Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 921 - We hit the seventies and we counting down

How cool is this? I have enjoyed the seventies many times. This so neat because it is the last one until we hit the big 1,000. I suppose I should realize that this the last trip through the numbers on the way to quad city..

I turned it up a notch by getting up at 430 am and getting on the machine at 459am. Burned a sweet 1335.

Yes, I am thinking about Day 922 -

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 920- We do this everyday. Not every OTHER day

We continue this journey everyday. We focus on tomorrow after the work out of today is done. We challenge ourselves day in and day out.

Sisters and brothers,cousins,aunts and uncles,friends and neighbors,acquaintances and co-workers. This is our lives the clock is ticking. We effort and toil daily for the good of the human race. We do not back down. We have received God's blessing. We welcome his energy into our lives and we encourage all to live abundantly.

We are down to the precious 80 days that will take us to comma town. Quad city is in the distance but growing nearer EVERYDAY!

I arose at 442am today and was on the machine at 513 am. I blasted a 1284. I felt awesome. When you have burned 1284 calories before 615 am you cannot help but feel AWESOME!

DAY 921----------

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 919- I am so excited I can't stand it!

Today, I get to do my 922ND workout in the last 919 days. I am pumped I have a goal of burning 1350 calories or more within the hour. I have served myself about 7 hours of rest. It is a beautiful morning, which paves the way for a beautiful day. I have decided to take this blog and turn it into a book!

Man, everything is happening. Rosalind Russell said, "everything is coming up roses." When we focus on the good we gain momentum. Here is a powerful thought and let us all remember it. The enemy can't win, but I could still lose. You see folks, when you believe in what your doing and you know its right, you cannot lose. The main thing you need to do is to keep doing what you believe is right. Stay on your plan. Do not quit. Give it all you got. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve.

Thirteen fifty in an hour. Do the math. What is the pace? Twenty two and one half calories per minute for one hour. Just as the captain of a ship must know where he is based on the pace he has set and direction he is going. I to must know where I need to be at certain intervals of my journey.

  • At the 10 minute mark I should have burned 225 calories
  • At the 20 minute mark I should have burned 450 calories
  • At the 30 minute mark I should have burned 675 calories
  • At the 40 minute mark I should have burned 900 calories
  • At the 50 minute mark I should have burned 1125 calories
  • At the 60 minute mark I should have burned 1350 calories

  • At LEAST!
I was psyched! Nah, make that ultra psyched! Check these numbers out.

  • At 10 minutes I was at 240. ahead by 15
  • At 20 minutes I was at 485. ahead by 35
  • At 30 minutes I was at 720. ahead by 45
  • At 40 minutes I was at 945. ahead by 45
  • At 50 minutes I was at 1165. ahead by 40
At 60 minutes I was at 1389. won By 39! I had visions of nailing 1400 I had a great pace for 33 minutes.
The reason for the great run? My enthusiasm! You see, when you love what you do, you can't help but loving what you do!

If you have passion keep it. If you don't have any passion best you be in hot pursuit of it!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 918- We have some numbers to keep in mind:

Its always numbers. Why? Because numbers are fun they tell us stories. Like 53 that's a long one. Does anyone remember Miami's 53 defense? It was named after Doug Swift his number was fifty three. How about 918? That is today's challenge. What about 395 that a interesting number. That is how days since day 523. That's the last time I have seen one particular follower on this blog. What about the 13? That is the number of days I have been working with no days off. What about 444? That's the number of consecutive days I have posted in this blog everyday. What about my consecutive days of working out at the gym I have been working out at? I cannot recall. How long has it been since I used a different gym to work out in?? I can find out. After all, its all documented.

Two hundred and twelve days that equals when I started on the arc trainer.Day 706.
Numbers do tell many stories. I have on a few days used different machines.

Do you have any stories that numbers can tell you?

