Monday, August 31, 2009
Day 556- Has anyone else out there done a workout for this many days?

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Day 555- and great to be alive
Here is a thought 4 men who have served me well. Who,What, When and Where. Ever ready to help is How and Why. You know its hard to figure out life without these guys. Try it. Next time you attempt to do anything leave these guys out of the equation.
Where was I? Today I'll give a quick recap of yesterday. Well, the game was on yesterday needed workout in a different gym prior to work. Noticed two things although each gym is independently owned and operated they have a lot in common. this makes it easy to notice the differences. for instance the one I was in yesterday did not have any fans. What is up with that? They also had no stretch machines. My performance was less than i expected. I started very strong then Wham no gas - Did a 463 in first 30- That is a 15 1/2 + a minute ride. That is cruising thought I had enough starch. Went down to a 601 @ 40 oh no, then crawled in at 892. BUMMER! Did a short plank then out of there. Light stretch then to work.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
day 554 - had a great ride lets keep the flow

Hey, I just keep asking those 3 simple questions:
1) How can I do this the best?
2) How can I learn from this?
3) How can I have fun doing this?
My focus will be here!

< Tomorrow we go after 555- COOL!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Day 553 - Needed a smidge of rest
1) How can I do this the best?
2) How can I learn from this?
3) How can I have fun doing this?
In away the question of am I asking myself these three question answers a lot about how you actually feel about the task in front of you. If you do not ask how can I do this the best? There is a good chance you are not interested in doing your best at your current endeavour. How can I learn from this? Well maybe you feel you do not want to remember the task so why do I want to learn from it? Last having fun - Whats that silly old song are we having any fun?

Hey Fellow With A Million Smackers
and Nervous Indigestion
rich Fellow, Eats Milk And Crackers
i'll Ask You One Question
you Silly So And So
with All Your Dough....
are You Havin' Any Fun?
what Y'gettin' Out O' Livin'?
what Good Is What You've Got
if You're Not Havin' Any Fun?
are You Havin' Any Laughs?
are You Gettin' Any Lovin'?
if Other People Do,
so Can You, Have A Little Fun
after The Honey's In The Cone
little Bees Go Out And Play
even The Old Grey Mare Down Home
has Got To Have Hay....Hey!
you Better Have Some Fun
you Ain't Gonna Live Forever
before You're Old And Gray, Feel Okay
have Your Little Fun, Son!
have Your Little Fun!
why Do You Work And Slave And Save?
life Is Full Of Ifs And Buts
you Know The Squirrels Save And Save
and What Have They Got.....Nuts!
better Have A Little Fun
you Ain't Gonna Live Forever
before You're Old And Grey, Still Okay
have Your Little Fun, Son!
have Your Little Fun!
are You Havin' Any Fun?
So - go and have some fun----------and do your best and learn!
Have some fun did 925 in 60. Kept same pace throughout ride never went under 15 per minute and never over 16 per minute. NOW THAT IS A FUN RIDE. Felt great- did some abs not alot; been out practice. Need to get in gym earlier to do some abs everyday. I have gained some weight since I have been in the gym later. More about weight and eating later...
are You Havin' Any Fun?

Thursday, August 27, 2009
day 552- fity two years and still going strong
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
day 551- time to look at the good stuff
So now its on to Day 552 -
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Day 550- I would call today a mile stone

