When you start focusing on what will be done there is no time to run. We are either running towards or away from something. We are always on the run.
Everyday in Africa, a lion awakes up knowing he must out run the slowest zebra to survive. Everyday in Africa, a zebra wakes up knowing he must out run the fastest lion to survive.
Us humans are running all the time we just do not always know where we are going and why- Huh!
My energy never ceases to amaze me.I thought that I had minimum energy today but no, I had abundant energy. Enough to succeed in burning 1,469 calories in the hour.I was able to hold the plank position for 4 1/2 songs. Had fun doing 1500 crunches.
As I conclude this post the sun is actually shinning for the first time since Saturday- Can I get an AMEN?
Day 769 is coming around the bend!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Day 767- Raise your hand if you wake up thirsty each morning
I see just about everyone except that individual who claims to have done a sixty minute cardiovascular workout everyday since February 23, 2008. That seems odd when wake up you are not thirsty? No, I just want to workout!
My attitude on eating and drinking in the morning is why drink or eat if you are not thirsty or hungry? I enjoy fasting prior to the workout. I usually fast for about 12 hours. However, when I do finish my workout I feast on oatmeal cinnamon and fruit. While I enjoy my oatmeal I drink orange juice and seltzer.
We must be reminded of Renee Descarte and his philosophy on life.When it rains you have three choices stay in, go out and get wet or go out with an umbrella.
This goes for our daily lives we either hide,go out and take our lumps or we protect ourselves while we live our life. I choose the umbrella. My umbrella is having a good positive attitude.
So, it is with this thought that I launch my day!
The joy that is found in the workout is the challenge. Everyday I ask myself what have I got today? How much can I push myself to reach my goals for today. I love the action that follows on the heels of those questions.
Today, I was able to burn 29 more calories than I was able to burn yesterday. My reason for the increase is the amount of rest I had in between workouts. After resting 24 + hours I did my work out today. I felt strong and aggressive as I pounded through a two hour workout. A workout that included a 60 minute cardiovascular workout along with 45 minute abdominal workout.
My attitude on eating and drinking in the morning is why drink or eat if you are not thirsty or hungry? I enjoy fasting prior to the workout. I usually fast for about 12 hours. However, when I do finish my workout I feast on oatmeal cinnamon and fruit. While I enjoy my oatmeal I drink orange juice and seltzer.
We must be reminded of Renee Descarte and his philosophy on life.When it rains you have three choices stay in, go out and get wet or go out with an umbrella.
This goes for our daily lives we either hide,go out and take our lumps or we protect ourselves while we live our life. I choose the umbrella. My umbrella is having a good positive attitude.
So, it is with this thought that I launch my day!
The joy that is found in the workout is the challenge. Everyday I ask myself what have I got today? How much can I push myself to reach my goals for today. I love the action that follows on the heels of those questions.
Today, I was able to burn 29 more calories than I was able to burn yesterday. My reason for the increase is the amount of rest I had in between workouts. After resting 24 + hours I did my work out today. I felt strong and aggressive as I pounded through a two hour workout. A workout that included a 60 minute cardiovascular workout along with 45 minute abdominal workout.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Day 766- Oh goodness gracious!
It was raining hard in Frisco. I needed one more fare to make my night......
Yep, its raining. I like to think of that song when it is raining. That song makes the day with rain sound adventurous. In your stumped on the title of the song and the artist it is Harry Chapin and the title is Taxi.
You know it is ironic how one word defines all of us. That word is settle.Why settle? Settle means - Definition for settle
- decide on something: to come to a decision or agreement about - You see? We all have a point in which we settle for something.
Take a second look at where you are right now. That is what you have settled for. Question how long do you intend on settling for that?
Rain or no rain we forge ahead on Day 766 - I we give it my all not settle for less than I want!
Today I am proud to say I left it all out on the arc trainer. I busted it like you cannot believe and burned 1,435 calories in an hour. Today was the third straight day I did my workout around the 7-8:30 am hour. I probably could have benefited from some more rest but man, it felt great busting it that hard.
I ran out of time to get a good ab workout but I did manage to do a 4 minute crunch session along with a 2 song plank. So, regardless of the brevity I felt awesome.
I look forward to tomorrow's workout!
Yep, its raining. I like to think of that song when it is raining. That song makes the day with rain sound adventurous. In your stumped on the title of the song and the artist it is Harry Chapin and the title is Taxi.
You know it is ironic how one word defines all of us. That word is settle.Why settle? Settle means - Definition for settle
- decide on something: to come to a decision or agreement about - You see? We all have a point in which we settle for something.
Take a second look at where you are right now. That is what you have settled for. Question how long do you intend on settling for that?
Rain or no rain we forge ahead on Day 766 - I we give it my all not settle for less than I want!
Today I am proud to say I left it all out on the arc trainer. I busted it like you cannot believe and burned 1,435 calories in an hour. Today was the third straight day I did my workout around the 7-8:30 am hour. I probably could have benefited from some more rest but man, it felt great busting it that hard.
I ran out of time to get a good ab workout but I did manage to do a 4 minute crunch session along with a 2 song plank. So, regardless of the brevity I felt awesome.
I look forward to tomorrow's workout!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Day 765- We rise early as we prepare mentally
I'll believe it way before I'll see it. It does all start with a belief. I once heard an expression that I would like to dwell on here. It is, you need to know that you know that you know.And if that is not enough then you need to know that you know that you know that you know.
What does this mean? Well, if you break this expression into small phrases and evaluate them it makes it easier to focus on the value of the statement as a whole. First, you need to know that you know. Okay, I interpret that as an awareness of the concept. Of course it could be any concept. But the real question lies in how do you know about the concept. The more you know about the concept improves how much you know.
Let us create an example of this. Suppose you want to understand a topic on grass. Now, you need to know about grass to express your understanding about grass. However, you need to know that you know about grass before you will be able to express what you know about grass. In an effort to reinforce your belief about what you know about grass you need to really know about grass. So, then this is where the statement gets stronger. Therefore, you need to know that you know that you know about grass.
Does this make sense? What I am doing is I am solidifying my belief and understanding of anything going through these paces. We must constantly ask ourselves where is our belief level on any endeavour we attempt.
So today I will say I know that I know that I know I will complete my 765TH straight day of doing a 60 minute cardiovascular workout. Of course with the good Lord willing.
It was a tremendous battle to maintain the pace to burn 1,449 calories today.
But Momma, thats where the fun is......
While everything I had was being poured into my effort to complete the workout I remembered one thing.I knew that I knew that I knew I would keep the pace!
What does this mean? Well, if you break this expression into small phrases and evaluate them it makes it easier to focus on the value of the statement as a whole. First, you need to know that you know. Okay, I interpret that as an awareness of the concept. Of course it could be any concept. But the real question lies in how do you know about the concept. The more you know about the concept improves how much you know.
Let us create an example of this. Suppose you want to understand a topic on grass. Now, you need to know about grass to express your understanding about grass. However, you need to know that you know about grass before you will be able to express what you know about grass. In an effort to reinforce your belief about what you know about grass you need to really know about grass. So, then this is where the statement gets stronger. Therefore, you need to know that you know that you know about grass.
Does this make sense? What I am doing is I am solidifying my belief and understanding of anything going through these paces. We must constantly ask ourselves where is our belief level on any endeavour we attempt.
So today I will say I know that I know that I know I will complete my 765TH straight day of doing a 60 minute cardiovascular workout. Of course with the good Lord willing.