A strong finish always makes me want more. I started out with a 635 calorie burn in the first 30 minutes. That would leave me with a 1270 calorie burn in one hour. I knew if I wanted to burn over 1301 which was yesterday's total I had to pick up the pace. I finished by burning 1302 calories in the hour. Which means:

  • 1) I picked up the pace
  • 2) I burned more calories in the second 30 minutes than the first
  • 3)when you consider that I burned a total of 1302-635 .That means I burned 667 calories in the second 30 minutes
  • 4) that gets me very pumped to do 1,350 tomorrow!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 917 On this absolutely gorgeous morning......

We peel off the days. T minus 83 until we hit comma town. Comma town? What is that? Comma town is when you write a number. In this instance days you need to put a comma to represent the number. Look at the number 1,000. Every day after that will need a comma for clarification.

We can also call in quad city. Quad would be 4 as in digits which would also be needed to write every number after 1,000 days is accomplished!

A look on the map shows quad city and comma town are due north just 83 days from here. The vehicle is my body. Its revved and ready to go.

I burned only 1,301 today. Percentage wise it was a drop of 2.9 from from yesterday's 1340.

Day 918 is ready and in another 23 hours or so we will crack it open!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 916- When you get really motivated you can do amazing things!

Today, I had a goal set to burn 1320 calories in an hour. I burned 1340 calories in an hour today. Quite the achievement when you consider that earlier in the week I burned on 1269 calories in an hour. Then the following day I burned 1309 calories then 1315 calories. Ah, if other parts of my life could improve in a similar fashion. My improvement has gone from 1269 to 1309 which is 40 more calories burned and 40 divided by 1269 is 3.15 %. Then on day two, I went from 1309 to 1315 which is a 6 calorie increase equals a 04.6 % growth. then today I went from 1315 to 1340 which is 25 more calories burned and equals a 0.01 % growth. So, if you consider a start of 1269 and end at 1340 the is a growth rate of 5.6 %. Well, that is amazing improvement.A 71 calorie increase in 3 days.

What we focus on expands in the way of thought. I believe that thoughts are things. So are thoughts actually expand things.

I believe this thought, that if we all loved what we do all day we would all love what we do.It is a sad thought to think that most people do not love what they do for 8-10 hours a day. It is an awesome thought to consider a world that consist of most of the people doing what they love all day.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 915 When you spend it all and know you spent it all and are glad you spent it all thats AWESOME!

Am I talking about money? NO! I am talking about energy. A while back a person who at the time was making a couple of million a year. Once to a group of people I was in. All you got to make money in this world is what you know and your time. I believe that. When it comes to measuring anything it all is evaluated by time. The better you are at spending it and making it work for you the more you will have. That is simple enough. But what about energy? On a given day how much do we all have. I am only talking about physical energy. I suppose mental energy when used properly fuels physical energy. The converse of that is when used improperly it takes away energy.

I was able to hit my goal today of burning 1310+ calories in the hour. My total burn was 1315. Which makes it clear for tomorrow that my goal is to burn 1315+ calories. The formula is to burn 21.93 calories a minute for one hour. That is about 22 calories a minute.

Day 916 is knocking in the distance and I can hear getting louder!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 914 We accomplish, what we really want to accomplish

I have got to be excited I just burned 1309 calories in one hour after barely burning 1269 calories in the same amount of time the day before. That is 40 more than the day before. I started one minute later and I got up 10 minutes earlier than the day before. So where did this burst of power come from? Maybe it was the coolness of the morning? Though yesterday was quite comfortable. Perhaps the amount of rest? Bingo! When I did the 1269 burn I slept for only 4 1/2 hours. Today, I slept for 5 1/2 hours. I felt very determined today to get more than the day before.

Now, we set our sights on Day 915 and a target of burning 1310 calories in the hour. Which means burning at least 655 calories in a 1/2 hour. Which means burning 655/30 = 21.83 calories per minute. Just about 22 calories per minute for one hour.

I am into it, we can do it.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 913 Certainly not as much FIRE as yesterday

But, like a player that does not come with his "A" game, I ended strong and felt great. Arising at 5am is a different animal when you go to sleep at midnight. The two days I have got up at 530 am and 715 am after going to sleep at 10 pm and 1 am. Each night I had gotten at least 6 plus hours of sleep. I believe the amount of rest I get plays a factor in how many calories I burn with in the hour the next day.