The mind is getting focused on the ride ahead. The muscle memory is kicking in. I am ready for the battle - LET'S DO IT!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Day 549- Time to break Michael Jack Schmidt's awesome Home Run number
Here is who is coming up:
Frank Robinson 586
Mark McGwire 583
Alex Rodriguez 575 still playing
Harmon Killebrew 573
Rafael Palmeiro 569
Jim Thome 564 -still playing
Reggie Jackson 563
Mike Schmidt 548
This ought to be a blast let's to see if I can catch Alex by the end of this baseball season. The last regular season game is scheduled for October 4TH which happens to be 41 days from today. That would be day 590. When I am at day 590 Alex would have to be at 590 career home runs. So, Alex would have had to have hit (590-575=15) fifthteen home runs. Which is entirely mathematically possible considering the statistic that reveals that Alex has hit a home run every 14.82 at bats this year. Since there is 38 games left for his team to play and Alex averages 3.58 at bats per game( 38 x 3.58) Alex has the possibility of coming to bat about a 136 more times. Now, if you divide his possible at bats to the average number of times he hits a home run per at bat you can see he will hit 9 more home runs this regular season . Which would leave Alex Rodriguez with 584 career home runs on October 4TH.
What did I say the day I would be on October 4TH? I believe it was 590. So, that would put me 6 workouts ahead of Alex's career home runs.
I felt great. Whenever I pound out a 924 it is time to celebrate. Once you hit that 472 in 1st 30 minutes you feel like you have got hold of the tiger's tail- oh yeah! I felt strong, I am sure having 6 1/2 hours of sleep sure helped.Plus, working out some 26 hours from the last work out felt better than working out the usual 24 hours. I wound up doing a 924 in 60 minutes which equals a 15.4 per minute pace - YAWSA! T is the beauty of keeping a log of one's workouts. I can simply go on my blog or calendar and find out when I last did that high of a calorie burn in one 60 minute ride. On August 7TH, I did a 933 / Day 532 - Well, that's good to know.
Tomorrow we go after 550!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Day 548- Big day: Tie Michael Jack Schmidt
DONE DONE DONE/// Unfortunately, I left myself enough time to complete only the ride and stretch. so, for the second consecutive day I did no work on my abs and arms. Tomorrow I determined to do a good hard work out.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Day 547-Nearing a milestone as the rain falls
Today I am ready to do my best and meet the challenge of day 547. I am psyched to go for it.
Hey, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I wanted to crank out a strong one but had to settle fora decent finish. Managed to do 152 in last 10 minutes. So, I finished with a 867 calorie burn in 60 minutes. Which is a 14.45 burn per minute for 60 minutes.
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.There is a ton of power in that one phrase. We all know this going in so why do we do what we do? Every time you have a good intention keep this in mind. It just may help you succeed on your good intentions. I threw everything I had at that ride and and was getting frustrated with the outcome until I remembered that powerful phrase.
Here is one other phrase to leave you with and its a good one:
All you can do is all you can do but, all you can do is enough.
God bless and enjoy your day!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Day 546- We need a good strong push
85% - Hmm, a little sticky out there. Who can I dedicate this work out to? I just found something to dedicate the work out to the end of the humidity- HA!
I wish I had more time each day to work out. I would do a 3 hour work out each day. Today was awesome! Did a gut wrenching 912 in 60 minutes, 4500 + crunches, 16 minute plank and some weights. Awesome, my blinding guide insight from this work out was a simple question what if pain was there for only one reason for us to break through and find the joy on the other side of it. Sounds crazy but its a comforting thought when you busting it so hard you feel like your about to die. However, I love the work out! Day 547 AWAITZ
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Day 545- Momentum is the key

Fatigue makes cowards of us all.George S. Patton, Jr., Letter of Instruction Number 1
I must not submit to fatigue; my conditioning will not make me a coward. To everyone out there today.Enjoy the day, seize the day. And may God bless you!
Okay, so Patton was my inspiration today. Today I made a comeback. Did 912 in 60.YES! I got that old sparkle back. I tell ya I felt great. The battle raged on, I was sluggish in the first 15 to 20 minutes. I got so frustrated because I pedaling so hard and I was not hitting my goal. Then, like magic I punched the machine with my fist and I was flying. Cranked it up and hit the 15 calorie burn mark and beyond. Oh it felt so good to be at that pace again! I must focus on repeating that strong pace tomorrow and the next day...
I think if I had one word to describe this entire journey of this streak it is this COMPETITIVE!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Day 544 - Need to get a good flow going
I will beat the heat! Its 627am and I am taking aim on my goal. Ready? Aim ----FIRE!
Did a decent job today. Looked for a good flow. Finally got it with about 12 minutes left managed to burn 15 + a minute. In the last 12 minutes of the 60 minute ride I sucked it up and gave it one strong push. One of my strongest pushes of the week. Went to the weights and the plank did 17 straight on the plank. After more weights and a stretch and done.
I think working out everyday builds character. The reason why I say this is everyday acts allow one to build on their abilities. Working out everyday gives your muscles a chance to be worked every day. Your character gets built by strengthening these vital areas Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness and Caring. The ability to do something everyday works towards improving on these parts of our lives.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Day 543- Nearing the mid way point of year two
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
Well, enough already I am going!
Here I am some 20 hours later to tell you I completed Day 543 I wish I had stronger numbers to report but I do not.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Day 542- Keeping every thing in perspective

