With enthusiasm, I head towards an awesome work out.The journey has been fun. I believe that before you set out to do anything it is beneficial to have at least these three questions in mind.
1) How can I do this the best?
2) How can I learn from this?
3) How can I have fun doing this?
In away the question of am I asking myself these three question answers a lot about how you actually feel about the task in front of you. If you do not ask how can I do this the best? There is a good chance you are not interested in doing your best at your current endeavour. How can I learn from this? Well maybe you feel you do not want to remember the task so why do I want to learn from it? Last having fun - Whats that silly old song are we having any fun?

Hey Fellow With A Million Smackers
and Nervous Indigestion
rich Fellow, Eats Milk And Crackers
i'll Ask You One Question
you Silly So And So
with All Your Dough....
are You Havin' Any Fun?
what Y'gettin' Out O' Livin'?
what Good Is What You've Got
if You're Not Havin' Any Fun?
are You Havin' Any Laughs?
are You Gettin' Any Lovin'?
if Other People Do,
so Can You, Have A Little Fun
after The Honey's In The Cone
little Bees Go Out And Play
even The Old Grey Mare Down Home
has Got To Have Hay....Hey!
you Better Have Some Fun
you Ain't Gonna Live Forever
before You're Old And Gray, Feel Okay
have Your Little Fun, Son!
have Your Little Fun!
why Do You Work And Slave And Save?
life Is Full Of Ifs And Buts
you Know The Squirrels Save And Save
and What Have They Got.....Nuts!
better Have A Little Fun
you Ain't Gonna Live Forever
before You're Old And Grey, Still Okay
have Your Little Fun, Son!
have Your Little Fun!
are You Havin' Any Fun?
So - go and have some fun----------and do your best and learn!
Have some fun did 925 in 60. Kept same pace throughout ride never went under 15 per minute and never over 16 per minute. NOW THAT IS A FUN RIDE. Felt great- did some abs not alot; been out practice. Need to get in gym earlier to do some abs everyday. I have gained some weight since I have been in the gym later. More about weight and eating later...
are You Havin' Any Fun?
1) How can I do this the best?
2) How can I learn from this?
3) How can I have fun doing this?
In away the question of am I asking myself these three question answers a lot about how you actually feel about the task in front of you. If you do not ask how can I do this the best? There is a good chance you are not interested in doing your best at your current endeavour. How can I learn from this? Well maybe you feel you do not want to remember the task so why do I want to learn from it? Last having fun - Whats that silly old song are we having any fun?

Hey Fellow With A Million Smackers
and Nervous Indigestion
rich Fellow, Eats Milk And Crackers
i'll Ask You One Question
you Silly So And So
with All Your Dough....
are You Havin' Any Fun?
what Y'gettin' Out O' Livin'?
what Good Is What You've Got
if You're Not Havin' Any Fun?
are You Havin' Any Laughs?
are You Gettin' Any Lovin'?
if Other People Do,
so Can You, Have A Little Fun
after The Honey's In The Cone
little Bees Go Out And Play
even The Old Grey Mare Down Home
has Got To Have Hay....Hey!
you Better Have Some Fun
you Ain't Gonna Live Forever
before You're Old And Gray, Feel Okay
have Your Little Fun, Son!
have Your Little Fun!
why Do You Work And Slave And Save?
life Is Full Of Ifs And Buts
you Know The Squirrels Save And Save
and What Have They Got.....Nuts!
better Have A Little Fun
you Ain't Gonna Live Forever
before You're Old And Grey, Still Okay
have Your Little Fun, Son!
have Your Little Fun!
are You Havin' Any Fun?
So - go and have some fun----------and do your best and learn!
Have some fun did 925 in 60. Kept same pace throughout ride never went under 15 per minute and never over 16 per minute. NOW THAT IS A FUN RIDE. Felt great- did some abs not alot; been out practice. Need to get in gym earlier to do some abs everyday. I have gained some weight since I have been in the gym later. More about weight and eating later...
are You Havin' Any Fun?

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