Today's target was 1360. I burned 1269 calories in the hour. When I got on the machine at 525am I sensed that I was tight. As I continued with my effort I did loosen up. I the last 5 minutes I burned 119 calories. If you multiply 119 x 12 you get 1428. Had I maintained that pace for 55 more minutes that would have been an awesome number of calories burned for the hour.The tightness I experienced went away as I continued to workout. I know if I 1) get more rest I will do better 2) I will be looser and able to workout harder 3) enjoy the workout even more.

So, Day 914 awaits, the challenge is to burn 1270++ in an hour!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 912 Served myself a nice plate of rest

Sunday's usually offer me a chance to sleep in until I workout then work. So I cashed on it and I enjoyed the serving. My goal today is to burn 1320++ calories in the hour. Things have to fall right to achieve this. One, the gym needs to be open two, the machine I have been working out on needs to be available while I need to used it. Lastly number three, I must muster up the guts and momentum to hit this goal. I was considering this as a simple analogy some travel physically others travel mentally. Some go overseas for an adventure while I have traveled on an incredible journey that hast last 912 days.
Where did I go? I went to a place that I simply call the human mind, body and spirit. I have reached and probed into sections of life that is not on any map. My sense of enthusiasm has gotten me to this point. I thank God for this strength. I cherish everyday and look forward to each daily trip.

As Cervantes said "the road is better than the inn." My aim now is to hit on all three cylinders!

Fired on all cylinders! I felt like my old self. Had plenty of energy to burn. Half way through( at the 30 minute mark) I decide 1320 wasn't the goal. I shifted my sights higher and decided on 1350 for a target. I gained momentum( there is that word) and got on a pace that carried me to burn 1355 calories in the hour. BEAUTIFUL!- Folks, I am here to tell you the feeling was and still is priceless!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 911 A very pleasant morning to you and to all

This is a great time to be alive! We always wondered what this day would be like. So, here it is! The bible says Proverbs 29:18 (King James Version)

18Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

Real simple if we have no light we will remain in the dark. That goes for anything and any subject. This means to me without a plan there is no person and no people. The funny thing is we all have a vision. That is,we all DO see where we are going. There is no doubt it is in our mind's eye. The issue is what do we see and how clear is our vision? All this has a huge bearing on our attitudes. I am getting focused on today's challenge: burn 1320 or more in the hour. I have confidence and a clear vision of its accomplishment.

My vision was not clear enough my focus was not right on. The target was 1320 in 60. I got 1298 in 60. Why? Why what? Exactly! Why what indeed. My why was not what it needed to be. It should have been my belief that I could obtain that number today. The simple reason was unbelief and the unbelief was from a weak why. Therefore, the what was the why! Had I had a vision with a sharp focus my determination at the end of this 4 minute mile would have been strong enough to get the job done.

I had plenty of rest. After all this was a very intense week. The daily toil a side from Friday was not easy on the body. However, after today's workout I feel great. Certainly refreshed.

Tomorrow we go after that 1320! I will work on my why and I will come out flying with a good pace.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 910- GLORY DAYS! We are down to 90 days until we hit .....

With a full wind in my sail and the wind at my back we charge down the stretch! How is that for inspiration? Today, I was on the machine at 527 AM.I felt strong as I was able to burn 1319. The total of 1319 is the most I have burned on a week day since? Since August the 10Th Day 900. We must always keep ourselves accountable for our actions if we want to improve or maintain. Duh? Real simple, but how many people do?

I am curious how many people have a weight scale? How many use it daily? How many people have a work out log? How many fill it in daily? All this falls under the category of accountability.

If we wish to do anything well, we must strive to excel.Then again we all know this.

Lombardi had a great philosophy he said we will chase perfection. He also said, "if we do not catch it.Then we will catch excellence and greatness." You see, if we are almost able to catch perfection then those other two will be caught.