You must constantly ask yourself these questions: Who am I around? What are
they doing to me? What have they got me reading? What have they got me saying?
Where do they have me going? What do they have me thinking? And most important,
what do they have me becoming? Then ask yourself the big question: Is that okay?
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” - Jim
RohnIt is now time to go get the 542ND day- Praise the Lord!
Today was a hot day to work out presently it Feels Like:
89°; Humidity:63% it was toasty.I worked out hard and long and it felt great-did 857 in 60 then some pull ups then 4800+ crunches, set a personal record of 20 straight minutes on the plank exercise-
If you notice in this positon your core is where your strength is needed. Your core is your stomache,back and thighs. In order to do this exercise you must work on stregthening these muscles. I love it. After a few more crunches I jumped back on the life cycle for another 10 minute ride. Then some more weights and a good stretch and voila a nice workout done! Some people call it crazy I call it a desire to keep a habit.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
day 541- Its is great when you have time to workout
Folks, its all in the approach. If you know mentally whats coming and you focus on it turning out good guess what? It will turn out good. Or at least 95 out of a hundred times. That is not just BS. What is BS is when you truly do not believe you can do it. When you have not taken the time to focus and practice your belief. I recently had a life experience where I know if I had focused harder on believing I would have had much better results. Rudy said, "preparation practice is the key". You might say who is Rudy? Will here he is, there is a little of him in all of us. All of us who dare to chase what we want!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Day 540- Life is a challenge and how you look at it determines what you see

Friday, August 14, 2009
Day 539- I got some rest
Today I plan on getting to the gym at around 10:00 ish. My mind is getting focused on a good hard work out with a lot of energy. The weather is beautiful. Its one of those mornings that are just bursting with energy. My mind feels very clear today. When there is a refreshing break from the weather I usually feel that way. I am psyched to get to the work out. Looking at the all time home run list excites me to see Michael Jack Schmidt is next with 548 home runs.
I wish I had more time today I feel like doing 2 workouts - Who knows I just may hitch it up for a double ride!

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Day 538 - I will have stronger legs today
Want to---I did! Increase my total from yesterday- Did a 863 in 60. Was not totally satisfied with the number 863. Was at 452 @ 30 minute mark.Fought for and got a 409 on the last 30.
As I go through this valley of lower numbers and not getting numbers of calorie consumption that I had previous I realize that its good to struggle, its a good learning experience. I can study my actions more thoroughly. For example, when I get on the life cycle why is it that I do not pedal as hard as I have in the past? Could it be I am not willing to pay the price of the pain in the effort? Or is it because I do not have the strength to pedal as hard as I have in the past?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day 537- Charging ahead to pass the Mick
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Day 536- today we tie the Mick

Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 535 - I remember this day 41 years ago like it was yesterday
Here is a thought, let us dedicate all our workouts to someone?
OK Mick, that one was for you. I started like a house of fire did 472 in the 1st 30 minutes that is almost a 16 calories burned per minute pace.Then can you believe it? I did less than 400 in the next 30 minutes. A freak in 380 that's not good - And I cannot explain the drop. I had an almost easy pace going in the 1st 25 or so minutes I slowed a little heading into the 30 minute mark. However, in the 30Th minute BAM I hit a wall. Legs felt a little sore and tightened up. I was was at 605 at the 40 minute mark. That is a 605-472= 133 in in 10 minutes that is a big drop considering I was averaging a 16 per minute @ 20 minutes, 15.73 at the 30 minute and by the 40 minute minute mark I was at 15.13. Bottom line, I just kept going down. The good news is that my disappointment did not last long I bounced back and was excited to do 4600 + crunches and set my own personal record for consecutive minutes doing the plank exercise.Yep, sure enough I was able to do the plank today for 18minutes and 10 seconds straight. Can I get an AMEN? That was fun!
So my abs were worked well and so were my legs. Heck, I must have been totally spent to not be able to do better than an 852. Tomorrow we tie the Mick! 536 can't wait.
Day 534- Jimmie Foxx a struggle to get in this post in
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Day 533- Gym opens at 7am - Excited about being strong
The weather is awesome - I felt awesome. It was an early start. considering the fact that I stayed up to watch a 15 inning marathon baseball game. In which my beloved yankees beat their rival Red Sox on a 2 run walkoff homer by the red sox anti-hero AROD!-HA!
My schedule was down @ 1am-up @ 5:30 am= 4 1/2 hours of rest perfect-Ah, the sleep of the laborer is sweet. Today was an abbreviated version of a typical workout. Just 60 minutes on the lifecycle. Then 13 minutes of straight plank. Followed by some light curls. My 60 minutes worth of distance ride was strong in the 1st 30 minutes besides a slower start. I played tough at the end enough to keep my goal of at least 15 calories a minute.
Someone was interested enough today to ask me questions about my work out. Also regarding my eating habits. I shared my eating habits with the individual. So I will share them here now.
After my work out I take 2 vitamins with some Bom dia Acia juice. Then I eat fruit. Usually apples and then I drink orange juice mixed with seltzer. Then I go to work. There I sometimes take a break and eat some fruit usually apples. The when I get home later at night I have salad with chicken mixed with fruit.Usually blueberries. If I am still hungry I treat my self to low fat corn chips( 1/2 gram of saturated fat) only or maybe some kettle corn. With no butter.
Then I am off to bed. My diet is set up where I eat no diary.No red meat. I guess you can say I am a vegan except for eating chicken breast. Well, I am out of time need to go to work.
Jimmie Foxx's record will be challenge because it will done at a different gym.
Friday, August 7, 2009
day 532- A beautiful day for the work out!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Day 531- I will approach all challenges with an attitude of gratitude
Did a 906 burn today- Had a sluggish start then kept getting stronger then finished with a decent kick. At times I feel out of place. There I am pedaling like a mad man giving it all I got sweating like crazy, focusing on getting a certain number reached within a certain period of time. While sitting next to are several just biding their time and giving average effort at best to finish their work out. Why? Why would one person bust it and be really into it while the other can hardly wait til its over? I think in this case its a question of goals. To others the workout my not be that much of a big deal, to some it really means a lot. I have a lot of views on this subject I promise to share with you all at a later date.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
day 530- Here I am a little later than usual