It was a tremendous battle to maintain the pace to burn 1,449 calories today.
But Momma, thats where the fun is......
While everything I had was being poured into my effort to complete the workout I remembered one thing.I knew that I knew that I knew I would keep the pace!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Day 764- Up early to workout
Good morning! It is now 6:11 am I am here blogging away getting ready to get to the gym which does not open until 7 am ish. Why am I up so early when I do not need to be at work until 10::40 am. ?Easy, to workout. Ever since February 23rd 2008 I have done a 60 minute work out everyday. There have been some days where I have done two sixty minute workouts a day. I have done 2 workouts a day 4 times. So I have done 768 60 minute workouts in the last 764 days,
By and large I workout. My body is conditioned to do that. For over 700 days I rode the life cycle. I would be riding the life cycle today except my workouts were breaking the pedals on the life cycles. So I switched from using the life cycle to using the arc trainer for my 60 minute workout.
I started using the arc trainer on Day 706 which was January 28 Th 2010. It has now been 58 straight days of using the arc trainer. I feel great! It is indeed a wonderful challenge.
As I reflect on these numbers of consecutive days of doing a hard driving 60 minute workout I wonder how many professional athletes have done a workout everyday since 2/23/08 ? I suppose its a number we will never know but being a somewhat statistical geek I am curious.
Well it is great to sit here and say whats on my mind but I must have my fun with a workout right now.
It is 6:35 am my car is just about warmed up on this chilly late march early spring morning.
The day, as all days has the promise to be a great one- Let us all go out and enjoy it!
That whoosh you just heard was me completing an exciting 60 minute workout by burning 1471 calories in an hour. You should have heard that whoosh around 7:55 am. As the last few drops sweat fell to floor. With the record intact and my body satisfied I did 200 crunches and stretched and was finished.
As I eagerly await tomorrow's workout-
By and large I workout. My body is conditioned to do that. For over 700 days I rode the life cycle. I would be riding the life cycle today except my workouts were breaking the pedals on the life cycles. So I switched from using the life cycle to using the arc trainer for my 60 minute workout.
I started using the arc trainer on Day 706 which was January 28 Th 2010. It has now been 58 straight days of using the arc trainer. I feel great! It is indeed a wonderful challenge.
As I reflect on these numbers of consecutive days of doing a hard driving 60 minute workout I wonder how many professional athletes have done a workout everyday since 2/23/08 ? I suppose its a number we will never know but being a somewhat statistical geek I am curious.
Well it is great to sit here and say whats on my mind but I must have my fun with a workout right now.
It is 6:35 am my car is just about warmed up on this chilly late march early spring morning.
The day, as all days has the promise to be a great one- Let us all go out and enjoy it!
That whoosh you just heard was me completing an exciting 60 minute workout by burning 1471 calories in an hour. You should have heard that whoosh around 7:55 am. As the last few drops sweat fell to floor. With the record intact and my body satisfied I did 200 crunches and stretched and was finished.
As I eagerly await tomorrow's workout-
Friday, March 26, 2010
Day 763- Is it for me?
Cicero, nought Kennedy said it first,"if not us, who? If not now, when?"So, I ask my reflection one more time, Day 763 is it for me? Well, if I called it Day 763 and I am the only one that I know that refers to today as day 763 it must be for me! An odd thing about this incredible journey, I am the only one on it. There is no else standing with me on this path. It is truly just me, myself and I.
Now, my intention of this blog is to allow you to join me in my thoughts on what I do and what I feel but, I am the only one here. So of course Day 763 is for me, it is also for everyone else! Come meet the day and enjoy it- Remember you and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
The challenge is here let us go and face it!
Ah, the sweetness that is a completed workout! The bible says, "the sleep of the laborer is sweet." So true. Amen. I am starting to get that old feeling back. That old feeling I got when I was riding the life cycle. The feeling of extreme exhilaration at the completion of the ride. Now, I feel it after attacking the arc trainer. I have a new target. My old target was to burn over 1013 calories in 60 minutes while riding the life cycle. Now my target is burning 1,500 calories in 60 minutes on the arc trainer. I believe I can do it! My highest total so far is 1,493
Today.I was able to burn 1,490 calories in an hour. It felt amazing. I really felt energized. So energized that I was able to do 1,630 crunches and held the plank position for 5 1/2 songs.
This the 279 consecutive day I have commented on my workout. Good Lord willing on Day 784 it will be 300 consecutive days of posts to this blog.
As the days grow longer, I hope you as a person grow stronger!
Now, my intention of this blog is to allow you to join me in my thoughts on what I do and what I feel but, I am the only one here. So of course Day 763 is for me, it is also for everyone else! Come meet the day and enjoy it- Remember you and I can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
The challenge is here let us go and face it!
Ah, the sweetness that is a completed workout! The bible says, "the sleep of the laborer is sweet." So true. Amen. I am starting to get that old feeling back. That old feeling I got when I was riding the life cycle. The feeling of extreme exhilaration at the completion of the ride. Now, I feel it after attacking the arc trainer. I have a new target. My old target was to burn over 1013 calories in 60 minutes while riding the life cycle. Now my target is burning 1,500 calories in 60 minutes on the arc trainer. I believe I can do it! My highest total so far is 1,493
Today.I was able to burn 1,490 calories in an hour. It felt amazing. I really felt energized. So energized that I was able to do 1,630 crunches and held the plank position for 5 1/2 songs.
This the 279 consecutive day I have commented on my workout. Good Lord willing on Day 784 it will be 300 consecutive days of posts to this blog.
As the days grow longer, I hope you as a person grow stronger!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Day 762- I will believe it when I see it!
That sounds fair enough. Sure, when I see it I will believe it. I am okay with that. After all is said and done I need to see it before I believe it. Here is a thought what if you said to yourself "if I do not BELIEVE IT I will never see it? Now that is a different way to look at things right? Instead of viewing life through a "prove it to me" pair of lenses. Look at life with a vision of "I believe"! The question is now how can I see it become a reality? This concept can be put into simple form. You must sees it before you can seize it.
Belief is a very powerful human force. It is belief that shapes our world. Belief gives us the strength to overcome odds in the face of many tough situations. Our beliefs allow us to tap into a source greater than all of us. Belief gives us vision. The bible says," without a vision, the people will perish."
So, it with a belief that one of the greatest visionaries of or time created a magical world. A world full of imagination. This person's name was Walt Disney, and he not only brought cartoons to life he created Epoch Center and other wonderful places. Unfortunately, prior to the building of all these creations he died. However, on the day of ceremony prior to the opening of the center his brother Roy Disney had something to say. Roy expressed gratitude for the people's interest for being there. But although he expressed thanks for the people's show of sadness that Walt could not live SEE the opening of the amazing center. Roy said " if my brother had not seen and believed in this place we all would not be here to see it open." You see folks it was his believe that created this reality.
So, go out today and believe in your reality or you will never see it!
Hi,I don't you, and I am not sure if you know me but......Can I get an AMEN? I practiced what I just preached today. I had a vision and a belief that I could burn 1,484 calories or more today. Well, low and behold- through faith and belief I burned 1,493 calories in 60 minutes! It is funny, the second I realized I had burned 1,493 I said, "dang, almost 1,500." The best part is the feeling of sheer bliss while going at that pace.Whenever I break a personal best I always think of Roger Bannister that famous runner who? What is Roger famous for? The answer is, breaking the 4 minute mile.We can about read about ole Rog @
Next,came 1,590 crunches and I held the plank for 5 straight songs!