A brilliant mind set - Day 911 is scheduled for Saturday August 11Th 2010- Catch you there- Good Lord willing!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 909 - Time for a streak recap

How many workouts have you done in the last 909 days??
How many days in a row have you posted on this blog?
Everyday since Day 484. That is a total of 425 consecutive days of posting.
Would you say you are in a rut or a very strict routine? What exactly do you mean rut? Do you mean a fixed, usually boring routine? Then, based on the fact that there is no boredom I would say I am on a very strict routine. I might add on that gives me a tremendous sense of joy.

We forge ahead despite the fact that I fell short of today's goal. Having burned 1290 I realize that the rest I get in the PM hours does reflect on the calories I burn in the AM hours. Sometimes.. Tomorrow will break 1313 ++!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 908 - I was there. So why didn't you workout today at 530 am?

I was there
Too tired
I will work out later today
I will try to do it later today
Too hot
Got a busy day will not get to it
My leg is sore I need to rest it
I have been going I will rest TODAY!
Shut up it is none of your business
The kids are sick
I am on vacation
I am really not interested
Just the thought of working out makes me sick
I was told I am working out too much
I need to join a gym
My machine at home is broken
The weather has not been good for walking
I got up too late I need to go to work
I need to lose weight first
I only workout on Monday Wednesday and Friday
Today is my birthday
Its my Aunt's birthday
I will see you there in an hour
My gym clothes are dirty
I need to buy new sneakers
Workout? What do you mean?

Do you see any of your excuses? Feel free to add on the ones I missed.

Yeah, I was there for the 908TH straight day and I beat yesterday's total for calories burned per hour. Today I reached my goal of burning 1300 calories in the hour. I burned 1312! YES!

Oh boy yeah I will get to it ......

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 907- At 907 on September 24th the Mets are the champions!

How many people remember the voice of Lindsay Nelson the famed broadcaster of the 1969 Mets say that line? Well, I do. He was rather to New York Mets and their improbable ride to the top of the division. An awesome rags to riches story. Yesterday, I found myself with thoughts and no time to express them. Some days the opposite is true.

Today, my mind is bursting with thoughts. Focusing on them is a challenge. In the last 907 days I have had a determination that I have never had before. I think it is obvious by actions. As is my nature when I get involved in something that I really enjoy I usually do not put it down. Most people to a large degree are like that. Being involved in an activity everyday for 907 days is incredible and loving it so much to do it more than once a day is so awesome I cannot explain it. So, I will keep trying.

The competitor in me loved that I only burned 1299 in the hour today.That makes me so determined to get 1300++ tomorrow!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 906 After a day of rest

Well, rest if you want to consider working out and then relaxing all day. I have not made much comment on the weather lately because for the past few days it has been pleasant. We are in the midst of GLORY DAYS. This officially day six. This day is brought to you by - determination-

Which allows me to beg this question? Is a TV show really a TV show? I mean are we watching the show or the advertiser who paid for the show? Or are we watching both? Do they get equal time? What do you see more of the advertisers or the TV show? If you were the paying advertiser would you want equal time?

Speaking of effort and determination I yielded a good 1310 in the hour.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 905- Up early down late but excited about the day

Today, we refresh ourselves as the daily toil takes a break. Since May 20Th, which was back on day 818 I have had May 31st, July 4Th, August 8Th and Today off from work. That is a total of 87 days with 4 days off that comes out to a day off every 21 days. Not a bad run.It has been four twenty one day work weeks.

Today, I got up early with no work on the schedule. The plan to work is to be at the gym by 6:50 am and return home ready to participate in the 2010 fantasy football draft. The draft begins at 10 am. I select first so I am psyched!

So much of our lives depends on preparation and being in position. Its like receiving a phone call at the right time from the right person. Why did that call come to you at that time? It could be a million reasons. The biggest reason is you put yourself in position to get that call. I look at where I am right now. I know the reason I am here, is because I put myself in position to be here.We all share that same reality. I hope you put you where you are happy. We all have pretty much made our own beds and now for a time we must lie in it.

Today, I am in position to beat yesterday's one hour calorie burn of 1276. I am psyched and rearing to do it! After all I have worked to put myself in position to do it!

