Now, this may sound convoluted but trust me people get distracted and do not do what they really want for this reason. When you mind drifts away from what you want its usually for a few reasons. One distraction, two fatigue and three boredom.
The first reason people lose focus on what they really want to do is distraction. I think distraction is caused by it very definition which is
something that interferes with concentration or takes attention away from something else.
Well, that clarifies my thought, "something that interferes with concentration" one leads to the other . Simply put when you are tired as you usually are when you are fatigued your concentration is effected. Boredom, I feel is usually at its highest when you are not focused due to lack of concentration and distraction.
Now that the culprits that stand in the way of staying on task are revealed how do we deal with it?
Simple, get excited, have a strong sense that good things are going to happen -
I played it smart today,my leg was a little sore so I started at a good pace not maniac. then I waited til my leg felt warmed up and strong then I let it rip! Check these numbers out
1st 10 minutes I burned 144 calories- Not bad
1st 20 minutes burned 315
1st 30 471 that is great
1st 40 624
1st 50 772 oh yeah!
In 60 minutes I did 928 -awesome -
All done on the little pedal life cycle
Since they fixed the little pedal machine that is the most I have burned in 60 minutes while riding it!
Oh what an awesome feeling. To set an ambitious goal and hitting it.
I wanted to give it my all on the plank exercise today so I did that exercise immediately after the ride. Did a good gut wrenching 25 minutes on the plank.
Did about 900 crunches then say la vee!
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