Belief is a very powerful human force. It is belief that shapes our world. Belief gives us the strength to overcome odds in the face of many tough situations. Our beliefs allow us to tap into a source greater than all of us. Belief gives us vision. The bible says," without a vision, the people will perish."
So, it with a belief that one of the greatest visionaries of or time created a magical world. A world full of imagination. This person's name was Walt Disney, and he not only brought cartoons to life he created Epoch Center and other wonderful places. Unfortunately, prior to the building of all these creations he died. However, on the day of ceremony prior to the opening of the center his brother Roy Disney had something to say. Roy expressed gratitude for the people's interest for being there. But although he expressed thanks for the people's show of sadness that Walt could not live SEE the opening of the amazing center. Roy said " if my brother had not seen and believed in this place we all would not be here to see it open." You see folks it was his believe that created this reality.
So, go out today and believe in your reality or you will never see it!
Hi,I don't you, and I am not sure if you know me but......Can I get an AMEN? I practiced what I just preached today. I had a vision and a belief that I could burn 1,484 calories or more today. Well, low and behold- through faith and belief I burned 1,493 calories in 60 minutes! It is funny, the second I realized I had burned 1,493 I said, "dang, almost 1,500." The best part is the feeling of sheer bliss while going at that pace.Whenever I break a personal best I always think of Roger Bannister that famous runner who? What is Roger famous for? The answer is, breaking the 4 minute mile.We can about read about ole Rog @
Next,came 1,590 crunches and I held the plank for 5 straight songs!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Day 761- I now have a new way to communicate
I am able to resume blogging in the privacy of my home. The workout comments of the last 30 plus days have been added primary in 20 minute sessions at the public library. During that time I would blog immediately after the workout. Now,I have the option to blog anytime I choose. I am excited to have that freedom back. I also can blog wherever I choose thanks to a wireless connectivity.
Now, I am off to the gym to gather new information to add to my blogging content! Day 761 is dressed fed and ready to play.
After an excellent workout I feel refreshed and less stressed. I felt a less channelled than I usually am when I workout. However, once I started I maintained an excellent pace and beat yesterday's numbers in all areas except the plank where I held the position for 2 songs. One of the reasons why I could not repeat yesterday's Which wore 4 1/2 songs. I purposely did 1560 crunches prior to doing the plank.I did that so I would feel a big challenge to do the plank.
I love the everyday challenge.
Now, I am off to the gym to gather new information to add to my blogging content! Day 761 is dressed fed and ready to play.
After an excellent workout I feel refreshed and less stressed. I felt a less channelled than I usually am when I workout. However, once I started I maintained an excellent pace and beat yesterday's numbers in all areas except the plank where I held the position for 2 songs. One of the reasons why I could not repeat yesterday's Which wore 4 1/2 songs. I purposely did 1560 crunches prior to doing the plank.I did that so I would feel a big challenge to do the plank.
I love the everyday challenge.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Day 760- It is great to have the energy!
The energy is just lovely to have. Vince the great Lombardi once said, "the will to win and to excel they are one in the same. They are far more important than any event that occasions them." I take that as having an indomitable spirit supersedes any one victory. I can on step further with that thought and say what your speaks so loudly I cannot hear a word you are saying. The person that wants to succeed so badly just keeps going after it.
I spoke before of being in hot pursuit of a goal. Now wrap your mind around the thought of a white desire to achieve a goal. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve. As we continue to dwell of the will we must be mindful of the origin of the fire and constantly look for ways to stoke the flames. An old football once said " if the doesn't light your fire then your pilot light is out!"
Vince also said" gentleman, if you are not fired with enthusiasm then you will be fired with enthusiasm!"
Today's workout had an interesting twist I managed to burn as many calories per hour as total crunches I did. Yep, ring up 1,432 for each crunches and calories burned in 60 minutes. I also did 4 1/2 songs of plank position listening.
I spoke before of being in hot pursuit of a goal. Now wrap your mind around the thought of a white desire to achieve a goal. Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve. As we continue to dwell of the will we must be mindful of the origin of the fire and constantly look for ways to stoke the flames. An old football once said " if the doesn't light your fire then your pilot light is out!"
Vince also said" gentleman, if you are not fired with enthusiasm then you will be fired with enthusiasm!"
Today's workout had an interesting twist I managed to burn as many calories per hour as total crunches I did. Yep, ring up 1,432 for each crunches and calories burned in 60 minutes. I also did 4 1/2 songs of plank position listening.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Day 759-Down goes Diddle and Lou
Down goes who? Who the heck is Diddle and who is Lou? Well,Mr Diddle is a college basketball coach that had 758 wins. Lou is a college basketball coach that also had 758 wins. Yep, Lou Henson won 758 games during his awesome coaching career.Lou coached for 41 years! E.A. Diddle coached 42 years to earn his stripes.
Here is a powerful thought: delivered by a follower. From tiniest thing can come the biggest thing. From the smallest baby can come the man. From one set of eyeballs can one see the whole world. From one brain can come thoughts that can shapes millions of people's lives.
Since the two coaches have coached a collective 83 years can we imagine how many lives they have touched?As we can see from just two people how many factors in the world today have been effected by their presence.
I had some time blasted out a well rounded workout that featured a cardiovascular workout along with a good abdominal workout. I burned 1,442 calories in 60 minutes on the arc trainer.
The plank position was held for 4 1/2 songs and I was able to do 1,300 crunches.
We are closing in on day 800. Tomorrow with the Good Lord willing will be day 760.
Here is a powerful thought: delivered by a follower. From tiniest thing can come the biggest thing. From the smallest baby can come the man. From one set of eyeballs can one see the whole world. From one brain can come thoughts that can shapes millions of people's lives.
Since the two coaches have coached a collective 83 years can we imagine how many lives they have touched?As we can see from just two people how many factors in the world today have been effected by their presence.
I had some time blasted out a well rounded workout that featured a cardiovascular workout along with a good abdominal workout. I burned 1,442 calories in 60 minutes on the arc trainer.
The plank position was held for 4 1/2 songs and I was able to do 1,300 crunches.
We are closing in on day 800. Tomorrow with the Good Lord willing will be day 760.
Day 758-The weather was fantastic
The third day of splendid weather proved to give me the boost I needed as I worked out on again, limited rest. Was up at 5:30 am after going down at 1 am for the second straight night. I felt strong all day regardless. Burned more today than yesterday as I beat yesterday's calorie burn of 1,450 in 60 minutes. Today, Sunday March 21st 2010 I burned 1,458 calories in 60 minutes. Once again, I was able to complete my workout by 8 am!
Down the hall is day 759 ****
Down the hall is day 759 ****
day 757-Felt a lot of fire today
Operating on limited rest I cranked out a solid workout and then went on to work a good active 12 hour day. We all take are cues from something. Today I took my cues for sheer energy! Day 758 awaits!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Day 756- The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout!
That is a simple story of persistence.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Notice how it doesn't say anything about the spider being bummed out or sad about the rain or the bad luck the spider had. Or it doesn't say how hard the spider worked to climb up the spout.
Nope, it just says he went up the spout then the rain came and knock him out. Then the sun came up and he went at it again.