Sleep sheep I got 4 hours of sleep and blasted out 1340 in an hour and did 730 crunches with excuse me, no breakfast. How about a plate of determination? With a side order of perseverance?
Sometimes you feel like a world class athlete.

For the record my jump from a 1276 burn to a 1340 burn in the same time frame is 64 calorie jump. Oh yeah!

Now onto the war room! Build that team, baby.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 904-With the blessings of the Lord we move forward

Lest us not forget our options. Do we believe we have a maker or not? It is a fifty fifty chance is it not? Either you are in or you are out. I believe, so I am in! I believe all things were created by thee.
We have enjoyed a great week of activity. Motion is the key folks. Do not let anyone ever tell you and allow yourself to believe that any sort of lack of activity is good. Your body is meant to be moved. Constantly, think about it. Why would your body be equipped with so many muscles? One answer could be to sit around and think. Wrong! The body wants to be in motion so it will lift your thoughts to a higher level. Keep moving, stop eating so much! The aim is sustain so you can keep on moving. The glory is in the activity not what the activity produces. That is a tough one. We have been taught ( at least I have chosen to believe that) we have to do in order to be fulfilled. Partly true. Question is do what?

As much as I hate to compare myself to anyone. I feel the sense of competition is good. Enjoying yourself in the spirit of competition is good for one's focus and drive. If you want to feel better for one hour challenge yourself to see if you can 1) stay on your feet 2) keep your body in motion 3) enjoy it 4) not think about anything but your movements 5) be grateful you have a body that will allow you to keep it moving.

Speaking of motion, we are now 96 days from 1000 days. Yesterday, was the 906TH workout in the last 903 days. Never underestimate muscle memory!

With a glint in my eye I beat yesteday! As determined as ever victory in form of beating the total calories burned in the hour compared to yesterday came, and it was better than good. Words do little to express the sheer elation I feel when I hit a target I set out to hit.

In effort to stay accurate with the good weather chart today is the second refreshing morning we have had in a row. Great question what do you feel is the depth of your enthusiasm. Is it one flat tire? Is it someone yelling at you? Is bad news about something that does not really concern you. Is it when some lets you down? I only ask so we may all monitor our emotions.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 903- Gave myself an extra 15 minute break

Fanatics do fanatical things. So does that mean all fanatics do fanatical things? Probably not all. It would be easy think that most fanatics do things that are fanatical. After all, why else would they be called fanatic?

I do fanatical things when it comes to? answer that question and you can learn plenty about yourself.

Today I noticed I lost a few pounds. Gee cannot understand why? Wink Wink. The daily toil has given me a few good rounds and my eating has been extremely healthy. And there----You Go! Weight gone!

Today's burn beat yesterday' s did a 1369 to beat yesterday's 1364---CANI!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 902 Perhaps I need a smidge more rest

I still feel awesome having blasted out a strong workout at 530 am. I burned 1264 calories in the hour. Sometimes you can gain strength and confidence just by showing up. I believe you are ahead 50 % of the people by showing up and working hard. Should you find something you truly believe in, and work at it. You beat ( meaning perform better) 90 % of the people. So if you work hard, live right and find something you believe in you beat 90 % of the people today. To beat them all and be #1 in whatever field you choose is just a matter of wanting it more than anyone else.

Simple thoughts on a day where I wish I had more fire. as Vince Lombardi once said, If you are not fired with enthusiasm you will be, fired with enthusiasm! Tonight, the quest is for more rest.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 901 Glory Days! As we go for 1000

How awesome is this? Yes, folks the human body after fifty years of age can do a good hard 60 minute cardiovascular workout for 60 minutes for 901 straight days. In fact, it can also do 904 good hard 60 minute cardiovascular workouts in that same amount of time. Just as Mr Roger Bannister( broke the 4 minute mile) did in jolly old England on May 6TH 1954, I have set a pace for people to follow. I know there is no world record here. But either people are very shy or ultra conservative when it comes to the amount of consecutive days they have worked out. The reason I say that is not many people have laid claim to any streaks and have been blogging about it. I have done some research and cannot find too much evidence supporting the contrary. For now, let us keep the count down going.

