestimate muscle memory!
With a glint in my eye I beat yesteday! As determined as ever victory in form of beating the total calories burned in the hour compared to yesterday came, and it was better than good. Words do little to express the sheer elation I feel when I hit a target I set out to hit.
In effort to stay accurate with the good weather chart today is the second refreshing morning we have had in a row. Great question what do you feel is the depth of your enthusiasm. Is it one flat tire? Is it someone yelling at you? Is bad news about something that does not really concern you. Is it when some lets you down? I only ask so we may all monitor our emotions.
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