I guess in a nutshell you just do it! Seven hundred and fifty six days and counting. More than the real home run king. I suppose passing whatever that other guy did in number of homers will feel good just because it will be a number to put in the rear view mirror.
For the record I think that number is 762. However, I am not sure. In fact I am going to check right now. How do you like that? I was right. Okay, so seven more and the home run total will be surpassed.
Went on with a ton of energy today. Praise the Lord! Burned 1,468 calories in the hour. Used a machine with good resistance. My abs felt good - Did 1,530 crunches. Hey, I beat the calorie burn total. Awesome! My plank was also strong 4 1/2 songs in which I held the plank position.
According to "freakonomics"http://freakonomicsbook.com/freakonomics/chapter-excerpts/chapter-3/ Life is a tournament. The ones that come out on top get the best prizes.
I wonder what other sports career milestones I am near? How about most colleges coaching wins in NCAA basketball? The record for the most is??? Nine hundred and two. Bobby Knight has 902 next is ? Dean Smith with 879.
Here is a list:
Rank Coach W
1. Bob Knight 902
2. Dean Smith 879
3. Adolph Rupp 876
4. Mike Krzyzewski 833
5. Jim Calhoun 805
6. Eddie Sutton 804
7. Jim Boeheim 799
8. Lefty Driesell 786
9. Lute Olson 781
10. E.A. Diddle 759
Lou Henson 759
Okay, OK, enough we are chasing Lou and Mr Diddle!
Tomorrow we resume are chase!
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again.
Notice how it doesn't say anything about the spider being bummed out or sad about the rain or the bad luck the spider had. Or it doesn't say how hard the spider worked to climb up the spout.
Nope, it just says he went up the spout then the rain came and knock him out. Then the sun came up and he went at it again.
I guess in a nutshell you just do it! Seven hundred and fifty six days and counting. More than the real home run king. I suppose passing whatever that other guy did in number of homers will feel good just because it will be a number to put in the rear view mirror.
For the record I think that number is 762. However, I am not sure. In fact I am going to check right now. How do you like that? I was right. Okay, so seven more and the home run total will be surpassed.
Went on with a ton of energy today. Praise the Lord! Burned 1,468 calories in the hour. Used a machine with good resistance. My abs felt good - Did 1,530 crunches. Hey, I beat the calorie burn total. Awesome! My plank was also strong 4 1/2 songs in which I held the plank position.
According to "freakonomics"http://freakonomicsbook.com/freakonomics/chapter-excerpts/chapter-3/ Life is a tournament. The ones that come out on top get the best prizes.
I wonder what other sports career milestones I am near? How about most colleges coaching wins in NCAA basketball? The record for the most is??? Nine hundred and two. Bobby Knight has 902 next is ? Dean Smith with 879.
Here is a list:
Rank Coach W
1. Bob Knight 902
2. Dean Smith 879
3. Adolph Rupp 876
4. Mike Krzyzewski 833
5. Jim Calhoun 805
6. Eddie Sutton 804
7. Jim Boeheim 799
8. Lefty Driesell 786
9. Lute Olson 781
10. E.A. Diddle 759
Lou Henson 759
Okay, OK, enough we are chasing Lou and Mr Diddle!
Tomorrow we resume are chase!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Day 755- And it is great to be alive!
So Hank Aaron hit 755 home runs and called it a career. I just hit the 755Th day I have workout without a break and I by the grace of god am still going strong. I also just completed my 759Th workout in the last 755 days. I feel awesome, my arc trainer calorie burn for 60 minutes was 1,462 and I used the machine that offers less resistance than the machine I used yesterday. Once again I was able to burn more calories in the second 30 minutes than I did in the first 30 minutes. This time I burned 10 more calories in the second 30 minutes. My ab workout was solid. I held the plank for 2 songs and did 1460 crunches.
Our mind plays tricks on us when we get tired. Patton once said,"fatigue makes cowards out of us all."
I once heard the definition of a winner and it went like this: A winner is a person that will stay excited until the job gets done! Great question. What is the depth of your enthusiasm? How long will you stay excited about finishing a job?
These are great powerful questions that get answered everyday. Here is another thought. Do you agree that the quality of the questions we ask our self usually dictate the quality of life we have. One of the better pieces of advice I have ever heard was this; whenever your faced with a challenge ask your why? I do not mean why me? Or aw sucks. I mean, ask I want to overcome this challenge because? Keep asking for the reason until one of your answers hits your "hot button." Then use your "hot button" as a source of motivation to conquer your challenge.
I love to workout for that very reason. The challenge, everyday presents a challenge that I love the opportunity to overcome. My life has been enhanced by this daily challenge and I encourage all to find a challenge that they can overcome on a daily basis. I happen to choose the workout, I encourage all to find their daily workout whatever it may be.
Day 756 - hey, only 44 days to 800!
Our mind plays tricks on us when we get tired. Patton once said,"fatigue makes cowards out of us all."
I once heard the definition of a winner and it went like this: A winner is a person that will stay excited until the job gets done! Great question. What is the depth of your enthusiasm? How long will you stay excited about finishing a job?
These are great powerful questions that get answered everyday. Here is another thought. Do you agree that the quality of the questions we ask our self usually dictate the quality of life we have. One of the better pieces of advice I have ever heard was this; whenever your faced with a challenge ask your why? I do not mean why me? Or aw sucks. I mean, ask I want to overcome this challenge because? Keep asking for the reason until one of your answers hits your "hot button." Then use your "hot button" as a source of motivation to conquer your challenge.
I love to workout for that very reason. The challenge, everyday presents a challenge that I love the opportunity to overcome. My life has been enhanced by this daily challenge and I encourage all to find a challenge that they can overcome on a daily basis. I happen to choose the workout, I encourage all to find their daily workout whatever it may be.
Day 756 - hey, only 44 days to 800!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Day 754- A stupendous day! Great to be alive
How is everybody doing!!! When you consider how many days that are not like this you praise the days that are like this. On top of all that it is Saint Patrick's Day! So, Happy Saint Patty's Day! The weather has definitely turned and Irish eyes are smiling. Enjoy the festivities of the day and be careful of those that are not careful. Hey, that means you.
My workout was phenomenal. I feel I understand this arc trainer business a little better. Here is the scoop some machines are calibrated differently than others. The biggest difference I found is in the resistance of the stride. For instance, yesterday I did 2 60 minutes workouts one on a machine calibrated with a higher resistance than the other. Now the reason I feel certain about the resistance being higher is because my measured strides per minute on the first machine.For example, I was only able to reach 84 strides per minute for 60 minutes. However, on the other machine I did 92 strides per minute. considering that I had already done 60 minutes on one machine where I burned 1,250 calories in an hour. I was able to burn 1,412 calories in 60 minutes on the other with no rest. Reason? The resistance on the second machine was lower than the first.
So, that is the story with the arc trainer when we talk about calories burned per hour. Today, I used a machine that allowed me to work up to a stride of 92 per minute. So, I was able to burn 1,433 calories in 60 minutes. Interesting to note that I burned 712 calories in the first 30 minutes and increased my calorie burn by 5 in the second thirty minutes. That is not always easy to do. Upon completion of that great workout, my ab exercising was also strong. In my ab workout I did 4 1/2 songs of plank and 1,260 consecutive crunches! Yes, 3 sets of 420!