Now, we are at T minus 99 days and counting!

Was not a CANI participant today after a 1311 burn in 60 minutes. I gave it everything I had but, could not hit the mark. Yesterday, was 1325. Bummer, I lost by 15 points ( calories burned). Now, I am psyched for tomorrow where I will beat 1312!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 900**** A milestone a wonderful achievement! Now let's get to 1,000!

Sitting here thinking about the road just traveled is nice but sitting here thinking about the future is awesome! The Glory Days are ahead a 100 day fun run is at the doorstep. I am pumped. I am excited that on Day 900 I was able to practice CANI as I burned more in the hour the day before. I am proud of the effort to increase my total.

I thought of a great acronym for life- WAP. WAP stands for Work a plan.Then work a plan. Then work a plan then work a plan. You get it? That is life 1st you work a plan then you work a plan. It never ends. WAP! Everyone though they know it or not has worked a plan and now they are working a plan. Us humans have our own plans we are working on that we have all worked. It is amazing.

Burning 1325 today beat Day 899's 1315- YES!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 899- So what are we going to call the next hundred days?

Tomorrow, will be the 900Th day. Since these postings are about the journey from Day 1 to the present time perhaps a little sober reflection would be in order. I still have not found out my answer to the question of, How many other people have worked out every day since February 23, 2008? I started this blog June 8,2009. I began on Day 474. I was not sure if I wanted to post something everyday so I took a few days to decide. Since June 20, 2009. The day before Father's day of 2009. As of that day I have not missed a day of posting.That streak began on day 484 so it now stands at 415 consecutive days. WOW! What a journal of exercise. I wonder how many people can say they have posted in their blog daily since June 2o, 2009?

So questions have yet to be answered. who else is with me? Where are the people that have not missed a workout since February 23Rd of 09?who else has been blogging daily since June 20Th 2009?

I excited to learn their stories and thoughts.I have shared mine and would love to hear from them.

Today, CANI was not practiced but the effort was surely there. I burned 1315 in the hour.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 898- A day off from work! First since July 4TH

Not for the workout. I am anxious to get to the gym but I loved the extra rest. As we add it up we have done 900 workouts in the last 897 days. Can I get an AMEN?

Time to workout will talk about it later.

Like a day at the dare I say .... SPA?

Well, when you know you just had some 24 + hours of rest. And you are so excited to give it everything you got. The workout is like a trip to some balmy island. Where there is no time frames. Just the feeling of joy as you let it all out in absolute earnest to hit the goal. I knew I could burn more than I did yesterday. My confidence was high. Since Wednesday of this week, I have increased the amount of calories I have burn in sixty minutes every day. That is a streak of five days. Today, was by far the most exhilarating of all the days. While burning 1343 calories I was able to beat Day 897's total of 1331 calories burned in the hour.

"The only time in our lives when we are truly alive is when we have a definite purpose and a pounding motivation to fulfill that purpose." Witness the course of events:
Realizing your purpose
Believing in your cause
Seeing in your minds eye yourself fulfilling that purpose
Actually fulfilling that purpose
Knowing and acknowledging that you have reached and achieved your purpose

Folks it does not get any better than that. Whenever I go through those steps I am motivated by the accomplishments of Wilma Rudolph, Billy Mills and of course Roger Bannister. Though my achievements are small compare to theirs in some way I find every workout on par with their desire to compete at the highest level. It has been the practice of CANI that as allowed me to increase my 60 minute calorie burn from 1301 to 1343 in 4 days.

In an effort to take advantage of this oasis of time I was able to do 670 crunches! Thus I was able to extend my workout an extra half an hour.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 897- A typical Saturday....Well, we have had 128 of them

Yes, folks the gym opens a 7 am. I have not been at the gym on a Saturday for all but three Saturday's since this magnificent journey began. In case, you are curious on the three Saturday's I was not at this gym I was at another gym working out.

I am anxious to get to the gym and see if I have what it takes to burn 1309 or more calories in the hour. When I do burn that amount of calories it will be the fourth consecutive day I have increased my calorie burn.