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Day 529- As Sam Rosen said, "the waiting is over"
SEVERAL HOURS LATER...............
There are times when you are deep in the throes of competition when a split second decision can mean victory or defeat.My experience in riding told me I was almost cooked at the 32 minute mark. I had burned off 468 calories in the 1st 30 minutes. Which is an awesome pace. The best I had done since the rule change. However, I knew this pace was about to go down. So rather just watch this strong early ride be diminished to just a mediocre ride. I lowered my resistance to get my strength back. I lost alot on my pace but I got my strength back. Unlike so many times before when I would lose my pace and my strength, this time I kept my strength. By keeping my strength I was able to get back to a decent pace. Once I got back to a decent pace I able to put together a strong kick. I feel what people do realize when the challenge themselves they involve themselves in a game. The game is so much fun once you throw your self into it. All it is you and the clock and the goal is to burn off as many calories as you could when a certain period of time. Now, here is the key, can you get excited about doing that? If you can it is loads of fun.
As I said before when I was about 11 or 12 years old my two favorite movies were "The loneliness of a long distance runner" and "Running Brave"
The main focus of these movies is about the sheer joy of achievemennt while running. "Lonliness" is more about rebellion but the calmness that is felt from running can not be denied. Running Brave is all about have a great finish a kick at the end that shows everyone what the main character is really made out of! I believe that spirit is in me more than ever now.
You know it is strange even though I did not hit my goal of 908 today, I managed to benefit from the action. I will take 901 and run with it.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Day 528- my day to workout
I believe it was Tony Robbins who said action feeds result and result feeds confidence and confidence feeds belief and belief feeds more action. As the cycle continues you develop into a confident individual. The bottom line is first you must ACT! So, get up off your chair and go--
I did about 1500 of those in 15 minutes then did 100 crunches on the ab machine. I was fired with enthusiasm. Tomorrow is a new day- goal is 908+ calories burned in 60 minutes, Day 529 awaits.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Day 527- Everyone loves a winner
A titanic struggle that ends with a flourish! I was very determined to break yesterday's mark of 904 calories burned in 60 minutes and I set out and I did it! I did it by not standing up on the pedals; technically I rose from the seat but only a little. I kept switching the resistance levels. In the end, in effort to break 904 I challenged myself to do the highest level that the life cycle could go to complete the goal. In the final five minutes I went all out. As I sit here eating ice cold watermelon I cannot help but feeling satisfied knowing I gave it all I had. Enjoy your day and don't be a player hater.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Day 526-A great day to start early as August arrives
Did it ! Did it! Strategy worked! Folks I am here to tell ya its not easy but its worth it. They once interviewed a very wealthy person and they asked the person, "so now that you have worked hard and achieved your goal was it worth it?" Guess what that person said? That person said " If I had known it was going to be this good I would have worked harder" Folks on a small scale of self satisfaction working out and working out hard is not easy but I'll tell ya again its WORTH IT!