While I was playing today, I was reminded of a conversation I once had with some people. I had brought up the statement that 99% of all the things we worry about never happen so why worry? Boy, that was met with an opposing view. The opposing view was negative , obviously. However, the reason why I thought of it today was because I was pondering another thought while I was playing today. That thought was ; there is only 2 things we can control and they are our attitude and our activity. That means we should not worry about the rest. It also means do not worry about things you cannot control.
See, that is what I could have said during that conversation- don't worry about things you cannot control! -Hey, do me a favor, let that sink in. How many things do you worry about that you cannot control. The flip side of that is how many things do you have control of that you do not do anything about? That is scary. Now, we are getting close to the hot stove.
Anyway, enjoy the glory that is in the day! Get done what you want and don't worry about things you can't control.
Remember, in the large scheme of things we are only here for a flicker of time!
Tomorrow we tie Hank!
My workout was phenomenal. I feel I understand this arc trainer business a little better. Here is the scoop some machines are calibrated differently than others. The biggest difference I found is in the resistance of the stride. For instance, yesterday I did 2 60 minutes workouts one on a machine calibrated with a higher resistance than the other. Now the reason I feel certain about the resistance being higher is because my measured strides per minute on the first machine.For example, I was only able to reach 84 strides per minute for 60 minutes. However, on the other machine I did 92 strides per minute. considering that I had already done 60 minutes on one machine where I burned 1,250 calories in an hour. I was able to burn 1,412 calories in 60 minutes on the other with no rest. Reason? The resistance on the second machine was lower than the first.
So, that is the story with the arc trainer when we talk about calories burned per hour. Today, I used a machine that allowed me to work up to a stride of 92 per minute. So, I was able to burn 1,433 calories in 60 minutes. Interesting to note that I burned 712 calories in the first 30 minutes and increased my calorie burn by 5 in the second thirty minutes. That is not always easy to do. Upon completion of that great workout, my ab exercising was also strong. In my ab workout I did 4 1/2 songs of plank and 1,260 consecutive crunches! Yes, 3 sets of 420!
While I was playing today, I was reminded of a conversation I once had with some people. I had brought up the statement that 99% of all the things we worry about never happen so why worry? Boy, that was met with an opposing view. The opposing view was negative , obviously. However, the reason why I thought of it today was because I was pondering another thought while I was playing today. That thought was ; there is only 2 things we can control and they are our attitude and our activity. That means we should not worry about the rest. It also means do not worry about things you cannot control.
See, that is what I could have said during that conversation- don't worry about things you cannot control! -Hey, do me a favor, let that sink in. How many things do you worry about that you cannot control. The flip side of that is how many things do you have control of that you do not do anything about? That is scary. Now, we are getting close to the hot stove.
Anyway, enjoy the glory that is in the day! Get done what you want and don't worry about things you can't control.
Remember, in the large scheme of things we are only here for a flicker of time!
Tomorrow we tie Hank!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Day 753- You know some times you just have to do two work outs in one day!
And today was one of those days. I did my first 60 minute workout and burned only 1,250 calories. I did the workout on a different machine and it's resistance was off the charts difficult. After I finished I just felt unfulfilled. Almost like leaving the table still hungry. So, I went back for seconds. I did another 60 minute workout. Only this time I managed to burn 1,412 calories. And it felt awesome. All total I burned 2,662 calories in 120 minutes with no break!
I was told by one of our followers that life motivates some people. The act of putting part of their life into another person motivates them. The concept was clear, whatever you put out you get back! Life is indeed, awesome that way. It is the unfailing boomerang. It is the law of sowing and reaping. One other thought came clear to me, the process of passing along positive energy has the ability to fuel us all!
After a few crunches 450 I was done and had to run.
Now I have done 757 workouts in 753 days. I am almost at the 5 plus level I was at before the procedure back in February.
Life is grand. My fast today is longer than yesterday. Here at 1:15 pm I have had no food or drink since 9 pm last night. Let's see that is a total of 16 hours and 15 minutes- Whoa! Yesterday was 16 hours- Hey, I beat it!
I was told by one of our followers that life motivates some people. The act of putting part of their life into another person motivates them. The concept was clear, whatever you put out you get back! Life is indeed, awesome that way. It is the unfailing boomerang. It is the law of sowing and reaping. One other thought came clear to me, the process of passing along positive energy has the ability to fuel us all!
After a few crunches 450 I was done and had to run.
Now I have done 757 workouts in 753 days. I am almost at the 5 plus level I was at before the procedure back in February.
Life is grand. My fast today is longer than yesterday. Here at 1:15 pm I have had no food or drink since 9 pm last night. Let's see that is a total of 16 hours and 15 minutes- Whoa! Yesterday was 16 hours- Hey, I beat it!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Day 752- Today is the best I have felt in a long time!
I started to realize how lousy I felt when I started to realize how much better I felt than the day before. That sounds like the lines for a country song. Put a little twang on it and you will feel country in about two seconds. Today was sensational I was able to reach another new record for calories burned in one hour. I was fighting to get 1,500 an hour but did get 1,483. Now I ask you, can I get an AMEN? Are you kidding me? I burned almost 25 calories a minute for one hour. The pace was fantastic. My energy was high octane. Like I said it is the best I have felt in while over a week.
To celebrate these wonderful feelings I went onto do 1,200 crunches and held the plank position for 4 songs almost 20 minutes. I even stretched and cooled down with a good amount of vitality.
My record is now at 752 straight days! I have done 755 workouts in those 752 days. I am 3 days away from Hammering Hank's big number 755! I have not had any food or drink since last night around 11:45pm. That means it has been just about 16 hours. I know I feel good because I am not phased in the least by this fast. I finally feel good - Praise the Lord!
Day 753 is coming around the bend-
To celebrate these wonderful feelings I went onto do 1,200 crunches and held the plank position for 4 songs almost 20 minutes. I even stretched and cooled down with a good amount of vitality.
My record is now at 752 straight days! I have done 755 workouts in those 752 days. I am 3 days away from Hammering Hank's big number 755! I have not had any food or drink since last night around 11:45pm. That means it has been just about 16 hours. I know I feel good because I am not phased in the least by this fast. I finally feel good - Praise the Lord!
Day 753 is coming around the bend-
Day 751- Sunday; I got a great workout in today. I was able to burn 1455 calories in 60 minutes!
While burning calories is all well and good it is important to note that this morning we turned the clocks ahead. So, bye,bye an hour's sleep. I woke up at 7 am and worked out at 8:45 am. It was a great challenge. We all learn from our challenges. Focus and finish two big f words to remember.
Went to work a little after I did 300 crunches! This was a weekend where I felt as good as I was going to feel. As Forrest Gump says," and that's all I have to say about that."
Went to work a little after I did 300 crunches! This was a weekend where I felt as good as I was going to feel. As Forrest Gump says," and that's all I have to say about that."
Day 750- It is a day of supreme accomplishment, thank you!
On this day I felt rewarded. On this day I felt excited. On this day I set a record for most calories burned in one hour- 1,474.My time was limited so I did my 60 minutes on the arc trainer and went to work feeling awesome. Yes, boys and girls February 23rd 2008 was 750 days from today!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 749- Today is the best I have felt in a few days; as the number 1,468 falls
Today, I set a personal record for calories burned in 60 minutes. I burned 1,473 calories in my 60 minutes arc trainer workout. I felt awesome the only modification I made was to increase the weight number on the settings. I do not know why changing that number would allow me to burn more calories.