The game is always on. Competitiveness knows no breaks. The game is really constant and never ending improvement. I once heard that if you can get a little better everyday you achieve amazing things. That sounds simple enough. The question is how to do it? How can an individual just get a little better everyday? I believe it starts with everyday. Then it comes down to a little better.

If you think about it our body reveals to us how we are to be. Whenever our body's are injured in any way are body's try to get a little better everyday. Have you taken the time to notice that? That is what we as people should strive to do. That is get better everyday.

Attack the four squares.Which are your mental,physical,social and spiritual well being. Challenge Ben Franklin's thirteen virtues. Which were;


We have divided Franklin's thirteen virtues and their principles into personal and social character traits.


The eight personal virtues relate to your attitudes toward activities and their challenges. Good personal character traits will better your chances of success in achieving your goals.

Temperance: Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.

Order: Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.

Resolution: Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.

Frugality: Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i.e., waste nothing.

Moderation: Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.

Industry: Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.

Cleanliness: Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.

Tranquility: Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.


These five social virtues that Franklin stated concern your attitudes toward people with whom you have dealings. Good social character traits result in other people wanting to do business with you or to have relationships with you.

Silence: Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.

Sincerity: Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.

Justice: Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.

Chastity: Rarely use venery but for health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your own or another's peace or reputation.

Humility: Imitate Jesus and Socrates.

Understanding, that each of these 13 virtues were practiced everyday by Franklin. However, four times a year he focused very hard on each one for one week. So, in a total of fifty two weeks, one year he each virtue was given four weeks each.

As I sit here in the green room I anticipate my 900Th workout in the last 897 days. I wonder what ole Ben would think is the value of this streak?

No matter, as blasted and kept the 4 day streak alive! Today with a burn of 1331 we beat 1308. Tomorrow, we burn 1332 or more to get the streak to five.

Oh yeah, today is the 32ND consecutive day in which I will have worked at least 8 hours and did a 60 minute cardiovascular workout. Can I get an AMEN?

898 is coming round the track ==============
Any thought on the 100 days to 1000 days?

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 896- An early start gets the mind and body cooking!

Psyche and soma. Mind and body. Heart and soul. It is hard to separate the two. The two are so closely matched and have so much to do with one another it is amazing. When it comes to working out it is all insanely mental yet you can not do it without the body. When it comes to wanting something real bad it is your heart and soul that determines your fate. They say a person is not really a whole person until they have the four basic squares all lined up. Four squares are something that a person by the name of William Danforth came up with while he was building his empire that included such things as Purina Mills. It was there that the famous checkerboard square was born. Fours squares meaning physical, mental, social and spiritual well being of an individual.

According to William Danforth the challenge he held out for all was to excel in all these areas. His idea on self improvement was similar to Ben Franklin where he continual held himself accountable to improve himself in all areas of his life.

I suppose if you really want tell someone about someone you can start with the four squares and ask how everything is going. Once you get a read on that picture everything sort of falls into place. I hope all who read this are doing well with their four squares.

Today, I was pleased with my finish. As I beat yesterday's mark of 1,303 in the hour( burned 1308 calories). Ah the joy of pouring it on down the stretch I wish I could give that joy to everyone I meet.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 895- Dear followers.....

As we approach a milestone in this awesome journey I must ASK this question. What is a good motivation name for the next 100 days as we strive for 1,000 days? I have flipped over and looked at "100 days of pride", "a huny to ctown" "a c note to the g note" . Do you wonderful folks have any suggestions?

As the day began I poured it on and burned more today than I did yesterday. today's total of 1303 did beat Day 894 total of 1301 calories burned.

Keep the suggestions coming as we approach Day 896. WOW!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 894 - 100 days of pride is only a few weeks away!

Just as anyone who has ever closed in on a milestone number must have felt prior. I can not help but be excited about the days leading up to this run. One thousand is possible because there has to nine 100 day stretches. Usually, 100 days represents a little more than one full season. In this case, the 100 days will go from August 10 TH to November 18TH. WOW!

