I remember being excited and trying to think of motivating punch lines and one of the ones was A NOVEMBER TO REMEMBER- Now that October is behind us it time to briefly look back and study the four squares of the month. I once read that it was a gentleman named William Danforth who came up with the four squares concept and he is also the man who found the Farina Company and their motto was checkerboard squares which stood for the four squares of someone life. Which are a person Physical,mental,social and spiritual well being. When you take time to think about pretty much sums up where a person is in life.
So how are you physically?
How are you mentally?
Socially ?
Being on an even keel in all four of these areas allows one to feel in harmony in their life.
Time to challenge myself for a November to remember!
Happiness is feeling great after an awesome workout. I feel much like a football coach would feel about his team if they performed less but were giving maximum effort. I am there I give my effort to the guy they call the max!
Onto - 619
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