All I know is that I feel awesome and rejuvenated. I thank God for this blessing of feeling energized once more. We all have challenges to meet everyday and once we over come some of them we should be glad and rejoice in them.
My workout seemed to have a good amount of pep in it today. I was able to do 400 crunches plus 3 songs of crunches. No plank today. We all want to feel good, we all want to look good and we all want to do good. Life presents that challenge for us all.
It places road blocks for those goals. We are judged by how we handle the road blocks. In my instance of dealing with not feeling well, I just went ahead and did my daily workout. I am not sure if that was the best way to help myself to feel better but at least right now I do feel better.
In fact, I feel great! Tomorrow will be 750Th straight day I will have done a 60 minute cardiovascular workout. Someone asked me the other day how will I celebrate Day 1,000? I said, "well, that is still a long way off but, I am almost 3 quarters of the way there." How does one celebrate 1,000 days of consecutive workouts? Great question!
Let us get 750 first!
All I know is that I feel awesome and rejuvenated. I thank God for this blessing of feeling energized once more. We all have challenges to meet everyday and once we over come some of them we should be glad and rejoice in them.
My workout seemed to have a good amount of pep in it today. I was able to do 400 crunches plus 3 songs of crunches. No plank today. We all want to feel good, we all want to look good and we all want to do good. Life presents that challenge for us all.
It places road blocks for those goals. We are judged by how we handle the road blocks. In my instance of dealing with not feeling well, I just went ahead and did my daily workout. I am not sure if that was the best way to help myself to feel better but at least right now I do feel better.
In fact, I feel great! Tomorrow will be 750Th straight day I will have done a 60 minute cardiovascular workout. Someone asked me the other day how will I celebrate Day 1,000? I said, "well, that is still a long way off but, I am almost 3 quarters of the way there." How does one celebrate 1,000 days of consecutive workouts? Great question!
Let us get 750 first!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 748-A quick thought before the workout
It is an awesome feeling prior to a workout. My focus is on the great sensation I anticipate from the workout.In a rare instance I am able to submit a post before I workout. The last time I was able to visit the keyboard this early was February 16TH which was 23 days ago.Man, how time flies!
So, here we go let us see what we got.
On February 28TH and March 1ST of 2009 I battled through my workouts I had a fever and was sick as a dog, still I persisted.I suppose today was as close as I have come to feeling that lousy. Still, I persisted. It felt awesome to do the 60 minute workout. However when I tried the ab workout I just could not push as hard as I wanted to. But, with 1,418 calories burned during that hour I still feel good. I will say this, I feel a whole lot better now by doing the workout than I would if I did not do the workout.
I suppose I have a mild virus that just needs to run it's course.
This is week 106 and it has been a good challenge. I consider myself very fortunate for having felt so good (knock on wood) for a more than 365 days. In the last 2 years and 18 days I have taken only one Advil no Tylenol or any of that stuff. Again, I consider myself very fortunate.
I am anxious to see what I can do tomorrow, Day 749!
Either way my 264TH straight day of posting to this blog is scheduled for tomorrow. I started posting on day 477 - June 16Th 2009. After that I took a break then went back at it on Day 484 and have stopped since.That is pretty neat. That means we have about 260 pages of history recorded here. I will say this, every workout since Saturday June 20th 2009 is recorded here!
So, here we go let us see what we got.
On February 28TH and March 1ST of 2009 I battled through my workouts I had a fever and was sick as a dog, still I persisted.I suppose today was as close as I have come to feeling that lousy. Still, I persisted. It felt awesome to do the 60 minute workout. However when I tried the ab workout I just could not push as hard as I wanted to. But, with 1,418 calories burned during that hour I still feel good. I will say this, I feel a whole lot better now by doing the workout than I would if I did not do the workout.
I suppose I have a mild virus that just needs to run it's course.
This is week 106 and it has been a good challenge. I consider myself very fortunate for having felt so good (knock on wood) for a more than 365 days. In the last 2 years and 18 days I have taken only one Advil no Tylenol or any of that stuff. Again, I consider myself very fortunate.
I am anxious to see what I can do tomorrow, Day 749!
Either way my 264TH straight day of posting to this blog is scheduled for tomorrow. I started posting on day 477 - June 16Th 2009. After that I took a break then went back at it on Day 484 and have stopped since.That is pretty neat. That means we have about 260 pages of history recorded here. I will say this, every workout since Saturday June 20th 2009 is recorded here!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 747- Today represents the seven hundred and fiftieth workout

Thank you God for the strength to complete 750 workouts in 747 days. Today, I felt very strong as I came within a hair of burning 24 calories a minute for one hour. I have to say burning calories at a rapid pace is one of my favorite things to do! My back was still a little testy so, I increased my ab workout from yesterday but I held back any major workout until hopefully, tomorrow.
During this journey I have learned so much about my body. I learned my legs are resilient and they love to be worked as much as they can. It is funny after I had burned 1437 calories today i was not that tired. I contemplated doing another 60 minutes to see if I could burn another 1200 or so calories. i suppose the record for most calories burned in a 24 hour period is 2,536 set on February 20Th 2010 Day 736. A piece of irony 2,536 burned on day 736? Here is a thought, whenever I burn 1,400 or more calories in an hour I am only within 1,200 more of breaking the record for 2 hours.
I hear that there is a movie that will be released that has Robert DeNiro playing the part of Vincent Lombardi. I sincerely hope that DeNiro does a great job portraying a great football coach. As I recall, the last movie I saw where a great coach was portrayed by an actor I wasn't very impressed. Had I not read the book prior I would not have appreciated the movie very much. As the movie did little to enhance my image of the great coach.
If DeNiro can pull off a great portrayal of Lombardi it will definitely enhance my image of the great coach.
I love this challenge I am somewhat drained I have completed my workout and have not had any food or drink since last night at 10 pm. It is now 11:52 am. I am in the middle of my 13TH hour of fasting. Throw in a 1,400-1,500 calorie burn and I am ready for a drink and a bite to eat. But, here is where the fun begins. In about another hour, I will replenish myself. So this next hour or so shall be fun!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Day 746- As we grind it out
Today, gave me a great chance to appreciate the kind of shape I have worked myself into. My 60 minutes on the arc trainer was awesome. My back felt a little tight and since it has been a little tight for a few days I decided to go easy on the ab exercises today. A highly different tact than I usually take. But I went easy on my workout yesterday because my knee felt funky and today it felt great. So lets see how the back does with a little break in crunches.
Ah it is just great to get after the workout with zest and desire. The body does great things for you when it is worked hard!
To all who may read this and think this jibberish, start a good hard workout program and see if I am not correct.Today is the 749TH workout in the last 746 days. Tomorrow will be the 750Th workout in the last 747 days. Seven fifty, oh man!
Ah it is just great to get after the workout with zest and desire. The body does great things for you when it is worked hard!
To all who may read this and think this jibberish, start a good hard workout program and see if I am not correct.Today is the 749TH workout in the last 746 days. Tomorrow will be the 750Th workout in the last 747 days. Seven fifty, oh man!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Day 745- Ten more to tie Hank's 755
The weather is unseasonably mild today. I noticed a spring in most people's step. Particularly mine. I decided to lower the intensity of the arc trainer workout today. I figured by resting my knee a little would help it feel more comfortable in the days to come. So today, for the first time since I started using the arc trainer I choose a less challenging workout program. My choice was the cardio program. However, after 10 minutes I decided the program was too soft and although I would be able to rest my leg a little I had to have a tougher challenge. So at the 15 minute mark I put the program back to manual for the last 45 minutes. My leg felt great. Once I warmed up I was blasting at a normal pace.