I feel now is the time to give this window of time a name. I like "100 days of pride". However, at this time I am not totally sold on it. There needs to be some sort of original motivation behind the 100 days. I think about it and see what I come up with.

Up at 5am on the machine at 534 am and burned 1301 calories in the sixty minutes. How about 6000 hours of power? The next gut check?

Day 895 we be here before we know it.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 893 A detour! Rode the Life Cycle for the first in .....

Okay, so I took a detour. Instead of working out with my buddy Arc Trainer I decided to go workout with an old crony named Life Cycle. Yep, Life Cycle and I go way back. In fact we go all the way back to even before this streak. I had rode the with big LC for 706 straight days prior to joining up with Arc T. It felt good to back on the workout. It is funny how using a different set of muscles make your body feel. Especially at the end of the workout. Oh well variety is a spice of life.

Working out and burning calories for 60 minutes is always fun. My setting was on 23 out of 25 and the fans were on so I was able to work up a good lather and burned 752 calories in the hour. Not bad for a 187 day hiatus from the ole workout.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 892- Make it four excellent mornings!

The weather over the last four days has been awesome. Can I get an AMEN? Ah questions, it is always questions. Here is a simple thought if you ask why ten times after every answer to one question you will reveal so much about the person who answers it that you will be amazed.The only requirement is that the person answers the questions in complete honesty. Who would think by asking a childlike question such as "why?" All can be revealed.

If you do not believe my theory then try it.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Oatmeal. Why?
Because I like oatmeal. Why?
Because it is healthy and I feel good after I eat it. Why?
Its is healthy because it helps lower my cholesterol and I like to feel that I am doing something to improve my health. Why ?
Is lowers the cholesterol because I understand that it helps to remove the bad cholesterol from the blood system and I am very interested in improving my health. Why?
It removes in some way I am not sure of and I am fascinated by the capabilities of the body and what it can do. Why?

I think I have made my point. How many times did I ask why? Six and we were starting to learn more and more why we do things and in some cases how little we know about certain subjects.

Today, I tried to lower the weight setting on the machine to see if it would improve my calorie burn and it did not.I burned 1323 in the hour.I need to find a way to improve on that the numbers of calories burned in the hour. Why?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Day 891- It is another beautiful morning

We have been blessed with three consecutive days of refreshing mornings. As we begin the 30Th month of this incredible journey. I once heard someone say if we were all of the attitude of the sundial we would be in a much better place. The better place would be mentally. So if we all just would record the sunny times in our lives are attitudes of mind would be much brighter and the world would be much more righter. Was it Zig Ziglar who said the future is so bright I need to put sunglasses on?

As I sit here posting it is 751 AM. A far cry from usual week day schedule of a completed workout by 7 AM. Regardless, I am presently enjoying the break and I hope my calorie burn within the hour will reflect that rest. Please keep in mind that I usually get a 24 hour break between workouts. Since it is now approaching 25 hours since my last workout my legs have been given a chance to get some strength back. It is interesting how I enjoy today's break but tomorrow I compensate for it by resting less than 24 hours before the next workout. My schedule today is to have a completed workout prior to going into work.

As of July 5TH I have been working about 8 hours every day. Today, is the 27TH straight day. From May 31 ST to July 4Th I worked at least 8 hours a day for a total of 33 days. My plan is to take next Sunday August 8TH off from work. The span of days will be again 33 days.

I like to call it my 33 day work week. I am beginning to focus hard on loosening up to get after Day 891. The pace and the early burst is the key. A good thrust of power in the first 5 to 10 minutes is the key. Quick question. What part of the journey does a rocket ship burn the most fuel? Is it the beginning, middle or end?

The answer is the beginning in fact a rocket ship uses half of it fuel getting off the ground and launching. Try to remember that as you begin your day. You need to focus and get excited about the day so you can make the most of your day your workout or anything you attempt to do. Preparation is vital. Get psyched! Get fueled and blastoff!

After the workout I weighed in a little lighter than usual I am wondering if that may have affected my calorie burn. I certainly used a good amount of energy to burn 1385 in the hour.