As it turns out, it was indeed an awesome workout. In the last 45 minutes I burned about a 1,000 calories. I went ahead and did 1,500 crunches. I concluded the workout by staying in the plank position for 4 and a half songs.
As it turns out, it was indeed an awesome workout. In the last 45 minutes I burned about a 1,000 calories. I went ahead and did 1,500 crunches. I concluded the workout by staying in the plank position for 4 and a half songs.
Day 744- Up early after going down late
Had on my mind to burn more than 1,400 calories in an hour. Came within two. Burned 1,398 calories in one hour's of time. Then did 300 crunches and trotted off to work!
My knee felt a little testy! Maybe if I back off a smidge tomorrow I will respond well on Tuesday.
My knee felt a little testy! Maybe if I back off a smidge tomorrow I will respond well on Tuesday.
Day 743- Looking back
A quick recap of a day that was a fun challenge burned 1,394 calories in an hour. Felt strong the weather finally broke. The smell of spring is in the air. I just wanted feel loose and embrace the weather. My legs have been using the arc trainer everyday since day 706.
I only do this daily workout because it allows me to feel awesome!! So you don't do your workouts because you feel less than stellar? Hmm? Something is not right. I do and feel great.While, you don't and don't feel great. So why don't you just, DO?
I only do this daily workout because it allows me to feel awesome!! So you don't do your workouts because you feel less than stellar? Hmm? Something is not right. I do and feel great.While, you don't and don't feel great. So why don't you just, DO?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Day 742- I wish I had more!
My goals were not met today in terms of numbers but were met in terms of effort. I was attempting to burn 1,420 calories in 60 minutes, instead I burned 1,329 in 60 minutes. I wished to keep the plank position for 8 songs instead I did only 3. I had a goal of doing 1,300 crunches instead I did 1,530. It so it goes 1 out of three for me. My strategy was weak and I paid the price.
I went with 3 layers of clothing not 2. I chose a machine different than the one I have been using for a few weeks. The location of the machine was in a stuffy part of the building. Bad choices poor production. Oh well, live and learn. The streak is still strong and so am I.
I love the challenge- Hey, did you know that the game of rotisserie baseball started with its original members meeting for lunch at the La Rotisserie Francaise restaurant in New York City?
Tomorrow we go for Day 743!
I went with 3 layers of clothing not 2. I chose a machine different than the one I have been using for a few weeks. The location of the machine was in a stuffy part of the building. Bad choices poor production. Oh well, live and learn. The streak is still strong and so am I.
I love the challenge- Hey, did you know that the game of rotisserie baseball started with its original members meeting for lunch at the La Rotisserie Francaise restaurant in New York City?
Tomorrow we go for Day 743!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Day 741- I am a competitor!
Today was awesome, my back was somewhat tight going in but not coming out of the workout. To my credit I burned 1,419 calories in 60 minutes. Yeah yesterday, yeah you, day 740, beat ya! That is right 740, you only burned 1,412.Day 741 beat you by seven. Oh yeah, and today 741 beat your songs. Today 741, held the plank for 7 1/2 songs. Which beat your total time of 6 songs the day before. See, I told you I was a competitor! Oh and for the record Mr 740 you got your butt kicked you did 1,200 crunches, but 741 did 1,275 crunches today!
What I really did in the last 24 hours was practice CANI which stands for constant and never ending improvement.
If we applied this practice to everything we do the world would change virtually overnight.
See, what a blog it gives directions on how to change the world! Well anyway, my infinitesimal workout world.
Question, from a totally positive frame of mind, what did you improve on today, that you did yesterday?
Day 742 is going kick Day 741's butt. Here are 741's mighty numbers:
7 1/2
OK 742, GO FOR IT!
What I really did in the last 24 hours was practice CANI which stands for constant and never ending improvement.
If we applied this practice to everything we do the world would change virtually overnight.
See, what a blog it gives directions on how to change the world! Well anyway, my infinitesimal workout world.
Question, from a totally positive frame of mind, what did you improve on today, that you did yesterday?
Day 742 is going kick Day 741's butt. Here are 741's mighty numbers:
7 1/2
OK 742, GO FOR IT!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Day 740- While many talk about it, I just go ahead and do it!
There is a quote about doing and saying . It goes like this.. When all is said and done. A lot more is usually said than done. I sit here and type and recant my thoughts on the workout and the day. My comment time is usually immediately after the workout. However, today I have decided to post some 4 hours after the workout.
I do feel less intense and sensitive to my raw emotions about the workout today. I consider this an excellent time to reflect on my thoughts and emotions. Prior to my home computer going down I was commenting before after the workout. Now, that I have been relegated to my entry coming after the workout my thoughts are some what more narrow in scope.
The message I wish to relay to all people is this. Your body is much more resilient than you can ever imagine. Your body has a tremendous capacity to bounce back after a workout. Your body wants to return to action the following day! Your entire being wants to be back in that frame of mind of the previous day! Your body craves for that pattern of working itself again. The human being is a habit forming organism. Particularly when it is given the opportunity of creating a habit which is good for it.
Lent has taught one thing that equals a workout streak. That lesson has been that once a thought pattern has been broken and another one takes it place it is very difficult to bring that thought pattern back into one's consciousness.
It is indeed strange, I am right now attempting to remember my thought pattern prior to giving up the ice tea I drank prior to lent. Or, if I really want a challenge, what about my thought pattern and attitude towards working out prior to the start of this streak?
Folks, it all comes down to thought patterns. Work on replacing them, before you can ever hope of ridding yourself of a bad habit. I firmly believe there is a train of thought that we all have constructed that drives us to our actions. Work hard on controlling your "train " and you will control your life.
This goes for all your vices. Take the time to identify the debilitating actions. Once you have I identified them get rid of them by cutting out negative patterns of thought. As I have exhausted my thoughts for this day I will quote Billy Joel- I can't tell you more because I told you all ready.
What an awesome workout burned 1,412 calories in 60 minutes. Then held the plank position for 6 long songs. And blasted my stomach muscles by doing 1,200 crunches. Oh, yeah! Here is a game, see if I can equal crunches to calories burned in one hour!
Day 741 - Day 741 -You See? I am developing a thought pattern.
I do feel less intense and sensitive to my raw emotions about the workout today. I consider this an excellent time to reflect on my thoughts and emotions. Prior to my home computer going down I was commenting before after the workout. Now, that I have been relegated to my entry coming after the workout my thoughts are some what more narrow in scope.
The message I wish to relay to all people is this. Your body is much more resilient than you can ever imagine. Your body has a tremendous capacity to bounce back after a workout. Your body wants to return to action the following day! Your entire being wants to be back in that frame of mind of the previous day! Your body craves for that pattern of working itself again. The human being is a habit forming organism. Particularly when it is given the opportunity of creating a habit which is good for it.
Lent has taught one thing that equals a workout streak. That lesson has been that once a thought pattern has been broken and another one takes it place it is very difficult to bring that thought pattern back into one's consciousness.
It is indeed strange, I am right now attempting to remember my thought pattern prior to giving up the ice tea I drank prior to lent. Or, if I really want a challenge, what about my thought pattern and attitude towards working out prior to the start of this streak?
Folks, it all comes down to thought patterns. Work on replacing them, before you can ever hope of ridding yourself of a bad habit. I firmly believe there is a train of thought that we all have constructed that drives us to our actions. Work hard on controlling your "train " and you will control your life.
This goes for all your vices. Take the time to identify the debilitating actions. Once you have I identified them get rid of them by cutting out negative patterns of thought. As I have exhausted my thoughts for this day I will quote Billy Joel- I can't tell you more because I told you all ready.
What an awesome workout burned 1,412 calories in 60 minutes. Then held the plank position for 6 long songs. And blasted my stomach muscles by doing 1,200 crunches. Oh, yeah! Here is a game, see if I can equal crunches to calories burned in one hour!
Day 741 - Day 741 -You See? I am developing a thought pattern.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Day 739- As we do our daily workout I cannot help but wonder, who else is with us?
I seem to have moved my spot in the gym. I used to ride the life cycle way in the back of the building far from the entrance. Now, I am but a 20 feet from the front desk. Over the last month or so I have been able to see most of the people that arrive during that 60 minutes I am doing my cardiovascular workout.
I cannot determine if my position is a help or a hindrance to the members as they file in. I guess it all comes down to their point of reference. If you are of the mindset that you are going to have a great workout then I should be a sign of motivation. Now, the reason I should be a sign of motivation is a if you know me and the streak I am on I will probably raise your confidence.Also, even if you do not know me but, see me there perspiring and working real hard you will say that is where i want to be in a few minutes. On the other side of the coin for those that I uninspire they could have a view point of, oh my gosh that guy is here all the freakin time. Or, you could look at it like, look at that idiot sweating his brains out, for what? And add i am not here to do that! However, reality is most people that come in the gym and are indifferent and really do not care what my or any one's status is.
But I cannot help but wonder, how many other people in the town that I live in workout and have worked out everyday for the last 2 years. the scary thing is there is a finite number.
I had a vision today that would it not be neat if the local TV station came in to the health club and did a special on people who have not missed a day for one year or two years or three years or any number of days or years. that would increase the awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy life style. In do remember in school where we used to have the precedence challenge on fitness and all the kids had to show how often they not only did exercise but what their levels were at and where they stood nationally.
I firmly believe a healthy body equals a healthy mind. A healthy mind does translate into a healthy nation.
So it is this blog this pouring of my daily data which is on day 247 without a break that I wish to launch an awareness program. Let us make each other aware of our accomplishments! Let us start are own presidential challenge on fitness. Old and young alike find something you like, choose it as a cardiovascular workout and do it everyday.
Today was beyond good it was stupendous- burned 1,423 calories in 60 minutes along with maintaining the plank position for 6 and one half songs plus did 1110 crunches. The weather is breaking the calendar is turning opening day in baseball is only 33 days away.
So, dear readers we covered a lot today- Again, workout and be happy and everyone SHOUT-I LOVE TO WORKOUT!
I cannot determine if my position is a help or a hindrance to the members as they file in. I guess it all comes down to their point of reference. If you are of the mindset that you are going to have a great workout then I should be a sign of motivation. Now, the reason I should be a sign of motivation is a if you know me and the streak I am on I will probably raise your confidence.Also, even if you do not know me but, see me there perspiring and working real hard you will say that is where i want to be in a few minutes. On the other side of the coin for those that I uninspire they could have a view point of, oh my gosh that guy is here all the freakin time. Or, you could look at it like, look at that idiot sweating his brains out, for what? And add i am not here to do that! However, reality is most people that come in the gym and are indifferent and really do not care what my or any one's status is.
But I cannot help but wonder, how many other people in the town that I live in workout and have worked out everyday for the last 2 years. the scary thing is there is a finite number.
I had a vision today that would it not be neat if the local TV station came in to the health club and did a special on people who have not missed a day for one year or two years or three years or any number of days or years. that would increase the awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy life style. In do remember in school where we used to have the precedence challenge on fitness and all the kids had to show how often they not only did exercise but what their levels were at and where they stood nationally.
I firmly believe a healthy body equals a healthy mind. A healthy mind does translate into a healthy nation.
So it is this blog this pouring of my daily data which is on day 247 without a break that I wish to launch an awareness program. Let us make each other aware of our accomplishments! Let us start are own presidential challenge on fitness. Old and young alike find something you like, choose it as a cardiovascular workout and do it everyday.
Today was beyond good it was stupendous- burned 1,423 calories in 60 minutes along with maintaining the plank position for 6 and one half songs plus did 1110 crunches. The weather is breaking the calendar is turning opening day in baseball is only 33 days away.
So, dear readers we covered a lot today- Again, workout and be happy and everyone SHOUT-I LOVE TO WORKOUT!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Day 738- I want you to want me!
Wait a minute who said that? I did. To who were you referring to? Does it matter? Every person thinks the same. They want some thing or person to want them. People do not have to say it, they show it by their actions. Even if you are trying to please only yourself you are saying that statement. People all deep down inside want to to be wanted. Some just don't know what they want but they all come with that one statement and who they say it to outward or inward makes the difference of who they are. It not only determines who they are it spells out who or what they want to become. I am very mindful of that prevailing thought.
If you do agree with me fine. However, should you not agree with me ask yourself is there any person in your life you would not say that statement to? I want you to want me.
Funny huh? Today was a workout worthy of a dedication. Today's workout was dedicated to SPRING! Yes folks it felt great to do the workout today. As I charged ahead burning 1,418 calories in 60 minutes. Now, realize this, when my 60 minutes is up I do not ever just stop. I go through a cool down of five minutes. So, technically I burn another 50 to 70 calories during the cool down. After the cool down I stayed in the plank position for 5 songs then, I did 1,070 crunches. Man, I felt alive!
As we continue to blast toward day 755 to equal Hank Aaron's career home run total we realize that we are yet 17 days away from that milestone.
Checking all gear, as we move on I count my blessings and feel great!
If you do agree with me fine. However, should you not agree with me ask yourself is there any person in your life you would not say that statement to? I want you to want me.
Funny huh? Today was a workout worthy of a dedication. Today's workout was dedicated to SPRING! Yes folks it felt great to do the workout today. As I charged ahead burning 1,418 calories in 60 minutes. Now, realize this, when my 60 minutes is up I do not ever just stop. I go through a cool down of five minutes. So, technically I burn another 50 to 70 calories during the cool down. After the cool down I stayed in the plank position for 5 songs then, I did 1,070 crunches. Man, I felt alive!
As we continue to blast toward day 755 to equal Hank Aaron's career home run total we realize that we are yet 17 days away from that milestone.
Checking all gear, as we move on I count my blessings and feel great!
Day 737- A super bounce back day!
It has been my experience that after I do two 60 minute workouts in one day that I experience some sort of drop off in the number of calories I burn the next day. I am happy to report on this followup day I experienced none of that! I feel terrifically strong and energized. Ah, I love that word energized. I can smell spring! The nights are not as cold and the body is starting to wake up. Soon there will be a spring in every one's step. Life is beautiful.
For the year 2010 we can put away the winter months of January and February.May God bless us all. Gone is the chill of those 2 months. On it's way is warming of the spring months.
Stayed focused and did 240 crunches.
Knock! Knock! Its Day 738-
For the year 2010 we can put away the winter months of January and February.May God bless us all. Gone is the chill of those 2 months. On it's way is warming of the spring months.
Stayed focused and did 240 crunches.
Knock! Knock! Its Day 738-
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